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Paradigm(s) Imperative
Designed by User:ZippyMagician
Appeared in 2020
Memory system Registry, Stack, Cells
Computational class Turing-complete
Reference implementation arsm
Influenced by Assembly_code
File extension(s) .asm

arsm is an esolang inspired by various versions of Assembly, designed by User:ZippyMagician.


This page will not be kept up to date. Rather, what follows is a description of the language as of version 0.2.4. To see the current documentation, click here.

General Structure


Labels are used when you want to pass a branch as an argument. They are defined as:



Branches can be jumped to by certain commands. They are defined as follows:


A branch will be executed on the programs first run-through. For example:

    mov eax 13
    out eax

Will print 13, even though no specific call to .main was made




There are 5 16-bit registries: a, b, c, d, and e. To call a single registry, attach an x onto the end. To join two registries together (making 32-bits of data), simply put two separate registry names before the x. To only access half of the 16-bit registries, use h or l (upper or lower respectively).


Memory is accessed by placing some expression that evaluates down to a number inside []. Memory is seperated into 8-bit cells, which similar to the registry can be joined together. To accomplish this, you prefix the [] with an identifier. # marks a single cell (8-bits), $ marks two cells (16-bits), and @ marks four cells (32-bits).


A character literal is denoted by a ' followed by any ascii character. This will yield the integer value of that character, for use in the program.


  • mov <A> <B> -> Move B into A
  • inc <A> -> Increment A
  • dec <A> -> Decrement A
  • out <A> -> Print A with no newline
  • jmp <A> -> Goto the branch entitled A (note: A is a label, not a branch)
  • mul <A> <B> -> Multiply A by B, store in A
  • div <A> <B> -> Divide A by B, store in A
  • add <A> <B> -> Add A and B, store in A
  • sub <A> <B> -> Subtract B from A, store in A
  • lsh <A> <B> -> A << B, store in A
  • rsh <A> <B> -> A >> B, store in A
  • or <A> <B> -> A | B, store in A
  • xor <A> <B> -> A ^ B, store in A
  • and <A> <B> -> A & B, store in A
  • not <A> -> ~A
  • str <A> <B> -> Place string A in memory, with final character B
  • db <A> <B> -> Get length of data, starting at point A in memory and ending when the point in memory equals B
  • in -> Get next byte of STDIN or a null-byte (0) if none left
  • chr <A> -> Print A as a character instead of number
  • hlt <A> -> Terminates program with exit code A
  • ret -> Return to the point at which this jump was called from
  • stk <A> -> Resizes stack to size A. Defaults to 0
  • psh <A> <B> -> Pushes A byte number B to stack
  • pop <A> -> Pops N bytes (enough to fill A) and move to A.
  • ceq <A> <B> -> Sets conditional flag if A == B
  • cz <A> -> Sets conditional flag if A is 0
  • cne <A> <B> -> Sets conditional flag if A != B
  • cg <A> <B> -> Sets conditional flag if A > B
  • cge <A> <B> -> Sets conditional flag if A >= B
  • cl <A> <B> -> Sets conditional flag if A < B
  • cle <A> <B> -> Sets conditional flag if A <= B

Additionally, there are conditional versions of the following: jmp, mov, inc, dec, out, mul, div, add, sub, lsh, rsh, or, and, xor, not, chr, hlt, ret, psh, pop (remove the last letter, put a c in the front)

Inline Python

Inline Python supports a few custom functions + variables to manipulate and make use of

Name Type Description
fromBytes func Converts list $1 u8 bytes to single, signed integer. Useful for joining sections of the stack
stk var The current stack stored in memory. Can be modified. WARNING: EXCEEDING THE BOUNDS OF THE STACK WILL NOT ERROR, AND MAY LEAD TO SOME DATA BEING LOST
popN func Pops the top $2 items from the list $1

In addition, you can access any register (for example eax) by prefixing it with an @. For instance:

mov ex 14
mov ah 56

ceq { @ex + @ah } 70
chl 1