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Paradigm(s) Imperative, object-oriented.
Designed by 2000gmod
Appeared in 2021
Memory system Tape-based
Dimensions 1D
Computational class Turing complete
Reference implementation Unimplemented
Influenced by Brainfuck
File extension(s) .bfoop, .bf

Brainfoop (also known as BrainFOOP, BrainfOOP, Brain-Foop, BFOOP or simply Brainfoop) is a variant of Brainfuck that implements object-oriented programming (OOP) to Brainfuck. It was designed by 2000gmod in May of 2021.


Programming in Brainfoop

Brainfoop aims to extend the Brainfuck language into a more usable and abstract form, incorporating elements from C and C++. Brainfoop has the same operators as Brainfuck, but includes some additional ones, such as context declaration, context switching and halting.

Brainfoop is not a superset of Brainfuck, as Brainfoop requires symbols to declare comments inside code.

Programming in Brainfoop occurs in 4 different levels:

  • Global
  • Class
  • Instance
  • Method


Brainfoop extends the memory system of Brainfuck, it provides 4 levels of memory (called contexts). Code can only be executed inside the Global or Method contexts.


Program Operators
Operator Description Contexts
> Moves cell pointer to the right. All
< Moves cell pointer to the left. All
+ Increments pointer by 1. Global, Method
- Decrements pointer by 1. Global, Method
[ Jumps past the matching ] if pointer contains 0. Global, Method
] Jumps back to the matching [ if pointer contains nonzero. Global, Method
. Outputs the current cell as ASCII. All
, Inputs the ASCII number to the current cell. Global, Method
/ Stops execution of code of current context. Global, Method
# Stops execution of program in any context. Global, Method
Context Switch Operators
Operator Description
:<CONTEXT>{...} Declares new element in context.
;<CONTEXT>{...} Navigates to selected context

Example programs

Hello World

:class {
	:method {

;class {.} 			/* 	Creates instance of the first class in class space.		*/
;instance {.}		        /*      Enters the first instance inside the instance space. 	        */
;method {.} 		        /* 	Enters the first method of the first instance.			*/