This forum is closed to new posts due to low activity and a deluge of spam. It is kept online as a static historical record. If you want to read about or discuss esoteric programming languages, the Esolang wiki is the place to go. An archive of the forum is available.

Esoteric Programming (8)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 02:06 ID:Wlzi9V4B

I wish this forum was more active. I love esoteric programming languages and would love to see more activity and more develement on unice concepts to push programing to it's most simple, complex, extreme, and oddity possible. There is still so much to be done. Esoteric languages can based on anything, even nothing at all! Its the beauty of these kind of creations. I hope to turn more people on the this kind of programming and creation, its so important to think 'esoterically' and throw practicality out the window! Its a different way of thinking to stretch your brain and bring it to new heights to solve other ways to get around opsticles and challenges.

life's to short NOT to think 'esoterically'

2 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 02:09 ID:9BeIh7QV

gb2 your toy languages.

3 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 02:13 ID:uedzKvu7


Also cocks.


              / ̄∧_∧ ̄ ̄ ̄ // ̄\\
       __ ⊂/__(´∀` )__  /_⊃___| |\フ ヽ  My other car
   ,  ´_  /   / ̄ ̄ __ / ̄ ヽ    __ヽ ̄ ̄ |  is a cdr
  /∠__/―/-。―/――∠_/__∧  |       | ∧_.| 
  ,========――´=============/⌒ヽ=|.=====| | ヽ ̄〕 
  | _    |SICP|     _  ″  |⌒| |/   __ /|  )ノ    vroom
  )_旧_∈≡≡≡≡∋_旧_″_|| ノ丿_ -――┘ 丿      vroom!
   \ \_ノ  ̄ ̄ ̄三三三\ \_ノ    三三三三 

4 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-19 02:27 ID:Wlzi9V4B

what have I unleashed...

5 Name: M.V.Mn : 2009-03-13 10:08 ID:MI7lUS0B

I've implemented Thue interpreter in Java - it's free to download. Maybe some will find it useful:

// Mykola Makhin

6 Name: M.V.Mn : 2009-03-13 10:08 ID:MI7lUS0B

I've implemented Thue interpreter in Java - it's free to download. Maybe some will find it useful:

// Mykola Makhin

7 Name: Anonymous : 2009-04-10 21:41 ID:/9hNzxUq

I'm an alien who implanted a piece of metal in >>3's body.
The other day I visited the earth, abducted >>3 as a sample of the earthlings. I tampered with his body to gather data of the earthlings.
But I made a terrible mistake.
>>3's fat body is a nonstandardized article as an earthling.
He is unemployed, and on top of that he has no friends.
All day long he is sitting in front of the personal computer, clattering clattering, clattering the keyboard.
I am fed up with this job.
Boss from mother planet yelled at me for this failure.
He said, "Select your specimen more carefully!"
This is the first penalty I get since I have been assigned to The Earth Observation Party.
The human mutilation is not easy task.
Next year I am demoted to the charge of the cattle mutilation.
I am just about to go to The Area 51.
As for >>3, I leave him entirely up to you. Do as you like.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2009-06-01 19:05 ID:fetffLWU

Oh my god! That was me!

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