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Paradigm(s) imperative
Designed by Xradiation
Appeared in 2021
Memory system Cell-based
Dimensions one-dimensional
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation See below.
Influenced by Brainfuck
File extension(s) .bt

Braintuck or bt for short, is a derivative of brainfuck made by Xradiation (User:Xradiation) on 27-11-2021 with the purpose of learning. Braintuck is very similar to brainfuck, but its operations are decided based on two characters instead of one.


The interpreter goes over every character and reads it as well as its neighbor. So the code ABCD is read as AB BC CD. The two characters read by the interpreter determines what is executed. We can name these two characters A and B. Character A determines the handling, and B the handler for some of the handlings (see table 1)

tabe 1) handeling list
A handling
+ current cell += B
- current cell -= B
> cell pointer += B
< cell pointer -= B
[ Jump past the matching ] if the referenced cell is 0
] Jump back to the matching [ if the referenced cell is nonzero
. Output the character signified by B
, Input a character and store it in the current cell
tabe 2) handeler list
B handler
+- current cell
>< cell pointer
, Input
[]. 0

However when A is the same as B, B becomes one of the default values:

tabe 3) handeler Defauts
B Default
+- 1
>< 1
,[] Not applicable (ignored)
. current cell

Instruction list

Caption text
Instruction meaning
>+/>- pointer+= current cell
>> pointer += 1
>< pointer += pointer
>[ / >]/ >. nothing
>, pointer += input, inputptr +=1



   import sys

   inputStr = input()

   R = {
       'cell': 0,
       'codeptr': 0,
       'cellptr': 0,
       'input': 0,
       'zero': 0

   T = {
       '>': 'cellptr',
       '<': 'cellptr',
       '+': 'cell',
       '-': 'cell',
       '[': 'zero',
       ']': 'zero',
       ',': 'input',
       '.': 'zero'

   def RT(A, B):
       if A == B:
           return 1
       RTAB = R[T[B]]
       if RTAB == 'empty':
           RTAB = 0
       return RTAB

   def execute(filename):
       f = open(filename, "r")

   def evaluate(code):
       code = cleanup(list(code))
       bracemap = buildbracemap(code)

       cells, codeptr, cellptr, inputptr = [0], 0, 0, 0

       while codeptr < len(code)-1:


               R['cell'], R['codeptr'], R['cellptr'] = cells[cellptr], codeptr, cellptr
               if inputptr<=len(inputStr)-1:
                   R['input'] = ord(inputStr[inputptr])
                   R['input'] = 'empty';
               command = code[codeptr:codeptr+2]
               A = command[0]
               B = command[1]
               RTAB = RT(A, B)

               if A == ">":
                   cellptr += RTAB
                   if cellptr >= len(cells):
                       for i in range(cellptr-len(cells)+1):
               if A == "<":
                   cellptr = (cellptr - RTAB) % len(cells)
               elif A == "+":
                   cells[cellptr] = (cells[cellptr] + RTAB) % 255
               elif A == "-":
                   cells[cellptr] = (cells[cellptr] - RTAB) % 255
               elif A == "[" and cells[cellptr] == 0:
                   codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
               elif A == "]" and cells[cellptr] != 0:
                   codeptr = bracemap[codeptr]
               elif A == ".":
                   if B == A:
                       print(chr(cells[cellptr]), cells[cellptr])
                       print(chr(RTAB), RTAB)
               elif A == ",":
                   if R['input'] != 'empty':
                       cells[cellptr] = R['input']
                       inputptr += 1
                       cells[cellptr] = 0
               codeptr += 1
           except Exception as e:
               print(' '*codeptr+'^')
               print("Error at char "+str(codeptr+1))

               raise e

   def cleanup(code):
       return .join(filter(lambda x: x in ['.', ',', '[', ']', '<', '>', '+', '-'], code))

   def buildbracemap(code):
       temp_bracestack, bracemap = [], {}

       for position, command in enumerate(code):
           if command == "[":
           if command == "]":
               start = temp_bracestack.pop()
               bracemap[start] = position
               bracemap[position] = start
       return bracemap

   def main():
       if len(sys.argv) == 2:
           print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "filename")

   if __name__ == "__main__":


Hello, World!

++++->>[]<<+++->>[]<<++->>[]<<+++-.    H
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.        e
++++++++..                             ll
++++.                                  o
-+++++++++++++++++++++++-.             ,
-------------.                         space
+++++++++++++--.                       W
+++++++++++++++++++++++++.             o
++++.                                  r
-------.                               l
---------.                             d
-++++++++++++++++++--..                !

Truth machine


