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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
Paradigm(s) Stack-based
Designed by User:Joe
Appeared in 2024
Computational class Turing complete
Major implementations In Factor (GitHub)
File extension(s) .cntr

Cantor is an esolang created by User:Joe, in 2024, after imagining a stack based language with minimal/no stack shuffling. It is named after George Cantor for his work on infinities.


Cantor consists of access to infinitely many stacks, and there are only a few operations you can do on these stacks. There is a catch though. To encourage the use of varying stacks, every stack can only store 7 items (so people just don't use the first 2 stacks).

Its basically a tape of stacks. Kinda a weird brainf***.


The integers can be both positive and negative. Positive numbers indication movement to the right, and negative to the left.

The number 0 can be used to refer to the current stack. For instance, >0 wont move the stack, and =0 dups the top item on the stack.

If an item is copied or moved to a full stack, it is removed.

(...) can be used for comments.

>n :
moves the current stack n away.
=n :
copies the value at the top of the current stack to the top of stack n away
#m :
moves the value at the top of the current stack to the top of stack n away (the value on the top of the current stack is popped off)
[...] :
push string (the text within the brackets) to the top of the current stack
! :
include the string on the current stack into the actual program (to evaluate it)
+ :
concatenate the top two strings on the current stack.
^ :
output the top string on the current stack, popping it (I view this as an extra command just for IO. not necessary for the spirit of cantor)

Turing Completeness


(I am not too sure if this is a full proof yet, because it doesn't take into account that each stack can only hold 7 items)

On the Underload page, it is shown that :()^ is a Turing Complete reduction. And for Cantor, we can show that it can perform these operations.

: = n=n
where n is an arbitrary stack. (n=n copies its top value to the top of the stack)
() = []n
^ = !n

We are done. (I think)

Example Programs

Hello, world!

[Hello, world!]^

Infinite Loop


Truth Machine

(Based off of the Underload Truth Machine) There is no input, so [] on the top of the stack represents 0, and a [#7] represents 1. There example below has an input of 1.

(7 is the garbage stack)


Factor implementation