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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.

Clusterfuck is a heavily added-to version of Brainfuck. This specification is not finished yet.

Language Overview

Clusterfuck uses the a predefined 2d matrix for its storage array - the array has a predefined finite size and either wraps or does not wrap (depending on settings). Each cell is a byte long and either wraps or does not wrap depending on settings.

Command Description
> Move the pointer to the right
< Move the pointer to the left
v Move the pointer down
^ Move the pointer up
+ Increment the memory cell under the pointer
- Decrement the memory cell under the pointer
. Output the character signified by the cell under the pointer
, Input a character and store it in the cell under the pointer
[ Jump past the matching ] if the cell under the pointer is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if the cell under the first pointer is not 0
{ Jump past the matching { if the cell under the pointer is not 0
} Jump back to the matching } if the cell under the first pointer is 0

Implementation Notes

  • Newlines are *always* \x10
  • The data matrix must be at least 256 by 256 but can be larger.
  • Each cell must range from 0 to 255 (an unsigned byte)

Current (Unfinished) Implementation

   #include <stdio.h>
   #define MAXCODESIZE 65536
   #define COLS 65536
   #define ROWS 256
   #define CP  ( cp + ( COLS * rp ) )
   int data[ROWS * COLS], cp, rp;
   char code[MAXCODESIZE]; int codep, codelength;
   int jmp_t[MAXCODESIZE]; // [ ] { }
   int mem_t[256]; // (
   int ret_t[256], retp; // )
   void loadprogram(char *filename)
       FILE *prog;
       if(!(prog = fopen(filename, "r"))) fprintf(stderr,"Can't open the file %s.\n", filename),exit(1);
       codelength = fread(code, 1, MAXCODESIZE, prog);
   void matchbrackets()
       int stack[MAXCODESIZE];
       int stackp = 0;
       for(codep=0; codep<codelength; codep++)
           switch( code[codep] ){
               case '{':
               case '[':
                   stack[stackp++]=codep; break;
               case '}':
               case ']': 
                   if(stackp==0) fprintf(stderr,"Unmatched ']' at byte %d.", codep), exit(1);
                       jmp_t[codep]         = stack[stackp];
                       jmp_t[stack[stackp]] = codep;
       if(stackp>0) fprintf(stderr,"Unmatched '[' at byte %d.", stack[--stackp]), exit(1);
   void execute()
       int c;
               case '+': data[CP]++; break;
               case '-': data[CP]--; break;
               case '<': cp--; break;
               case '>': cp++; break;
               case 'v': rp++; break;
               case '^': rp--; break;
               case ',': if((c=getchar())!=EOF) data[CP]= (c=='\n'?10:c); break;
               case '.': putchar(data[CP]==10?'\n':data[CP]); break;
               case '[': if(!data[CP]) codep = jmp_t[codep]; break;
               case ']': if( data[CP]) codep = jmp_t[codep]; break;
               case '{': if( data[CP]) codep = jmp_t[codep]; break;
               case '}': if(!data[CP]) codep = jmp_t[codep]; break;
               // This little bit still doesnt quite work right... dunno why, recursion most likely.
               case '(':
                   mem_t[ data[CP] ] = codep + 1;
                   while( code[codep] != ')' ) codep++;
               case ')':
                   codep = ret_t[ retp-- ];
               case '&':
                   ret_t[ retp++ ] = codep;
                   codep = mem_t[ data[CP] ];
   int main(int argc, char **argv)
       if (argc > 2) fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments.\n"), exit(1);
       if (argc < 2) fprintf(stderr, "I need a program filename.\n"), exit(1);