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BinaryBits (or BB) is a language where everything is in binary. BB was created by User:Evylah for no particular reason.

This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.


Instructions, data, and everything else are all in binary. BB is designed for an 8-bit computer.

Data structure

Data is stored in a heap. There are 256 8-bit cells. In this page a memory cell will be referred to as M#, where # is a number.

Instructions can either write or read to a memory address.

Address M0 and M1 will be used for ALU operations. M2 is -1 (0b11111111), M3 is 0, and M4 is 1.


Instructions are all written as one 20 bit binary string. Each instruction is read like this:

 op   A        B
0110 10011010 11010010

… Just without the spaces. A and B are parameters. Any unused parameters for A or B can be filled with anything you want.


Flags are represented with one 8-bit binary string.

Bit Flag Character (readable form)
128 nothing N/A
64 nothing N/A
32 Unconditional (always true) U
16 is Positive +
8 is Zero 0
4 is Negative -
2 is Even E
1 carry C

These flags apply to the result of the last ALU operation (anything math or logic related).

  • Bits 128 and 64 don't do anything and can be filled with whatever you want.
  • Carry gets flagged when the operation results over 255.
  • Negative numbers are check if the 128 bit is a 1 (128 is -128 in 2's complement, and if the -128 bit is a 1 the entire number is negative.)

Instruction set

For parameters, they will be listed as M, #, or something else.

M is a memory cell, # is an immediate number.

Conditional branching

op name parameter A parameter B function/use
0000 JMP flags # Jump to instruction #B if any of the condition flags A are true. Jumping to instruction FF will halt the program, and the program counter will halt when it reaches FF.


op name parameter A parameter B function/use
0001 LOAD M # Load MA with #B
0010 UIP M - Ask user for a byte and load it into MA
0011 COPY M M Copy MA to MB
1001 OUT M - Output the value of MA


op name parameter A parameter B function/use
0100 ADD M - M0 + M1, store in MA
0101 INV M - Invert all bits of M0, store in MA
0110 INC M - MA = M0 + 1
0111 DEC M - MA = M0 - 1
1000 DEC M - MA = M0 - 1


If you are building this as an actual computer (good luck), outputting can be done with binary or hexadecimal. If you are programming an implementation with Python or something, use ASCII output.

Code examples

Readable form isn't the actual code. All numbers are written in hexadecimal (for easy converting to binary). Line numbers are added for clarity.

// denotes a comment.

All unused parameters in binary will be filled with 0.

A + B problem

Readable form

0 | UIP M0
1 | UIP M1
2 | ADD M3 // Add M0 and M1, store in M3
3 | OUT M3 // Output M3



Cat program

Terminates on 0.

Readable form

0 | LOD M1 0  // this gets added with the input to check for 0
1 | UIP M0
2 | ADD M0    // M0 = input, raise 0 flag if input is 0
3 | OUT M0
4 | JMP 0  FF // halt if 0
5 | JMP U  1  // Jump back to user input




Readable form

0 | UIP M0    // Input
1 | LOD 0  M1 // Load 0 to M1 to check
2 | ADD M0    // Check for 0
3 | JMP 0  6  // Jump to line 6 (output 0)
4 | OUT M4    // output 1 (M4 is always 1)
5 | JMP U  4  // jump to line 4 and repeat forever
6 | OUT M3    // output 0 (M3 is always 0)
7 | JMP U  FF // end
