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Coolfudge is a Befunge-93 derivative made by User:Tommyaweosme.


+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
% mod
! not
` greater than
> right
^ up
< left
v down
? random direction
_ horizontal if
| vertical if
/ mirror
\ mirror
) swap
. pop integer
, pop ascii
' pop tanstore
g get
p put
# bridge
& push integer
~ push ascii
( push tanstore (same effect on string mode)
" string mode
$ pop and delete
: duplicate top
@ ends program
0-9 pushes integer
* integer multi (like *87 would push 87)
s starting place, starts off going right
i increment top
d decrement top
q square top (no 256 behaviour like in Deadfish)
r pushes the value in position n (where n is the top)
; repeats previous command until stack is empty, then continues
[ goes to previous stack
] goes to next stack

Uppercase letters are warps like in Asciidots. Like this:

s   A
 A     v

Would push 12.

*? pushes a random number between 0 and the top of stack. If nothing is in stack, then ten is used.

Hello world

s"Hello, world!"~;


^  <

Truth machine

> ^