Collabi is a collaborative esolang. It was made by User:HammyHammerhead.
Base commands
The base commands are the same as the commands in Brainfuck.
Rules for adding things
- Don't modify other people's commands. (Typo fixes are OK.)
- Don't make a command dedicated to running a popular problem.
- Don't make commands that run the rest of the code in a completely different programming language.
- You are allowed to add a stack if you want.
this is future user:hammerheadhammy. the stack has been added.
<The command syntax> | <What the command does> | <Your username>
Added commands
° <text> | Just a comment. | User:HammyHammerhead
(x) | Push string x to the stack | User:Qawtykit
CONC | concatenate the top two strings on the stack | User:Qawtykit
COPY n; | Set the value at the top of the stack to the nth value in the stack (top of stack is 1st) | User:Qawtykit
JUP m:n; | Jump to the start of line n if the top of the stack is m characters long. | User:Qawtykit
PRINT | Pops the top of the stack and prints it. | User:HammyHammerhead
DUP | Duplicates top of stack. | User:HammyHammerhead
CONV | Converts a number on the top of the stack to a ASCII character. If something that isn't a number is on top of the stack (usually a ASCII character), it will convert back. | User:HammyHammerhead
PREV | Jump to the previous PREV command, or to the beginning of the program if there is none before this one. | User:PkmnQ
PUT | Get a number from input and put it in the current cell | User:Qawtykit
CLL | Push the current cell's value in unary (asterisks) to the top of the stack | User:Qawtykit
{ | Push the opening parenthesis character to the top of the stack | User:PkmnQ
} | Push the closing parenthesis character to the top of the stack | User:PkmnQ
CHARCLL | Push the ASCII character corresponding to the current cell's value to the top of the stack | User:PkmnQ
STB | Stands for STart From Beginning. Restarts the program over to the first line. | User:HammyHammerhead
IGNORE [Newline] {code} [Newline] EXIT | Ignores whatever is inside {code}. Useful for multi-line comments. | User:HammyHammerhead
🎲 | Pops the top two values on the stack. We will call them X and Y. Generates a random number between X and Y and pushes it onto the stack. | User:HammyHammerhead
DECL (variable name) (value) | Declares a variable called (variable name) and sets it to (value). User:HammyHammerhead
SET (variable name) (value) | Sets (variable name) to (value). | User:HammyHammerhead
∞ | Returns infinity. | User:HammyHammerhead
REP (repval) {code} EXIT | Repeats {code} (repval) times. | User:HammyHammerhead
NOP | Does nothing. | User:HammyHammerhead
EVAL text | Evaluate text in the Python. | User:PrySigneToFry
SOURCE | Returns the source of code. That is work like sys.argV[0] in Python. | User:PrySigneToFry
OUTPUT x | Output the value of x. | User:PrySigneToFry
Hello World
User:HammyHammerhead was here. I made this!
(Hello, World!) PRINT
This program is designed by PrySigneToFry.
OUTPUT "Hello, world!"
PUT CLL JUP 1:2; (0) PRINT JUP 0:3; (1) PRINT JUP 1:2;
By User:PkmnQ