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Designed by User:Ractangle
Appeared in 2024
Computational class Unknown
Reference implementation Unimplemented
File extension(s) .spik

SPIKE is just ><> but harder. Mostly


Command It's action
> Makes the cursor move forwards.
< Makes the cursor move backwards.
^ Makes the cursor move up.
v Makes the cursor move down.
? Goes either forwards, backwards, up or down.
_ Ends the program.
! If the current value on the stack is 0 (or has the same value as the previous value), it goes forwards by 1 step. If it's not, it goes backwards by 1 step. If you want to check the previous value on the stack by typing ¡
x Pop the recent value on the stack.
0-9 Adds numbers in the position of the cursor to the stack.
a, s, m, d Math operators.
o, n Pop and output as a character/number and pops the outputed character/number.
i Pauses the operation and gets user input.
f Flips the stack.
" Anything inside the "" will be pushed into the stack as numbers
# Comments
s Pops two values and pushes the corresponding value to the postion of the second value (the starting value position is 1)
c Duplicates the current value on the stack
/, \, |, - Mirrors the direction of the cursor.

SPIKE errors

  • If you manage to let the Fish swim away from the code area. The interpreter will say "The fish has now left the code area"
  • If you make ONE of the values in the stack higher than 256 or lower than 0. The interpreter will say "I have eaten a deadfish once" (which means that interpreter is deadfish inspired)

Interpriter test cases


Should print "!"


Should make the fish get stuck in a infinate loop


Should put 1, 2 onto the stack, flip the stack and output the values of the stack


Hello, world!

this is the shortest Hello, world! program possible as of writing this

"Hello, world!"01so¡0_

Number Guessing

>???????<     _
>?4?5?6?<     o
>???????<     "
>?7?8?9?<     y
>???????<   v!"
>>>>v<<<<   "i