7 bottles of tommyaweosme

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7 bottles of tommyaweosme is a programming challenge designed to be like 99 bottles of beer on the wall but different.

This is one of the requirements to be aweosme-complete.


7 bottles of tommyaweosme on the wall
7 bottles of tommyaweosme
take one down
get +100 health
6 bottles of tommyaweosme on the wall
6 bottles of tommyaweosme
take one down
get +100 health
2 bottles of tommyaweosme
take one down
get +100 health
one last bottle of tommyaweosme on the wall
one final bottle of tommyaweosme
walk away
keep it up there
let it ferment into greatness


Scratch-like pseudocode


for i in range(7, 1, -1):
    print("%d bottles of tommyaweosme on the wall\n%d bottles of tommyaweosme\ntake one down\nget +100 health" % (i,i))
print("one last bottle of tommyaweosme on the wall\none final bottle of tommyaweosme\nwalk away\nkeep it up there\nlet it ferment into greatness")

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