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Arrow is an open-source language that is written in C#. It was created by User:Fallensn0w.

Commands used in Arrow

Arrow uses 9 different commands (counting a loop as a single command).

Cmd Description
# makes a pixel at the current position.
¤ resets the color of current X and Y position.
& resets the current X and Y position.
> moves the current X position to right.
< moves the current X position to left.
^ moves the current Y position up.
V moves the current Y position down.
[ Jump to the matching ] if the current cell is zero. (currently not used)
] Jump to the matching [ if the current cell is nonzero (currently not used).
/* */ multi line comment.
? makes a red pixel at the current X and Y to determine where the user is on the screen.


This is the example program that is loaded with Arrow 3.0 every time you start the program.


FALLENSN0W will be printed to the screen.

External resources

  • Download the latest version of Arrow here.
  • Arrow is open-source and the source code is available at github (dead link) (old version).

See also