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Dumbf*ck is a Brainfuck-derived esoteric programming language, announced by Cliff L. Biffle on April 24, 2001.

It uses 8-bit cells and has the following 7 commands:

<      Moves pointer one cell to the RIGHT
>      Moves pointer one cell to the LEFT
/      Cell value is rotated right 3 times 
.      Low-order bit is flipped
,      Outputs cell value
'      Inputs cell value
?      If the low-order bit of the cell at the pointer is set, continue execution at the previous `?', otherwise continue at the next `?' 


Prints "Hello":



An implementation was written by Eyob Tsegaye on September 13, 2015. Interpreter can be found here.


Dumbf*ck was announced on the Esolang mailing list. The author described the language's title as "tentative", and due to reader response took suggestions for modification of the looping construct (which unfortunately makes half of the code unreachable). Neither a final title nor an officially declared new looping construct were ever announced, although several variants were discussed on the mailing list.

User:Ihope127 decided to "fix" this language, to make the following:

<      Moves pointer one cell to the left
>      Moves pointer one cell to the right
/      Cell value is rotated right once
!      Low-order bit is flipped
.      Outputs cell value
,      Inputs cell value
?      If the low-order bit of the cell at the pointer is set, reverse execution direction

External resources