Annoying Alice 2D

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Annoying Alice 2D is a two-dimensional esolang that is inspired by 2D programming languages like Piet, using the difference in ARGB values between pixels. It has this name because it is pretty annoying to program.

Annoying uses the difference between green and alpha values for instructions, while using the difference between red and blue values as values; in addition you can assign any value to any color you want.

It will look for the assigned value of a color first; if the color is not assigned with a value it will use the difference between red values for the first and blue values for the second value.

If at least one of the colors are assigned with a value it will use the value of the first pixel as the first value and that of the second pixel as the second value. If any one of the values are not assigned it will use whichever color difference value it is using for that value by default.

First Value = Value of the first color if assigned or difference in red values

Second Value = Value of the seconf color if assigned or difference in blue values

Hello World!
43 Difference in Green Value Add first and second values and Set the result as Value of the first color
45 Difference in Green Value Subtract first and second values and Set the result as Value of the first color
42 Difference in Green Value Multiply first and seconf values and Set the result as Value of the first color
47 Difference in Green Value Divide first and second values and Set the result as Value of the first color
37 Difference in Green Value Get the remainder of the first value divded by second and Set the result as Value of the first color
115 Difference in Green Value Set Current Pointer Position
117 Difference in Green Value Set Current Pointer Direction
103 Difference in Green Value Get Pixel Color from a certain position and Set it as Value of the first color
255 Difference in Green Value Stop
82 Difference in Green Value Get the Difference in Red Values and Set it as Value of the first color
71 Difference in Green Value Get the Difference in Green Values and Set it as Value of the first color
66 Difference in Green Value Get the Difference in Blue Values and Set it as Value of the first color
65 Difference in Green Value Get the Difference in Alpha Value and Set it as Value of the first color
111 Difference in Green Value Output as the ASCII Charachter
200 Difference in Green Value Output as the byte value
105 Difference in Green Value Get Input and Set it as Value of the first color
25 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is less than 128
40 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is not equal to second value
80 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is equal to second value
60 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is equal or less than second value
62 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is less than second value
50 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is equal or greater than second value
52 Difference in Alpha Value Jumps over the next position if first value is greater than second value

Here's a crappy interpreter you can try it on