2 Bits, 1 Byte

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2 Bits, 1 Byte is an assembly language for a 2-bit CPU, made by User:Gilbert189. With 1 byte of memory, this machine could store at least 2 instructions.


The following are instructions of 2 Bits, 1 Byte:

Code Name Description
00 DON DO Nothing.
01 ACT ACTion. Given value in memory, change the value according to the following table:
From To
00 11
01 10
10 00
11 01
10 JMP JuMP. Jump (unconditionally) to address specified.
11 END END. Print the entire memory as character and end the program.

The instruction pointer can wrap around, thus allowing more "complicated" programs.


Since the memory is one byte, you can represent the entire program with just one character.

For example:




which, when disassembled, becomes:

ACT 00b
JMP 01b

Example codes

Endless loop



JMP 01b
END ; lol

Output 'm'


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ACT 10b
DON ; becomes END




Any digit outputs itself. For example:


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Each ASCII digit starts with 0011 in binary, so the first two instructions are DON END.

Also, any character with ASCII value not less than 0xC0 is a quine, because the first instruction is END.

Another Quine


Output "|"


Output "{"



nn 01 01 11

Where nn is replaced with the two-bit representation of the input: 00b or 01b. In line with truth-machines with limited IO, the memory location to monitor is the first two bits, and can be "read" every time the IP = 1. The final memory dump is not relevant under this convention. The zero input program is \x17 and the one input is W.

All examples

\x00 → Does not terminate
\x01 → Does not terminate
\x02 → Does not terminate
\x03 → \x03
\x04 → \xC4
\x05 → 5
\x06 → Does not terminate
\x07 → 5
\x08 → Does not terminate
\x09 → Does not terminate
\x0A → Does not terminate
\x0B → \x0B
\x0C → \x0C
\x0D → \x0D
\x0E → \x0E
\x0F → \x0F
\x10 → \xD0
\x11 → Does not terminate
\x12 → Does not terminate
\x13 → \xD3
\x14 → Does not terminate
\x15 → Does not terminate
\x16 → Does not terminate
\x17 → '
\x18 → \xD0
\x19 → m
\x1A → Does not terminate
\x1B → \x13
\x1C → \x1F
\x1D → \x1F
\x1E → \x1F
\x1F → Does not terminate
\x20 → Does not terminate
!    → Does not terminate
"    → Does not terminate
#    → Does not terminate
$    → Does not terminate
%    → Does not terminate
&    → Does not terminate
'    → Does not terminate
(    → Does not terminate
)    → Does not terminate
*    → Does not terminate
+    → +
,    → Does not terminate
-    → Does not terminate
.    → Does not terminate
/    → /
0    → 0
1    → 1
2    → 2
3    → 3
4    → 4
5    → 5
6    → 6
7    → 7
8    → 8
9    → 9
:    → :
;    → ;
<    → <
=    → =
>    → >
?    → ?
@    → Does not terminate
A    → \x8D
B    → Does not terminate
C    → \x83
D    → \xC4
E    → \xB9
F    → Does not terminate
G    → Does not terminate
H    → Does not terminate
I    → Does not terminate
J    → Does not terminate
K    → \x8B
L    → \x8C
M    → \x8D
N    → \x8E
O    → \x8F
P    → l
Q    → q
R    → n
S    → c
T    → Does not terminate
U    → \xB9
V    → n
W    → Does not terminate
X    → l
Y    → Does not terminate
Z    → Does not terminate
[    → k
\    → l
]    → m
^    → n
_    → o
`    → l
a    → m
b    → n
c    → o
d    → l
e    → Does not terminate
f    → Does not terminate
g    → k
h    → l
i    → q
j    → n
k    → c
l    → Does not terminate
m    → \xB9
n    → n
o    → Does not terminate
p    → s
q    → r
r    → s
s    → \x9E
t    → {
u    → {
v    → Does not terminate
w    → \xB9
x    → {
y    → Does not terminate
z    → {
{    → y
|    → \x7F
}    → ~
~    → |
\x7F → }
\x80 → Does not terminate
\x81 → Does not terminate
\x82 → Does not terminate
\x83 → Does not terminate
\x84 → Does not terminate
\x85 → Does not terminate
\x86 → Does not terminate
\x87 → Does not terminate
\x88 → Does not terminate
\x89 → Does not terminate
\x8A → Does not terminate
\x8B → Does not terminate
\x8C → Does not terminate
\x8D → Does not terminate
\x8E → Does not terminate
\x8F → Does not terminate
\x90 → \xD0
\x91 → m
\x92 → Does not terminate
\x93 → \x13
\x94 → Does not terminate
\x95 → Does not terminate
\x96 → Does not terminate
\x97 → \xA7
\x98 → \xD0
\x99 → \x9E
\x9A → Does not terminate
\x9B → \x93
\x9C → \x9F
\x9D → \x9E
\x9E → \x9F
\x9F → Does not terminate
\xA0 → Does not terminate
\xA1 → Does not terminate
\xA2 → Does not terminate
\xA3 → \xA3
\xA4 → Does not terminate
\xA5 → Does not terminate
\xA6 → Does not terminate
\xA7 → Does not terminate
\xA8 → Does not terminate
\xA9 → Does not terminate
\xAA → Does not terminate
\xAB → \xAB
\xAC → \xAC
\xAD → \xAD
\xAE → \xAE
\xAF → \xAF
\xB0 → Does not terminate
\xB1 → \xBD
\xB2 → Does not terminate
\xB3 → \xB3
\xB4 → Does not terminate
\xB5 → \xB9
\xB6 → Does not terminate
\xB7 → \xB7
\xB8 → Does not terminate
\xB9 → \xB1
\xBA → Does not terminate
\xBB → \xBB
\xBC → Does not terminate
\xBD → \xB5
\xBE → \xBE
\xBF → \xBF
\xC0 → \xC0
\xC1 → \xC1
\xC2 → \xC2
\xC3 → \xC3
\xC4 → \xC4
\xC5 → \xC5
\xC6 → \xC6
\xC7 → \xC7
\xC8 → \xC8
\xC9 → \xC9
\xCA → \xCA
\xCB → \xCB
\xCC → \xCC
\xCD → \xCD
\xCE → \xCE
\xCF → \xCF
\xD0 → \xD0
\xD1 → \xD1
\xD2 → \xD2
\xD3 → \xD3
\xD4 → \xD4
\xD5 → \xD5
\xD6 → \xD6
\xD7 → \xD7
\xD8 → \xD8
\xD9 → \xD9
\xDA → \xDA
\xDB → \xDB
\xDC → \xDC
\xDD → \xDD
\xDE → \xDE
\xDF → \xDF
\xE0 → \xE0
\xE1 → \xE1
\xE2 → \xE2
\xE3 → \xE3
\xE4 → \xE4
\xE5 → \xE5
\xE6 → \xE6
\xE7 → \xE7
\xE8 → \xE8
\xE9 → \xE9
\xEA → \xEA
\xEB → \xEB
\xEC → \xEC
\xED → \xED
\xEE → \xEE
\xEF → \xEF
\xF0 → \xF0
\xF1 → \xF1
\xF2 → \xF2
\xF3 → \xF3
\xF4 → \xF4
\xF5 → \xF5
\xF6 → \xF6
\xF7 → \xF7
\xF8 → \xF8
\xF9 → \xF9
\xFA → \xFA
\xFB → \xFB
\xFC → \xFC
\xFD → \xFD
\xFE → \xFE
\xFF → \xFF


See also