U (PrySigneToFry)

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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
This page is related to one of User:Ractangle's unfinished esolangs: User:Ractangle/U.

I used ChatGPT to make this except some command is added by myself and all program is written by myself.


  1. U: Push 0 onto the stack.
  2. D: Pop the top value from the stack.
  3. L: Duplicate the top value of the stack.
  4. S: Swap the top two values on the stack.
  5. C: Clear the stack.
  6. i: Increment the top value on the stack by 1.
  7. d: Decrement the top value on the stack by 1.
  8. +: Pop A and B from stack and push A+B.
  9. -: Pop A and B from stack and push A-B.
  10. s: Pop A and B from stack and push B-A.
  11. m: Pop A and B from stack and push AB.
  12. v: Pop A and B from stack and push quotient of A/B.
  13. Q: Pop A and B from stack and push quotient of B/A.
  14. M: Pop A and B from stack and push remainder of A/B.
  15. W: Pop A and B from stack and push remainder of B/A.
  16. O: Pop the top value from the stack and then print it as number.
  17. o: Pop the top value from the stack and then print it as character.
  18. I: Get user input and push it onto the stack.
  19. l: Get user input and push its Unicode onto the stack.
  20. !: Pop the top value from the stack. Push 1 if it's 0, push 0 otherwise.
  21. >: Pop A and B from the stack. Push 1 if A>B, push 0 otherwise.
  22. <: Pop A and B from the stack. Push 1 if B>A, push 0 otherwise.
  23. =: Pop A and B from the stack. Push 1 if A=B, push 0 otherwise.
  24. 0123456789: Push that number onto the stack.
  25. "": Everything in quote is a default character. it will push their Unicode onto the stack from left to right.
  26. R: Reverse the stack.

Programs are a sequence of the above commands. Each command is executed in order, manipulating the stack accordingly.

Example Programs

Simple ones


Should push a 0


Should push 4 and 8, add them together and multiply that by 0


should output "sEf"

Basic ones

Hello, world!

"Hello, world!"

A+B Problem



The original creation of this programming language is actually User:Ractangle, but he just created the profile and threw it aside (NOTE FROM User:Ractangle:The reason why i threw User:Ractangle/U aside is because i had no ideas on it's concept). So I see that page has only profile. (NOTE FROM User:PrySigneToFry: I have no idea too, so I uses ChatGPT to generate this, except some command and some programs)
