Deadfish x
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Deadfish x is a superset of Jonathan Todd Skinner's Deadfish. There are twice as many commands and uses the XKCD variant.
I (User:firefly431) will be writing a Python interpreter, but you guys can write whatever you want.
x | Add 1 to x. |
k | Output x to the console. |
c | Square x. |
d | Subtract 1 from x. |
X | Start a function. The next character is the function name. |
K | Output x as an ASCII character. |
C | End the function or execute a function. |
D | Set x to 0. |
X (the variable) can only go from 0 to 255. If it goes above or below, it will be set to 0. You can type as many commands as you want on a line, but the prompt will only be shown when you push enter.
Sample Programs
To run these, save them and run them, or just copy and paste.
Prints out "Hello, world!"
Prints out the entire alphabet.
My interpreter. Put something here if you find a bug.
# Deadfish x Programming Language # By firefly431 # This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. # Visit <> for the full thing. x = 0; funcname = ""; curfunc = ""; lastc = ''; functions = {}; q_="i;iyratnrt gatmivpo"; _q=[0, 14, 17, 18, 4, 6, 10, 5, 7, 9, 2, 11, 8, 12, 16, 15, 13, 3, 1]; tar = []; for i in _q: tar.append(q_[i]); tar="".join(tar); import webbrowser; def openxkcd(num):""+str(num)+"/"); def process(c): #Finite State Machine global x; global funcname; global curfunc; global lastc; global functions; if x<0 or x>255: x=0; if (lastc == 'X'): #we are starting a function funcname = c; print("Function start: "+c); lastc = ''; #so if the name is C or X we don't process it return; if (lastc == 'C'): #we are executing a function print("Execute function: "+c); lastc = ''; #same thing if (c in functions): for q in functions[c]: #c is taken process(q); else: print("Function '"+c+"' does not exist."); return; if funcname != "" and c != 'C': #We are in a function print("In function"); curfunc += c; lastc = c; return; #check commands, function commands pass. if c == "x": x+=1; elif c == "k": print(str(x)); elif c == "c": x*=x; elif c == "d": x-=1; elif c == "X": pass; elif c == "K": print(chr(x),end=""); elif c == "C": if funcname != "": print("End Function"); lastc = ''; #so we don't execute a function functions[funcname] = curfunc; funcname = ""; curfunc = ""; return; elif c == "D": x=0; lastc = c; def getInput(str = ""): global x; global tar; if str=="": inp = input(">> "); #change this to raw_input() if using python 2.x else: inp = str; if inp == tar: openxkcd(1061%354); for c in inp: process(c); import sys; fname = ""; lines = []; if len(sys.argv)>1: fname = sys.argv[1]; if fname != "": try: fp = open(fname,"r"); lines = fp.readlines(); fp.close(); except: print("Could not open file '"+fname+"'."); if len(lines)>0: for line in lines: getInput(line); else: try: while True: getInput(); except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Bye!");
-- Deadfish x in pure Lua -- By Atenfyr local functions = {} function deadfishx(str, tx) local ignore = {} local tx = tx or 0 for i = 1, #str do if tx < 0 or tx > 255 then tx = 0 end if not ignore[i] then local instr = str:sub(i, i) if instr == "x" then tx = tx + 1 elseif instr == "k" then io.write(tx) elseif instr == "c" then tx = tx ^ 2 elseif instr == "d" then tx = tx - 1 elseif instr == "X" then local _, nextC = str:sub(i+2):find("C") nextC = nextC+i+1 for n = i+1, nextC do ignore[n] = true end functions[str:sub(i+1, i+1)] = str:sub(i+2, nextC) elseif instr == "K" then io.write(string.char(tx)) elseif instr == "C" then ignore[i+1] = true tx = deadfishx(functions[str:sub(i+1, i+1)]:sub(1, -2), tx) elseif instr == "D" then tx = 0 end end end return tx end -- If it's being loaded as a library (for some reason), then they now have the deadfishx function and the file can be closed if pcall(debug.getlocal, 4, 1) then return end local q_ = "i;iyratnrt gatmivpo" local _q = {1, 15, 18, 19, 5, 7, 11, 6, 8, 10, 3, 12, 9, 13, 17, 16, 14, 4, 2} local tar = {} for _, i in pairs(_q) do tar[#tar+1] = q_:sub(i, i) end tar = table.concat(tar, "") local function openXKCD(n) if package.config:sub(1,1) == "\\" then os.execute('start "" "http:///' .. n .. '/" >nul 2>&1') else -- I don't want to install Linux so if this breaks Linux users please let me know os.execute("xdg-open" .. n .. "/ &> /dev/null") end end local x = 0 local tArgs = {...} if tArgs[1] then local open =[1], "r") if not open then print("File does not exist!") os.exit() end local content = open:read("*a"):gsub("\r\n", ""):gsub("\n", "") open:close() deadfishx(content, x) os.exit() end while true do io.write(">> ") local cmd = if cmd == tar then openXKCD(1061%354) else x = deadfishx(cmd, x) end io.write("\n") end