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ASCII Code is a esolang made by Mihai Popa. The goal is to fit a program in a ASCII square or rectangle.

Command list

Command list
Command Meaning
s Sets the current variable. Variable can be any of the 26 letters.
p Pushes the character next to it to the variable specified by the s command.
j Pushes the number next to it to the variable specified by the s command.
w Writes the contents of the variable specified by the s command as a ASCII character.
n Writes the contents of the variable specified by the s command as a number.
c Clears the variable specified by the s command.
h Halts execution.
i Stores user input to the variable specified by the s command.
g Prints the variable specified by the s command as a string (use with user input).
l Adds 2 variables and stores in the variable specified.
m Subtracts 2 variables and stores in the variable specified.
q Multiples 2 variables and stores in the variable specified.
d Divides 2 variables and stores in the variable specified.
f If statement, 2 variables (letters) or 2 numbers or a mix in between, execute code in the brackets.
y While loop, 2 variables (letters) or 2 numbers or a mix in between, execute code in the brackets.
a Start of forever loop.
o End of forever loop.
x For loop, start, end, step size (optional), execute code in the brackets.

Comments can be done with a percent sign, %, then end with a semicolon ;

Commands are separated by a semicolon.

Values are separated by a space.

It executes from left to right, top to bottom. Also, it's 2D, like in Befunge or Fish.

Detailed description of the if statement


| % If statement example ;        |
| f 3 5 n [s t ; p H ; w ; p i ;  |
| w ; p ! ; w ;] ;                |

Means if 3 and 5 are not equal, then print "Hi!"

The third value can be one of the following:

e = equal to

n = not equal to

g = greater than

l = less than

q = greater or equal to

s = less or equal to


Hello, world!

| % Hello, world! ;               |
| % in ASCII Code ;               |
| % "p   ;" means a space ;       |
|                                 |
| s t ; p H ; w ; p e ; w ; p l ; |
| w ; w ; p o ; w ; p , ; w ;     |
| p   ; w ; p w ; w ; p o ; w ;   |
| p r ; w ; p l ; w ; p d ; w ;   |
| p ! ; w ;                       |
|                                 |
| % End of program! ;             |


| % Cat in ASCII Code ; |
|                       |
| s i ; i ; g ;         |

XKCD Random Number

| % XKCD in ASCII Code ; |
|                        |
| s n ; p 4 ; w ;        |

Truth Machine

| % Truth Machine in ;   |
| % ASCII Code ;         |
|                        |
| s t ; i ; f t 0 e [    |
| p 0 ; w ;] ; w t 1 e [ |
| a ; p 1 ; w ; o ;] ;   |