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call/cc is a control flow operator common to LISP-like languages, notably Scheme.

English explanation

call/cc takes a single function as an argument. It calls that function with a special value called a "continuation". This continuation represents "the rest of the program" from the call/cc onwards. If the continuation is invoked, it will automatically transfer program execution back to the point of the call/cc, thus running the "rest of the program" that it represents. This is a one-way transfer - control never returns to the invoker of a continuation.

Continuations are a higher-level equivalent to the "goto" statement, which is similar in that it performs a one-way transfer of execution to a previously specified point. A language with continuations gives its programs a powerful tool for creating your own forms of control flow, much as you might do with "goto" in an unstructured language.

Continuations can also be thought of as a bizarre form of exceptions. When an exception is thrown and caught, execution returns to the code that caught the exception. When a continuation is invoked, execution returns to the context that captured the continuation, but it does so even if that code already returned.

A metaphor

Picture a gift-wrapped present. Now, a magician creates a magical hat of time-travel. Any object put inside the hat will be sent through time to the exact moment when the present is unwrapped, and will become the contents of the gift. So, if the magician puts a rabbit in the hat, the gift will contain a rabbit. Instead of putting a rabbit in the present, the magician places her own magic hat. The receiver of the present opens the present and pulls out the magic hat. Into it he puts a lump of coal for no particular reason. The coal is sent back in time; suddenly, the receiver of the gift never pulled a hat out of the present, but instead a lump of coal. The magician's hat is nowhere to be found. call/cc is a magic hat, which leads to a specific moment in the execution of a program. If you feed the magic hat a value, the evaluation of a function, in other words, the unwrapping of the present, has that value. The program flow reverses or jumps forward to when it would evaluate the call/cc function, then returns the given value.


The full name of call/cc is "call with current continuation". A continuation on its own is a way of storing what to do next. For example, when counting to 10, a program runs through each number in turn. Once it has counted to 8, it knows that it still needs to count 9 and 10. The information of counting onwards to 9 and 10, what to do next, is the continuation.

There exists a style of writing programs, called Continuation-Passing Style (CPS). In CPS, whenever a function finishes, it should return another function. The returned function is run afterwards, and it too will tell the program what function to execute next. Each of those functions is called a continuation, because it tells the computer what to do next. Control flow is explicit: an if/else conditional can be represented by returning either the if branch (as a function), or the else branch (as a function). The program will proceed by running the appropriate function, then proceeding with the continuation that results from the branch.

The explicit control flow can be a blessing for enabling time-travel-esque features. Consider a program that can run the TRUE branch of a function, then if something about the TRUE branch failed, simply run the FALSE continuation function, and continue as if it had picked FALSE all along. This can be viewed as time travel, but in logic programming is more commonly visualised as "backtracking", as if the program was navigating a maze and hit a dead-end. A program that can return to previous states is powerful; an interpreter that allows the program it is running to tell it to return to a previous point in the execution is a versatile interpreter.

With respect to call/cc

With continuations in mind, we can return to what call/cc does. call/cc is a function which accepts another function. The second function, which we'll call f, is to be passed the cc in call/cc, i.e. the current continuation. The current continuation is another function (bear with me here). Whatever f returns, is treated as the result of the entire call/cc function. However, if the continuation is ever called, lets say on the number 42, whatever argument is passed to it i.e. 42, will replace the return value of f. The interpreter will load the continuation of when it was working out the value of f, but this time it'll have a new return value, 42. Execution will continue as normal from there. If the continuation is then called on 43, then execution again returns to the continuation, giving 43 instead of either 42 or the original value of f. The continuation needn't ever be called, or it may be called before f finishes running in order to effectively return earlier than usual. It can be called more than once, and it will never get to return a value, because execution will always jump away from where its return value would be needed. Unless it is called, the continuation is just another function.

Examples may help to understand.

Technical Specs

Example code

Usage in Esolangs

call/cc, if used esoterically, makes a language that uses it an honorary esolang.

See Also