ABPLWNL but with stack

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ABPLWNL but with stack
Designed by Mario0Fan
Appeared in 2022
Dimensions one-dimensional
Computational class Unknown
Reference implementation Interpreter
Influenced by ABPLWNL
idont need loops but I need a stack lol - Mario0Fan 2022

A Bad Programming Language With No Loops but with stack is a stack-based esolang made by User:Mario0Fan

This language is based off ABPLWNL.

If you don't know what a stack is, go check it out here


If you want to know how this language works, go here.

List of commands
Command Description
1 Increments A by 1.
2 Decrements A by 1 if its not 0
3 Swaps A and B.
4 If B is not 0, B is decremented by 1 and A is incremented by 1.
5 Adds the value of B to A and sets B to 0.
6 Prints the value of B
7 Prints an unicode character corresponding to the unicode value of B
8 Sets A to 0
9 Sets B to an integer the user has typed in.
a Skips the next command if A is equal to 0
t Pushes A onto the stack
u Sets A to the top value on the stack, then pops the top value.
e Exits the program

I didn't know what shortcut to give to these commands, so they're numbers and random letters.


The python interpreter has 2 errors:

ERROR 1: Unknown command.


ERROR 2: Stack Underflow


there's currently only 1 example ;-;



If a 0 is inputted, the program ends.

If a 1 is inputted, the program prints one 1 and ends.

How it works

It might just seem like gibberish, but its actually pretty simple

Command How it works
9 The user is asked for input, then it stores the input into B
3 It moves the input into A, so then it can be pushed into the stack.
t It pushes A (which stores the input) onto the stack, so it can be cloned to B.
3 Moves A (the input) into B.
u Pops the top value of the stack and puts it in A. Now both A and B have the input
a Skips the next command if A (the input that was just cloned) is 0
6 Prints the value of B (the input that was just cloned). Of course, this is skipped if A is 0
e Ends this program

im bad at explaining


Interpreter in Python (replit)

Interpreter for Linux in Python