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Here is None1's sandbox, created in August 26, 2023.

This will contain to-be-published esolangs/articles in development, and that is why this is called InDev as Sandbox is harder to type than InDev.

ErrorFuck (already moved out of sandbox and now in ErrorFuck)

Befudge (already moved out of sandbox and now in Befudge)

Hello Fuck! (already moved out of sandbox and now in Hello Fuck!)

OISCalypse (already moved out of sandbox and now in OISCalypse)

100BF (already moved out of sandbox and now in 100BF)

Introduce yourself (already moved out of sandbox and now in Introduce yourself)

Plus (already moved out of sandbox and now in Plus)

This esolang is a brainfuck derivative (already moved out of sandbox and now in This esolang is a brainfuck derivative)

Look! (already moved out of sandbox and now in Look!)

\ (already moved out of sandbox and now in \)

Nope! (already moved out of sandbox and now in Nope!)

Obfuscated (already moved out of sandbox and now in Obfuscated)

Brainfuck speed test (already moved out of sandbox and now in Brainfuck speed test)

1 (already moved out of sandbox and now in 1)

Gofe (already moved out of sandbox and now in Gofe)

bruh():bruh() (already moved out of sandbox and now in bruh():bruh())

I fuck, you fuck (already moved out of sandbox and now in I fuck, you fuck)

wsad (already moved out of sandbox and now in wsad)

Readable (already moved out of sandbox and now in Readable)


C艹 (say "see-tzow") is a CJK esolang invented by User:None1, it is inspired by how people use Chinese characters to write programs:

#define 整数 int
#define 主函数 main
#define 输出 std::cout <<
#define 你好世界 "Hello, World!"
#define 返回 return
#define 零 0
整数 主函数(){
    输出 你好世界;
    返回 零;


C艹 is dynamically typed.

There are these types:


a signed 64-bit integer.


an unsigned bignum.


a floating-point value.


a string. To create a literal, use the following syntax:

<type> <value>

Only the values 零~十 (represents 0~10) are valid values for numbers.

For strings, use the following values:


For example:

整数 十

returns a 64-bit integer 10.

To create non-integers, use division:

浮点数 七 除以 浮点数 二

returns 3.5

字符串 “abc”

returns the string abc. Stack-based (already moved out of sandbox and now in Stack-based)

Directional (already moved out of sandbox and now in Directional)

UTC+8 (already moved out of sandbox and now in UTC+8)


Wikitables is a visual esolang invented by User:None1. It uses wikitext-like syntax.


A Wikitables program consists of some rows, each row consists of some tables, in the following syntax description, (tableij) denotes the j-th table at the i-row. Its syntax must be like this:


Note that unlike wikitext, the syntax of Wikitables is very strict, so the line feeds and all the <br>'s (including the one at the end of program) are mandatory. The language is also case-sensitive.

A Wikitable program with 2 rows with 2 tables in each row may look like this:


Table syntax

The syntax for each table is just like the wiki table syntax, but much stricter. It must be like this:

{| class="wikitable"
| Example || Example || Example || ...
| Example || Example || Example || ...
| Example || Example || Example || ...

All the spaces and line feeds are mandatory.

P.S.: Empty lines in the program and spaces at the start and end of each line is are removed from the code, so they will not affect the code's validity.


Wikitables uses a list of fake threads, a thread has a position and a direction and a data (a signed unbounded integer). Every time, all threads are traversed in random order: their commands are executed, then threads that are destroyed are removed from list, finally all threads are moved one step in their positions. Two operations are considered simutaneous if they occur in the same time.


Wikitables uses some HTML entities as directions.

Valid directions
In Wikitables Displayed in HTML Direction
&uarr; up
&darr; down
&larr; left
&rarr; right


Each table represents a command, there are 2 types of commands: keyword and calculator.


There are two types of calculators: unary calculators and binary calculators.


A cell is a representation used by calculators, a cell can be like this (notes are for clarification and are not allowed in code):

(a) [Note: (b) is not given]
,(b) [Note: (a) is not given]

(a) can be:

  • An integer: Make the data of resulting thread the integer.
  • Not given (unary calculators only): Make the data of resulting thread the data of the original thread.
  • h (binary calculators only): Make the data of resulting thread the data of the horizontal thread.
  • v (binary calculators only): Make the data of resulting thread the data of the vertical thread.

(b) can be:

  • A direction: Make the direction of resulting thread the direction.
  • Not given (unary calculators only): Make the direction of resulting thread the direction of the original thread.
  • h (binary calculators only): Make the direction of resulting thread the direction of the horizontal thread.
  • v (binary calculators only): Make the direction of resulting thread the direction of the vertical thread.

Unary calculators

A unary calculator is a table with exactly 2 columns. The first column contains integers, the second contains cells. When a thread hits it, it searches in the first column from top to bottom for a number the same as its data. If it does not find any, it will do nothing, otherwise, it will modify the data and direction according to the cell at that row, for example, this is a NOT gate unary calculator:

{| class="wikitable"
| 0 || 1
| 1 || 0
0 1
1 0

Binary calculators

A binary calculator is a table with more than 1 rows and more than 1 columns, the top-left corner can only be a string starting with : (to denote that this is a binary calculator, not a unary calculator), which is the only place where comments can be put in Wikitables.

A binary calculator only works if exactly one thread with horizontal direction (left/right) and exactly one with vertical direction (up/down) hit it simutaneously, otherwise it is a NOP.

When a binary calculator works, it searches the row with the value of the horizontal thread in the first column (unlike unary calculators, the first row and the first column except the top-left corner can be empty have integers, empty means that it can match any values), then searches column with the value of the vertical thread in the first row, if one of them is not found, it is a NOP, otherwise it destroys the two threads and creates a thread according to the cell at the found row and column. For example, the following is an AND gate:

{| class="wikitable"
| :AND gate || 0 || 1
| 0 || 0,h || 0,h
| 1 || 0,h || 1,h
:AND gate 0 1
0 0,h 0,h
1 0,h 1,h

The following makes the horizontal thread go up and destroys the vertical thread if a vertical thread thread hits the calculator simutaneously, otherwise NOP:

{| class="wikitable"
| :Activator || 
|  || h,↑

This can be used for thread communication, by letting the first thread sending a third thread when the second thread hits the calculator.

5 Bits, 20 Bytes

5 Bits, 20 Bytes is an assembly language invented by User:None1 for a 5-bit CPU. It is inspired by 3 Bits, 3 Byte, which is inspired by 2 bits, 1 Byte.


Command (Binary) Command (Disassembled) What it does
00000 NOP Do nothing (a NOP)
00100 TEM TErMinate the program
01000 OUT Given a 5-bit value x after it, OUTput the x-th byte. (If x>=5, it does nothing)
01100 INP Given a 5-bit value x after it, INPut the x-th byte. (If x>=5, it does nothing)
10000 INC Given value in memory, INCrease given value (wraps)
10100 JMP JuMP. Jump (unconditionally) to address specified.
11000 CJM Conditional JuMp. Given two addresses, if the value in the first address is nonzero, jump to the second address
11100 NEG NEGate given address, formally, if its value is x, let it be 7-x

The instruction pointer can wrap around, thus allowing more "complicated" programs.