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Hell is an esoteric subset of the JavaScript programming language that uses JavaScript's built in Proxy feature to run code.

Hell code is identical to JavaScript code, except each character is a reference to a proxy. Alphabetical characters are referenced via dot notation, while other characters are referenced via bracket notation.

Because Hell is built around references on a JavaScript object, your code can have newlines almost anywhere.

Hell has a limitation on program size due to recursion limits, however this has been worked around by passing arrays of Hell code to the builder.

Hell has also been ported to C# by the Hell creators, as Hell.cs.

Sample Programs

Here is a simple Hello, World! in Hell:

_.c.o.n.s.o.l.e["."].l.o.g["("]["'"].H.e.l.l.o[","][" "].W.o.r.l.d["!"]["'"][")"]

Note that the _ can be other characters in practice, but convention is to use _.

External Resources
