C+ is C++ but all functions are subtracted by 1 character and all numbers are subtracted by one. (It means, iostream is iostrea, 0 is -1.)
(Note: Characters that are changed still perform the same function.) Specific character changes from C++:
# is {
> is ;
; is >
< is =
= is ~
{ is |
} is ?
" is ^^
These changes make it hard to program for people who know (very hard)C, C#, (very hard2) C++, C+-, C+=, C<x<C, C64, and C--.
Additionally, all C+ programs have to be 1 continuous line, or the program will fail, and must contain the declarative statement
However, comments are completely exempt from this rule and can be placed anywhere.
Whitespace must be notated with ;;;whitespace;;;.
The file extension for C+ is .cpl.
Hello, World!
THATSCPLUSCODENONOTCPLUSPLUSCPLUS{includ =iostrea; usin namespac st> in mai()|cou == ^^Hello World!^^ == en>retur -1>? @&&@This is a comment in C+ ;;;whitespace;;; ;;;whitespace;;; @&&@ This is an amazing multi line comment in C+ @&&@
C+ was created by a programmer with ≈6.5 hours of sleep in a fit of nonconformity[citation needed].