Black Pentagon
(Redirected from BP)
- The title of this article is not correct because of technical limitations. The correct title is actually .
is an esolang which uses pictures of pentagons to write your programs, and BP for short.
Order of Program
From left to right and up to down.
The Meanings of Different Pentagons
- A white pentagon with a black frame - Input an integer.
- A white pentagon with a blue frame, a condition writen on it. - If the condition is true, do the operations in the box made of four small pentagons (two blue ones in the left and two green ines in the right(with black frames)).
- A red pentagon without a frame, an integer written on it. - Repeat the operations in the box made of four small pentagons (two blue ones in the left and two green ines in the right(with black frames)) for the integer times.
- A purple pentagon without a frame, a box just like the above inside it. - Repeat the operations forever.
- A white pentagon with a orange frame, an integer written on it. - Change the integer to a char base on Unicode.
- A orange pentagon with a black frame, a char written on it. - Change the char to an integer base on Unicode.
- A black pentagon but up side down - Break a loop.
- A white pentagon with a black frame but up side down, an integer or a char written on it - Output the integer/char.
- A black pentagon - End of the programme.
Variables and Comparison
- Any small up-side-down pentagon can be a variable.
- Use
to give a value.
- Equal(=): Two small red pentagons not completely overlapping (with black frame).
- Greater than(>): A small grey pentagon (with black frame).
- Less than(<): A small black pentagon with a red frame.
- Or: A small yellow pentagon (with black frame).
- And: A small pink pentagon (with black frame).
- Not: Not yet.
Hello, World!
Truth Machine
Factorial Calculator
Note that this uses uninplemented functions such as arithmetic operations and use of variables instead of integers.