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Not to be confused with 2d.

2D is a two dimensional brainfuck programing language created by User:Ractangle


Command It's action
V Starts the program
^,v,>,< Movers
+ Adds 1 to the current cell.
- Subtracts one from the current cell.
[ There is none. It's just used for loops.
] If the value of the current cell is not zero. Jump to the matching [.
R Move the pointer to the right.
L Move the pointer to the left.
/, \, |, _ Mirrors.
( The location where the cursor will teleport.
) If the value of the current cell is zero. Jump to the matching ( and vise versa.
. Prints the current cell's value as ASCII charecter
: Prints the current cells's value
, Gets an ASCII charecter from the input
; Gets an integer from the user
