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Really Odd Mediums (3)

1 Name: Matt J : 2006-03-04 14:14 ID:2l7Z23JE

What are the oddest possible mediums you can think of for an esoteric language? One idea I had recently was the possibility of making the interpreter recieved data from a webcam somehow, and detect drastic changes in light. You could make a program like MisterHouse turn on and off the lights (or get a glow-in-the-dark stopwatch or something), and the intervals could be interpreted as commands. For an example, <1s could be + in brainfuck, 1-2s could be -, 2-3s could be . and so on and so on.

Does anyone else have any horribly inefficient, awkward, and/or clumsy mediums?

2 Name: ihope : 2006-03-05 01:51 ID:RYCStXhT

Pendulum, gyroscope and springs, all calibrated to detect the amount of gravity where you are. To change the program, change the gravity.

3 Name: Keymaker : 2006-03-06 14:28 ID:7VYJ1maS

Haha, those are pretty good!

One way could be to check the user's pulse and give that value as input. To give different input, change your heart rate.

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