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brainsplosion is a joke language created by User:Lilliepadlol. It is a stripped down version of Brainfuck. The source code can be found at (dead link)

Example programs


ABACA is the brainsplosion equivalent of "Hello, world!", because ABACA is waaaayy easier
output: "ABACA"

and that's pretty much all you can make with this language


Caption text
Command Function
+ increment the constant
- decrement the constant
< multiply the constant by 10
> divide the constant by 10
. output the constant as a number
, output the constant as a character based on it's ASCII value


User:Nomad says: I was here, and I made a one-line implementation in node.js:

// Save in a file and call it with 'node <filename> <brainsplosion_code>'
// Example:     node interpreter.js "++++++<+++++,+,+,"    -> Outputs "ABC"
[0,...process.argv[2]||''].reduce((v,c) => c == '+' ? v+1 : c == '-' ? v-1 : c == '<' ? v*10 : c == '>' ? v/10 : process.stdout.write(c == '.' ? ''+v : c == ',' ? String.fromCharCode(v) : '') && v);

External resources