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Bool was created by User:xmlns. In bool, the only data type is (guess what!) a Boolean. It allows for both objects and functions. All variables must start with a dollar sign($). A double-slash (//) is used to comment. Instructions are delimited by a semicolon(;). A number acts as a bool[], i.e. the number 5 is [1,0,1]. A char acts as its ASCII binary value as a bool[8], and a string acts as its ASCII value as a bool[8][]. Newlines are not included as part of an input. Bool's only functions/objects are:
bool $in $out and or not if while
To initialize $a, use:
bool() $a; //or bool(1) $a //(sets a to 1), or bool(0) $a //(sets a to 0)
To create the a "byte" object, use:
Object char { constructors{ ( bool[8] $a ); (); //allow a char to be formed with or without an initial value } default{ $a = (bool[8]) 0; //if a is not specified, set a to [0,0,0] using a type cast } value = $a; } char[]($in) $char; $out = $char;
This program asks for an input and displays the input.
void hello { constructors{ ( bool[8][] $name ) ; } $out = "Hello, $name!"; } $namein = $in; hello( $namein );
This program asks the user for a name and greets them.