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+Output is exactly the same as -Output, however there is now an output command. Everything else is still the same, and all -Output programs are compatible with +Output. Read -Output for the basic idea.

The file extension is .poutput


In -Output, it was required the memory or codebox be shown at the end of execution or live update. In +Output, this is no longer required, as there is an output command and reading from the memory or source code is no longer a must.

New instruction

op Values popped Description
o x Outputs x to the standard output.

That's it. There only needs to be one output command.


Hello, world!

"Hello, world!" o X

A + B problem & string concatenation

i& i& + o X

Input numbers to add them, input strings to concatenate them, input different types to get an error.


in #v_0o X

Cat program

Loops until an empty string is provided.

^ o <

Cat program 2

This one is a one-time use.


It's pretty simple.

Add or subtract

Type sub to subtract, anything else to add. Inputs are done in this order: num1, num2, operation (aka reverse Polish notation).

v   <

Is greater than

Takes 2 inputs, and outputs whether the first is greater or less than the second. Inputting strings will use their length, so this doubles as a length comparator.

i&i&`#v_"Is less than or equal to"v
      >"Is greater than"oX      Xo<

Number or string checker

Takes an input, and outputs whether it's a string or a number.

    >"String" ^

Hi interpreter


Print a 10x10 grid of asterisks


This is my code-golfed version. Check +Output#External resources

Reverse Polish Notation calculator

i" ".0r01j
>:!#v_&:t#v_m01j >~)+(01j>~)n+(01j>~)*(01j>~)/(
    >)oX  >:"+"=#^_:"-"=#^_ :"*"=#^_:"/"=~^

Enter input as one string to be evaluated, like 3 5 + 6 2 - * 2 / and the program will print the answer.

Fixed Repeating Output


A nice one-liner. Input a number.

Python implementation

I finally got around to making an interpreter for this language. It may be bad, but I don't care. It works.

External resources