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Scheme to Befunge compiler (3)

1 Name: Pablo Barenbaum : 2008-03-28 20:29 ID:fhWJOjTA

I've written an ugly Scheme to Befunge compiler.

This page holds it:

2 Name: Jon Simons : 2008-04-07 06:26 ID:z02qYcJ2

This is awesome! And hilarious!

Would you recommend Appel's 'Compiling with Continuations' to learn about converting to CPS?

Great work!

3 Name: Pablo Barenbaum : 2008-04-20 10:33 ID:tUAC99Ul


On learning CPS, it really took me a lot of
different readings to understand how it works.
Probably the most helpful was Queinnec's book
LiSP (Lisp in Small Pieces).

After lots of time thinking I finally got CPS,
it always lends itself to new forms of understanding.

Unless you are Guy Steele ;)

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