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Ixux is an object-oriented esolang by User:BoundedBeans inspired by Unix/Linux commands.

Basic concepts

  • A string is an arbitrary-length sequence of bytes. This may include null bytes, though they have limited support with commands.
  • A file path usually means a real file, which may use Windows or Unix paths depending on the system. However, regardless of system, paths starting with /usr/../ refer to local variables, paths of the format /bin/../[uppercase hex string or +]/[string without slash]/f refer to a field access of an object (the hex string, or + for the current object) with field name (the other string). The path /bin/../G refers to a special variable which will be returned from the method when it finishes. Paths named /bin/../H[DecimalNumber] refer to zero-based parameters to a method. The path /bin/../I contains the number of parameters represented as a decimal string.
  • Variables can be strings or objects. Objects are maps from slashless null-less strings to strings or further objects. /dev/stdin, /dev/stdout, and /dev/stderr automatically jump past the device files and directly print/input it, which means it won't require root permissions.
  • Variables that don't exist are equivalent to existing variables set to the empty string.
  • Strings, including the above mentioned file paths, are always written in code as their uppercase hexadecimal representation enclosed in square brackets. Assume ANSI unless otherwise specified.
  • The method @Init@ of class @StartClass@ will run first, passed the command line arguments.


Ixux has significant whitespace, where each level should be exactly four spaces indented from the last.

A class is written like:

?CLASS? @ClassName@
    ?METHOD? @MethodName@
    ?METHOD? @AnotherMethod@

A class must have a method named @Init@ that creates the object based on the parameters.

A special syntax exists for a line that activates on any line containing exactly three exclamation points.

Ignored!number of preceding spaces!line contents!ignored

For example:

A comment!8!{ECHO} [486921] => [2F7573722F2E2E2F610A]!Another comment

Equality semantics

  • Strings are considered equal if they are the same length and encode an identical sequence of bytes.
  • Two objects are equal if both have a method named @Equal@ which returns the string "1" when called with the other as the only parameter.
  • An object is equal to a string if the object has a method called @EqualString@ which returns the string "1" when called with the string as the only parameter.


The only statement is the assignment statement, written as:

(Command) => (file path as hex string)
: @[MethodName]@ [ObjectPath] [ParameterPath]* Calls a method on the object with parameters.
. @[ClassName]@ [ParameterPath]* Constructs an object with the @Init@ method.
{ECHO} [Argument]* Returns the arguments, separated by byte 32, followed by byte 10. If one of the arguments is "-n", it is ignored and byte 10 is not added to the end.
{CAT} [Argument]* Linux cat with support for -AbeEnstTuv. Does not support long options. Returns the output.
{CUT} [Argument]* Linux cut with support for -bcfds and --output-delimiter=string. Returns the output.
{PASTE} [Argument]* Linux paste with support for -d. Returns the output.
{XXD} [Argument]* Linux xxd with support for -abcEglprsu. Long options not supported. Returns output.
{HEAD} [Argument]* Linux head with support for -cn and negative numbers for the values of those options.
{RM} [Argument]* Linux rm with support for -rf. Long options and -R not supported. Returns output.
^[FilePathHex] Evaluates the contents of the file or variable as a line of code.
| [CommandInNestableAngleBrackets]+ Makes a chain of piping outputs to inputs. Returns output of the final command.
% [FilePath1] [FilePath2] ~[LabelName]~ If the two variables are equal, goto the command after the ~~ command with the same label name and return the empty string. Otherwise, just return the empty string.
~[LabelName]~ Label placeholder, when encountered (such as by advancing from the previous command), return the empty string.


Hello, world!

?CLASS? @StartClass@
    ?METHOD? @Init@
        {ECHO} [48656C6C6F2C20776F726C6421] => [2F6465762F7374646F7574]


?CLASS? @StartClass@
    ?METHOD? @Init@
        {HEAD} [2D63] [31] [2F6465762F737464696E] => [2F7573722F2E2E2F7472757468]
        {ECHO} [2D6E] [30] => [2F7573722F2E2E2F31]
        % [2F7573722F2E2E2F7472757468] [2F7573722F2E2E2F31] ~Zero~ => [2F7573722F2E2E2F6A756E6B]
        ~Loop~ => [2F7573722F2E2E2F6A756E6B]
        {ECHO} [2D6E] [31] => [2F6465762F7374646F7574]
        % [2F7573722F2E2E2F31] [2F7573722F2E2E2F31] ~Loop~ => [2F7573722F2E2E2F6A756E6B]
        ~Zero~ => [2F7573722F2E2E2F6A756E6B]
        {ECHO} [2D6E] [30] => [2F6465762F7374646F7574]