BFFB (Brainfuck fucks brains) is a joke language (devised by User:Feuermonster, 2012) whose acronym incidentally is a palindrome. BFFB programs are essentially brainfuck programs with just one little restriction. Due to popular request BFB is an abbreviation for BFFB, incidentally both are palindromic. BFB is the official file extension for BFFB programs.
Any given program P consisting of a list of instructions L is a valid prorgam
iff P ∈ BF where BF is the set of all valid brainfuck programs. and iff L = mirror(L)
Where mirror is a function "mirroring" characters
[ → ] ] → [ > → < < → > + → + - → - . → . , → ,
[><] | [><]
An easy way to turn brainfuck programs into valid BFFB programs would be to put
at the end of the brainfuck program and then mirror it.
is a perfectly valid BFFB program.
is not a valid BFFB program.
Cat Program
The second part of the program never runs because the first loop never ends.