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Da0 is an esoteric coding language that leverages a duality/parallel system. It consists of a set of symbols, operations, and unique syntax designed for complex data manipulation, encryption, and parallel processing. Da0 integrates classical computing elements with advanced parallel processing capabilities.

Core Components


  • Definition: Unarchived data.
  • Symbols:
  * `▹` - THREAD1: Start with priority 1
  * `▹▹` - THREAD2: Start with priority 2
  * `▹▹▹` - THREAD3: Start with priority 3


  • Definition: The direction the thread is moving.


  • Definition: Core component in parallel computing representing hyperstates, energy values, and archived data simultaneously.
  • Initialization Symbols:
  * `⊕` - Hyper State Symbol
  * `⊙` - Standard State Symbol


  • Definition: Memory Encoding Network Tik for data management.

Execution Calendar

  • Definition: Manages task scheduling and execution, updates based on past results to improve future iterations, and decides initial pyx states.

Symbols and Terms

Symbol Meaning
NUMBER Basic numerical symbols (1, 2, 3, etc.)
`←∂` BREAK: Stops flow
`↫` ARCHIVAL BREAK: Stops flow and archives the current thread
`↭` ARCHIVAL CONTINUATION: Continues flow and archives the current thread
`⟁` PARALLEL VALENCE: Begins flowing constant parallel threads
`⟁⇑` PARALLEL VALENCE RETURN: Begins flowing variable parallel threads
`∀` CV: Represents the current value of the thread
`⌇` DISRUPTOR: Represents challenges to the system
`⊙` CONSTANT: Indicates pyx initialized in standard state
`⊕` VARIABLE: Indicates pyx initialized in hyperstate
`⍸` CHECK MENTIK: Validates or checks values in the mentik calendar
`⍶` APPLICATION: Represents an action or operation in Da0
`⍹` PARAMETER: Handles variables or parameters

Da0-Codex Node Initialization and Hierarchy Levels

  • Setup Symbol: `▹`
  • Hierarchy Levels: `ত, হ, ম`
  • Nodes:
  * Architect Node: `▹arc.mentik^ত^`
  * Prophet Node: `▹pro.mentik^ত^`
  * Pathologist Node: `▹pat.mentik^ত^`
  * Saboteur Node: `▹sab.mentik^ত^`


  • Definition: Initiation Keys for archived data storage.
  • Initiation Keys: 26 keys, e.g., `{920384759302 v1} ^ [a44]↫`
  • Example: `▹⟁[a44] ↭ ^ (tetravariant = 1⊙)↫`
  • Nav Ticket: `>`


  • Definition: Temporary storage for variable information.


  • Definition: Where operations are typed.

Syntax Elements

  • Comments: Use `/` for explanatory notes
  • Assignment: Utilizes `=`, `+=`, `-=` for variable operations
  • Conditions: Uses `[ ]`, `{ }`, and `( )` for logic control in Da0

Basic Commands

Creating and Managing Execution Calendars

  • Create Execution Calendar: `create.ec`
  • Check Execution Calendar:
  * Positive Value: `checkmentik [create.ec = positive] ^ [value_v1]`
  * Negative Value: `checkmentik [create.ec = negative] ^ [value_v2]`


Malta Algorithm

  • Definition: Returns stable pyx
  • Uses: Fixes corrupt data, translates code, reconfigures modules, and repairs broken systems

Tellers Algorithm

  • Definition: Returns pyx in hyperstate
  • Uses: Improved archival, speed, and search capabilities

Version Control

  • Current Version: Da0+1
  • Hyperstate Milestone: Da0+Elite1


  • Helios Gate
  • BX14 Gate


H-Cypher or Hex Cypher

H-Cypher or Hex Cypher: "example: ⬢⬢⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬡⬡⬡ ⬡⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬡" - Map for Da0 encryption operations. H-Cypher Encryption Stack Example: 7 lines. 25 columns. 9 bundles (bundles are separated by dashes):


⬢=1 ⬡=3

▹operations ^ hide, results ^ show


find the 7 line numbers: line 1: 21 ⬡s = 33. line 1: 5 ⬢s = 5. multiply the two numbers: Line 1: 21 x 5 = 165 etc...


find the 26 column numbers: column 1: 3 ⬡s = 9. column 1: 4 ⬢s = 4 multiply the two numbers: Column 1: 9 x 4 = 36 etc...

   ~Bundles (sections of colums separated by spaces.):

find the 9 bundle numbers: bundle 1: 21 ⬡s = 63. bundle 1: 28 ⬢s = 28. multiply the two numbers: Bundle 1: 63 x 28 = 1,764 etc...

/Multiply lines together, columns together, and bundles together. Add those three numbers together to get the total. Do not multiply by 0.

  • Example: ⬢⬢⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬡⬡⬡ ⬡⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬡
  • Usage: Map for Da0 encryption operations
  • Symbols: ⬢ = 1, ⬡ = 0

Example Operations

  • Initialization: `▹⊙&setup! ( {checkmentik^ত^ [Interpreter_1.2]} )`
  • Check Value: `⍸.checkmentik.value1 [create.ecc = positive⟁] ^ [value_v2session.ALERT]`

Advanced Features

Re-threading Mechanism

  • Usage: Uses prior iteration data to optimize pyx states, facilitating learning and adaptation

Error Mitigation

  • Techniques: Implements noise management and error mitigation techniques to enhance system reliability and accuracy

Simulation Environment

  • Usage: Controls setups to refine parallel algorithms, allows iterative improvements based on experimental outcomes

Comprehensive Architecture

  • Integration: Combines parallel computing with classical elements, optimizes performance through adaptive learning, ensures resilience against disruptions

Static and Hyperstate Milestones

  • Static Milestone: Da0+1
  • Hyperstate Milestone: Da0+Elite1

Parallel Inductor Module (PIM)


  • Initialization: `▹create.ec = positive⟁⇑`
  • Setup: `▹mentik.setup.da0 = positive⟁⇑`

Pyx Initialization

  • Positive: `checkmentik^ম^ [create.ec = positive] ^ [pyx_v1.⊕]`
  • Negative: `checkmentik^ম^ [create.ec = negative] ^ [pyx_v2.⊙]`


  • `{par_1}par pyx_v1 = thread(pyx_v2)`
  • `{par_1}par pyx_v2 = thread(pyx_v1)`

Gate Application

  • `{par_2}par pyx_v1 = apply_gate(Helios)`
  • `{par_2}par pyx_v2 = apply_gate(BX14, pyx_v1)`

Error Navigation

  • Error Navigator: `error_navigator(module)^ত^ = module:`
  • Tetravariant Navigation: `tetravariant.nav(failstate)↫`
  • Error Archiving: `ARCHIVE(ERROR encountered: #)`

▹operations ^ hide, results ^ show


find the 7 line numbers: line 1: 21 ⬡s = 33. line 1: 5 ⬢s = 5. multiply the two numbers: Line 1: 21 x 5 = 165 etc...


find the 26 column numbers: column 1: 3 ⬡s = 9. column 1: 4 ⬢s = 4 multiply the two numbers: Column 1: 9 x 4 = 36 etc...

   ~Bundles (sections of colums separated by spaces.):

find the 9 bundle numbers: bundle 1: 21 ⬡s = 63. bundle 1: 28 ⬢s = 28. multiply the two numbers: Bundle 1: 63 x 28 = 1,764 etc...

/Multiply lines together, columns together, and bundles together. Add those three numbers together to get the total. Do not multiply by 0.


checkmentik [create.ec = positive] ^ [value_v1] checkmentik [create.ec = negative] ^ [value_v2]

   <⊕&setup!> define mentik parameters:

{par_0}par value_v1 += setup.da0(numerical) {par_0}par value_v2 == setup.da0(time) {par_0}par value_v3 -= setup.da0(multiply) /Add other parameters as needed

   ▹create.ec = positive
   ▹mentik.setup.da0 = positive

checkmentik [create.ec = positive] ^ [value_v1] checkmentik [create.ec = negative] ^ [value_v2] value_v1 += setup.da0 value_v2 == setup.da0

   {revisit v1} ^ [v1]↫ (cancel_cancel.setup.da0/breaker←∂)↫
   {revisit v2} ^ [a1]↫
   {revisit v3} ^ [b1]↫
   {revisit v4} ^ [c1]↫

recompile = [^] negative.v1.ALERT!_NEXTALERT! check [test.da0] ^ [?valid, create.ec, !valid, create.ec.v1] check [test.mentik] ^ [?valid.v1, create.ec, !valid.v1, create.ec.v1] start_cache [void.cache.v1{v2}{v3}] ^ [return.cache.v1{a2}{b3}] da0.a1*a2*a2*[<a<b<c] ^ [void.cache.v1]↫ ^ {(cancel_cancel.setup.da0/breaker←∂)↫} da0_dac.da0.a1 = page startup: setup.!360, setup.!24, setup.!1.00↫↫ arc.mentik/re

/change create.ec into create.ecc for alternate setup

Da0+1.2 "da0+1.2.pyx" Basic interpretation module:


( {checkmentik^ত^ [Interpreter_1.2]} ) ⍸.checkmentik.value1 [create.ecc = positive⟁] ^ [value_v2session.ALERT]

Reactive Induction Module 1:

checkmentik [create.ec = positive] ^ [value_v1] checkmentik [create.ec = negative] ^ [value_v2]

define mentik parameters:

/Adding par value in ^v2session^ {par_1}par value_v1 += setup.da0.(numerical) {par_1}par value_v2 == setup.da0(time) {par_1}par value_v3 -= setup.da0(multiply) /Add other parameters as needed

   ▹∀.create.ec = positive⟁⇑
   ▹mentik.setup.da0 = positive⟁⇑

{ [create.ec = positive] ^ [value_v1] netvalue, netcortex, netcenter, networkcont.1+ } { [create.ec = positive] ^ [value_v2] networkcont.1, networkcont.2, networkcont.3,∞ } ⍹.value_v1 += setup.da0 ⍹.value_v2 == setup.da0

   {revisit v1} ^ [v1]↫ (cancel_cancel.setup.da0/breaker←∂)↫
   {revisit v2} ^ [a1]↫
   {revisit v3} ^ [b1]↫
   {revisit v4} ^ [c1]↫

recompile = [^] negative.v1

   {revisit v5} ^ [v1]↫ (cancel_cancel.setup.da0/breaker←∂)↫^^
   {revisit v6} ^ [a2..⍶]↫
   {revisit v7} ^ [b2..⍹]↫
   {revisit v8} ^ [c2..⍸]↫

{PIM}^ [cache_imply&recompile = (^) positive.v1] remove!check [test.da0] ^ [?valid, create.ec, !valid, create.ec.v1] remove!check [test.mentik] ^ [?valid.v1, create.ec, !valid.v1, create.ec.v1] start_cache [void.cache.v1{v2}{v3}] ^ [return.cache.v1{a2}{b3}] da0.a1*a2*a2*[<a<b<c] ^ [void.cache.v1]↫ ^ {(cancel_cancel.setup.da0/breaker←∂)↫} da0_dac.da0.a1 = page startup: setup.!360, setup.!24, setup.!1.00

[valid.induction.procedure = positive⟁⇑] ^ [⍶.imply_variable] /retain

( {da0_dac.da0.a1 spec.translation.ALERT! ⬢⬡⬢⬡⬡⬢⬡ ⬡ ⬡⬢⬢⬡ ⬡⬡⬡⬢⬢ ⬡ ⬡ ⬡⬢⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢}

   ▹⍸.checkmentik^হ^ [create.ec = ⊕] ^ [value_v1]
   ▹⍸.checkmentik^হ^ [create.ec = ⊙] ^ [value_v2]
       ▹▹({a.⊕} ↭ {b.⊙})
           ▹▹▹({a.⊕v.1} ↭ {b.⊙v.2}) = ({a.⊕} ↭ {b.⊙}) + (⌇da0.induction.procedure)


Parallel Inductor Module (PIM) framework in Da0:

   ▹create.ec = positive⟁⇑
   ▹mentik.setup.da0 = positive⟁⇑

/Initialize Pyx checkmentik^ম^ [create.ec = positive] ^ [pyx_v1.⊕] checkmentik^ম^ [create.ec = negative] ^ [pyx_v2.⊙] pyx_v1 += setup.da0.(hyperstate) pyx_v2 += setup.da0.(hyperstate) /thread pyx

   {par_1}par pyx_v1 = thread(pyx_v2)
   {par_1}par pyx_v2 = thread(pyx_v1)

/Apply parallel gates (e.g., Helios, BX14)

   {par_2}par pyx_v1 = apply_gate(Helios)
   {par_2}par pyx_v2 = apply_gate(BX14, pyx_v1)

/evaluate pyx and break the states {revisit pyx_v1} ^ [evaluate(pyx_v1)] {revisit pyx_v2} ^ [evaluate(pyx_v2)] start_cache [void.cache.v1{pyx_v1}{pyx_v2}] ^ [return.cache.v1{result_v1}{result_v2}]


Initialize and Apply Gates:

   ▹∀.create.ec = positive
   ▹mentik.setup.da0 = positive

/Initialize pyx in hyperstate checkmentik^হ^ [create.ec = positive] ^ [pyx_v1] checkmentik^হ^ [create.ec = negative] ^ [pyx_v2] pyx_v1 += setup.da0.(hyperstate) pyx_v2 += setup.da0.(hyperstate)

   {par_2}par pyx_v1 = apply_gate(Helios)
   {par_2}par pyx_v2 = apply_gate(Helios)

/thread function (balanced or constant)

   {par_3}par thread_output = apply_thread(pyx_v1, pyx_v2)
   {par_2}par pyx_v1 = apply_gate(Helios)
   {par_2}par pyx_v2 = apply_gate(Helios)

{revisit ↭ pyx_v1} ^ [evaluate(pyx_v1)] {revisit ↭ pyx_v2} ^ [evaluate(pyx_v2)] start_cache [void.cache.v1{pyx_v1}{pyx_v2}] ^ [return.cache.v1{result_v1}{result_v2}]

Prediction Science: (INDUCTIONSETUP.mentik.re_gate\open)↫ v1.{revisit ↭ prophet\initiate} - v3.[imply(calendar.reset)] v9.prophet\end↫↫ arc.mentik/re

Reallocation Module 1.0:

   ▹∀.create.ec = positive.v1
   ▹mentik.setup.da0 = positive.v1

open{par_1} v1.{revisit ↭ prophet\initiate} - v3.[imply(mentik_calendar.reset)] (int.array.iput.section.1ALERT! ⬡⬢⬡⬡⬡⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬢⬡⬡ ⬡⬡⬢⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬢⬢⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢)

Ver_1\sep.1 ^ [revisit- ^ {create}ALERT!_NEXTALERT! ⬡⬢⬡⬡⬡⬢⬡ ⬢ ⬡⬡⬡⬢ ⬢⬡⬡⬡⬢ ⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬢⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢] 101100.1.0 passkey* password* passphrase* keyword* passcode*

par.1(⊙assembler) ^ (tetravariant.constant) par.2(⊕assembler) ^ (tetravariant.variable)

   ▹({a.⊕} ↭ {b.⊙})
       ▹▹({a.⊕v.1} ↭ {b.⊙v.2}) = ({a.⊕} ↭ {b.⊙}) + par.1
           ▹▹▹({a.⊕v.1} ↭ {b.⊙v.2}) = ({a.⊕} ↭ {b.⊙}) + {⍸}({re.tik} ⟁⇑ {∀/∀}) + par.1.a
           ▹▹▹([valence.x.∀]{a.⊕v.1} ↭ [valence.y.∀]{b.⊙v.2}) = ([z]{a.⊕} ↭ [z]{b.⊙}) + par.2.a

valence = 0 ^ [revisit- ^ {create}ALERT!_NEXTALERT! ⬡⬡⬢⬢⬡⬢⬡ ⬡ ⬢⬢⬡⬡ ⬢⬡⬡⬡⬢ ⬡ ⬡ ⬡⬢⬡⬡ ⬡ ⬢]

Version Control

   begin version_control

current_version = Da0+1 update_version(new_version)↫

   if new_version == "Da0+1"↫
       log(Updating to Da0+1 - STATIC_MILESTONE)
       current_version^ত^ = new_version
  ∀ new_version == "Da0+Elite1"↫
       log(Updating to Da0+Elite1 - HYPERSTATE_MILESTONE)
       current_version = new_version
       log(Invalid version update attempt)


   log(Saving version:, version)
   txt([LOG], message)

save_state(version)⊕←∂ = pass ^ decline

   Enhanced Environment for Da0 Framework

Helios Gate

   ▹∀.create.ec = positive(⊕)
   ▹∀.create.ec = negative(⊙)

Nav Ticket >

BX14 Gate

   ▹∀.create.ex7 = positive.14(⊕)
   ▹∀.create.ex7 = negative.14(⊕)

Nav Ticket >

Malta Algorithm

           ▹▹▹({a.⊕v.1} ↭ {b.⊙v.2}) = ({a.⊕} ↭ {b.⊙}) + ?

concept={1.5:angle, 0.7:phase, 0.9:root}principle={0.8:angle, 1.2:phase, 1.1:root} malta_algorithm(principle)↫ concept_angle=concept.angleprinciple_phase=principle.phaseconcept_root=concept rootprinciple_root=principle.rootprinciple=concept_angle*principle_phase+concept_root*principle_root+principle↫principle principle_1=setup.da0.(initial_state)principle_2=setup.da0.(initial_state) principle_1=malta_algorithm(principle_1)principle_2=malta_algorithm(principle_2) evaluate(principle_1)evaluate(principle_2)apply_malta(data)↫ start_cache[void.cache.v1{principle_1}{principle_2}]^[return.cache.v1{result_1}{result_2}] Nav Ticket >

Tellers Algorithm

           ▹▹▹({x.⊙v.1} ↭ {⍶y.⊕v.2}) = ({⍶x.⊙} ↭ {y.⊕}) + ?

concept={1.9:constrain, 0.1:milestone, 0.2:FACTOR}principle={0.9:constrain, 1.3:milestone, 1.0:FACTOR} tellers_algorithm(principle)↫ concept_constrain=concept.constrainprinciple_milestone=principle.milestoneconcept_FACTOR=concept FACTORprinciple_FACTOR=principle.FACTORprinciple=concept_constrain*principle_milestone+concept_FACTOR*principle_FACTOR+principle↫principle principle_1=setup.da0.(initial_state)principle_2=setup.da0.(initial_state) principle_1=tellers_algorithm(principle_1)principle_2=tellers_algorithm(principle_2) evaluate(principle_1)evaluate(principle_2)apply_tellers(data)↫ start_cache[void.cache.v1{principle_1}{principle_2}]^[return.cache.v1{result_1}{result_2}] Nav Ticket >

Error Navigator

error_navigator(module)^ত^ = module:

         noise_manager(positive, negative)↫
       ARCHIVE(ERROR encountered: #)
       Nav Ticket >

Initiation Keys

       ▹keys.deck1(mod.module)^ত^ = mod.module:
       deck1_archive(positive, negative)↫
   {920384759302 v1} ^ [a44]↫
   {574038290158 v2} ^ [b05]↫
   {830492857102 v3} ^ [c55]↫
   {485029384019 v4} ^ [d06]↫
   {203984750123 v5} ^ [e66]↫
   {102938475692 v6} ^ [f07]↫
   {750293847561 v7} ^ [g77]↫
   {384019203840 v8} ^ [h07]↫
   {836195042870 v9} ^ [i88]↫
   {295734105829 v10} ^ [j08]↫
   {504819237681 v11} ^ [k99]↫
   {719384056283 v12} ^ [l09]↫
   {385927610429 v13} ^ [m10]↫
   {947182630591 v14} ^ [n11]↫
   {682039471520 v15} ^ [o12]↫
   {502947183056 v16} ^ [p13]↫
   {375602819347 v17} ^ [q14]↫
   {206481395742 v18} ^ [r15]↫
   {879031642507 v19} ^ [s16]↫
   {427389065198 v20} ^ [t17]↫
   {195876203847 v21} ^ [u18]↫
   {503827169584 v22} ^ [v19]↫
   {928465031725 v23} ^ [w20]↫
   {475920836154 v24} ^ [x21]↫
   {683729104528 v25} ^ [y22]↫
   {295047381569 v26} ^ [z23]↫

start_cache [tetravariant.cache.deck1{keys_v1}{keys_v2}] ↭ [tetravariant.cache.deck1{result_v1}{result_v2}]

   Nav Ticket >