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QuickLangs are a collection of esolangs that are based off of the default version.


Instructions start with a . and end with a ;.

The Hello World Program is:

.out:"Hello, World";.end;

.out is the output, while .end ends the program.

Other instructions include:

structs info
.in take input
.if:...{...} if the instruction is 1, it does what is in the braces, if it's zero then it just ignores the braces
.loop:...{...} same as if, just loops until zero
.add adds one
.sub subtracts one
@var variables begin with an @ symbol


@var = .in;

A+B Problem:

@a = .in;
@b = .in;
@i = @b

Anything not starting with . or @ is a comment (just don't use ., ;, or @ in a comment)

Xkcd Mumber:

.out:"4"; numbers also work
.end; example: out:4

feel free to add more