←2018-12-29 2018-12-30 2018-12-31→ ↑2018 ↑all
00:05:57 <b_jonas> in like each generation of the CA?
00:06:19 <int-e> encode cells into fixed length blocks such that beginning and end can be uniquely identified? (say, start with 11, then use 01 and 10 for a binary encoding, end with 00. It should be possible to do much better than that.)
00:06:55 <int-e> Then pick the neighbourhood such that from any bit you can see the full original neighbourhood of the cell. Then translate your rules.
00:08:08 <imode> that's what I figured. your rules just balloon to include identifying the larger assemblies of cells.
00:08:26 <imode> doing that in 2D, though.
00:09:44 <int-e> So you wrote. But the idea remains the same.
00:10:03 <imode> your spans turn into "glyphs".
00:10:40 <int-e> heh you can even do funny things where the grids aren't parallel
00:10:55 <imode> oh?
00:11:56 <b_jonas> sure, choose any two non-parallel integer vectors as periods, then choose any cells from each class to form an, um, how do chemist call it, "fundamental region"
00:12:19 <imode> you lost me.
00:13:24 <b_jonas> as long as the area isn't too small, obviously
00:15:01 <int-e> imode: imagine this: http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid.png
00:15:53 <int-e> oops, I messed up a line, fixed now.
00:16:40 <imode> oh! yeah over arbitrary tilings.
00:16:43 <imode> or lattices, rather.
00:17:08 <int-e> huh I messed up two lines. wow
00:17:48 <int-e> also I should've just used the 5 pixel cross which leads to a knight move based tiling
00:21:33 <b_jonas> int-e: oh, can you make a good illustration of the tilings by the two disconnected polyminos, each tiling the plane separately, made by removing an inner square from the 1x5 rectangle?
00:21:45 <b_jonas> those aren't translation tilings, so they're not really appropriate here
00:21:48 <b_jonas> I'm just wondering
00:25:24 <oerjan> `` ls -l bin/walcama
00:25:25 <HackEso> lrwxrwxrwx 1 1000 1000 10 Jul 8 2017 bin/walcama -> wälcåmä
00:25:44 <oerjan> `` ls -l bin/wälcåmä
00:25:45 <HackEso> ls: cannot access 'bin/wälcåmä': No such file or directory
00:25:49 -!- tromp has quit (Remote host closed the connection).
00:25:51 <oerjan> `rm bin/walcama
00:25:52 <HackEso> No output.
00:26:09 <oerjan> `doag bin/wälcåmä
00:26:11 <HackEso> 11437:2018-03-03 <oerjän> rm bin/w\xc3\xa4lc\xc3\xa5m\xc3\xa4 \ 5972:2015-09-10 <b_jonäs> ` echo $\'#!/bin/sh\\nexec welcome "$@" | bin/en2sv\\n\' > bin/w\xc3\xa4lc\xc3\xa5m\xc3\xa4 \ 5969:2015-09-10 <b_jonäs> ` >bin/w\xc3\xa4lc\xc3\xa5m\xc3\xa4 echo $\'#!/bin/sh\\nexec welcome "$@" | sed "s/E/\xc3\x84/g;s/O/\xc3\x85/g;s/e/\xc3\xa4/g;s/o/\xc3\xa5/g"\\n\' \ 5968:2015-09-10 <b_jonäs> ` >bin/w\xc3\xa4lc\xc3\xa5m\xc3\xa4 echo $\'#!/bin/sh\\nwelcome | s
00:26:20 <oerjan> ha
00:28:12 <b_jonas> yeah, that one was stupid. deserved the rm.
00:28:33 <shachaf> `` ls bin | shuf | head -n1
00:28:34 <HackEso> binary
00:28:40 <shachaf> `cat bin/binary
00:28:41 <HackEso> Binary file bin/binary matches
00:28:46 <b_jonas> `emoclew
00:28:47 <HackEso> ​(.tenLAD ro tenFE no ciretose# yrt ,aciretose fo dnik rehto eht roF) .</gro.sgnalose//:sptth> :ikiw ruo tuo kcehc ,noitamrofni erom roF !tnemyolped dna ngised egaugnal gnimmargorp ciretose rof buh lanoitanretni eht ot emocleW
00:28:54 <shachaf> `doag bin/binary
00:28:56 <HackEso> 9273:2016-10-13 <shachäf> ` mkx \'bin/Binary//echo "$@"\'; mkx \'bin/binary//Binary file bin/binary matches\'
00:28:59 <shachaf> what!
00:29:17 <shachaf> `Binary abc
00:29:17 <HackEso> abc
00:29:25 <shachaf> what even is this
00:29:32 <shachaf> `` rm bin/{b,B}inary
00:29:34 <HackEso> No output.
00:29:43 <fizzie> I'm sure it made sense at the time.
00:30:14 <shachaf> `cat bin/randbin
00:30:15 <HackEso> ​#!/bin/dash \ f=$(find bin -ipath "bin/*$1*" -type f -print0 | shuf -z -n1); if [ -n "$f" ]; then echo -n "${f#bin/}//"; grep '' "$f"; else echo "That's not binary."; fi | rnooodl
00:30:21 <shachaf> `randbin
00:30:22 <HackEso> thanks//#!/usr/bin/perl -CSDA \ $_ = (join " ", @ARGV) || `words`; s/^\s+|\s+$//g; print "Thanks, $_. "; if (/[aeiouyAEIOUY]/) { s/^[^aeiouyAEIOUY]*/Th/; } else { s/^./T/; } print "$_.";
00:30:26 <shachaf> Well, that's convenient.
00:30:39 <b_jonas> shachaf: a parody of a message grep sometimes gives if it believes (sometimes mistakenly) that you don't want to print a matching line from a non-text file
00:30:44 <shachaf> I know that.
00:30:49 <shachaf> But why is it in bin/?
00:31:19 <b_jonas> `thanks randbin
00:31:20 <HackEso> Thanks, randbin. Thandbin.
00:31:30 <shachaf> `orenbow what's all this?
00:31:31 <HackEso> ​[1m[31mw[33mh[32ma[36mt[34m'[35ms[31m [33ma[32ml[36ml[34m [35mt[31mh[33mi[32ms[36m?[34m
00:31:36 <shachaf> `rainbow what's all this?
00:31:37 <HackEso> what's all this?
00:32:11 <shachaf> `randbin
00:32:11 <HackEso> airport-lookup//#! /usr/bin/env python \ \ import csv \ import sys \ \ if len(sys.argv) < 3: sys.stderr.write('usage: airport-lookup any|name|iata|icao key\n'); sys.exit(1) \ kind, q = sys.argv[1], ' '.join(sys.argv[2:]) \ \ fieldnames = dict(name=1, iata=4, icao=5) \ if kind == 'any': fields = [1, 4, 5] \ elif kind in fieldnames: fields = [fieldnames[kind]] \ else: sys.stderr.write('unknown search type: %s\n' % kind); sys.exit(1) \ \ def f(s): return
00:32:14 <shachaf> `randbin
00:32:15 <HackEso> ​`^//[[ $# == 2 ]] || { echo "Usage: $0 n cmd" >&2; exit 2; }; for ((i=0; i < $1; i++)); do \` "$2"; done | sport
00:32:17 <shachaf> `randbin
00:32:18 <HackEso> culprits//hoag "$@" | awk '{print substr($1,2,length($1)-2)}' | xargs -d'\n'
00:32:24 <shachaf> Wow, these are all useful.
00:32:25 <shachaf> `randbin
00:32:26 <HackEso> autowelcome//[ "$1" == "on" ] && echo enabled > share/autowelcome_status; [ "$1" == "off" ] && echo disabled > share/autowelcome_status; echo "Autowelcome $(cat share/autowelcome_status)."
00:32:50 <shachaf> `dobg autowelcome
00:32:52 <HackEso> 6335:2015-11-28 <oerjän> ` sed -i \'s!autow!share/autow!g\' bin/autowelcome \ 6334:2015-11-28 <oerjän> revert \ 6333:2015-11-28 <oerjän> ` mv autowelcome_status share; sed -i \'s!autow!share/autow!\' bin/autowelcome \ 6164:2015-11-01 <tsweẗt> echo \'[ "$1" == "on" ] && echo enabled > autowelcome_status; [ "$1" == "off" ] && echo disabled > autowelcome_status; echo "Autowelcome $(cat autowelcome_status)."\' > bin/autowelcome \ 6103:2015-10-19 <Phant
00:33:15 <shachaf> `randbin
00:33:15 <HackEso> rainbow//print_args_or_input "$@" | pikhqbow
00:33:28 <shachaf> `randbin
00:33:28 <HackEso> echo-p//echo "$1"; [[ "$1" == */* ]] && mkdir -p "${1%/*}" 2>/dev/null
00:33:34 <b_jonas> what?
00:33:53 <b_jonas> I mean the rainbow
00:34:01 <shachaf> `dobg pikhqbow
00:34:06 <HackEso> 8746:2016-07-05 <pikḧq> ` gcc -Os -s src/pikhqbow.c -o bin/pikhqbow \ 8744:2016-07-05 <pikḧq> ` gcc -Os -s src/pikhqbow.c -o bin/pikhqbow \ 8742:2016-07-05 <pikḧq> ` gcc src/pikhqbow.c -o bin/pikhqbow
00:40:07 <shachaf> `randbin
00:40:09 <HackEso> list//date > share/conscripts; culprits share/conscripts | xargs -n 1 | awk '!x[$0]++' | xargs
00:40:30 <shachaf> `` culprits share/conscripts | xargs -n 1 | awk '!x[$0]++' | xargs
00:40:32 <HackEso> alercäh rdocöc quintopïa Zarutiän jeffl3̈5 BlueProtomän fizzïe hppavilion[1̈] Phantom_Hoovër int-̈e b_jonäs boil̈y a`a`a`a`jo7äs a`a`a`a`jo8äs a`a`a`a`jo3äs a`a`a`a`jo6äs a`a`a`a`jo5äs a`a`a`a`jo4äs a`a`a`a`jo2äs a`a`a`a`jo1äs a`a`a`a`jonas̈0 a`a`a`̈a lambdaböt chicken_jonäs mynam̈e
00:43:32 <fizzie> Huh, I didn't realize that's how list was implemented.
00:44:56 <b_jonas> fizzie: yeah, it's tricky. you can't just revert its effect.
00:46:57 <b_jonas> although of course one could edit bin/list to modify how it works and exclude a certain nick
00:49:37 <fizzie> It's also slightly unfair in that if someone does a canary-preserving mass-rm and you revert *that*, you end up on the conscript list.
00:50:22 <shachaf> fizzie: It's a shavention!
00:50:29 <shachaf> Since we don't have access to logs anymore.
00:50:43 <shachaf> fizzie: We can filter out mass-rms with scowrevs
00:50:46 <shachaf> `cat bin/culprits
00:50:47 <HackEso> hoag "$@" | awk '{print substr($1,2,length($1)-2)}' | xargs -d'\n'
00:50:49 <shachaf> `cat bin/hoag
00:50:50 <HackEso> hlnp --removed --template "{desc}\n" -- "$@"
00:50:53 <shachaf> `cat bin/hlnp
00:50:54 <HackEso> scowrevs="$(/usr/bin/paste -sd'|' /hackenv/share/scowrevs)"; hg log -r "tip:0 & ! ($scowrevs)" "$@" | sed 's/\(\(^\| \)[<Itb][^ ]*\)\([^ ][^ ]\)/\1̈\3/'
00:50:56 <fizzie> Oh, clever.
00:51:01 <shachaf> `cat share/scowrevs
00:51:02 <HackEso> 121:122 \ 194:196 \ 770:771 \ 1000:1001 \ 1493:1497 \ 2112:2114 \ 3341:3343 \ 4530:4531 \ 5136:5137 \ 5642:5643 \ 5894:5897 \ 8669:8678 \ 9070:9071 \ 9074:9075
00:51:02 <b_jonas> fizzie: I think you just don't end up on the list anymore no matter what edits you do, unless list is changed, because it lists names from oldest to newest edits, uniq, and I filled up the irc line
00:51:04 <shachaf> man, what a maze
00:51:13 <shachaf> No, it's in reverse order.
00:51:19 <shachaf> Or is it?
00:51:24 <b_jonas> why don't anyone use hg -T ?
00:51:33 <b_jonas> I don't get it
00:51:37 <shachaf> Yes, it's reverse order.
00:51:53 <b_jonas> ah
00:51:59 <shachaf> Because of your vandalism.
00:52:01 <b_jonas> so you can get on the list, but can scroll yourself off afterwards?
00:52:03 -!- nodist has joined.
00:52:04 <b_jonas> oh!
00:52:09 <b_jonas> it got changed to reverse order afterwards?
00:52:13 <shachaf> I believe so.
00:52:41 <shachaf> `cat bin/whoq
00:52:42 <HackEso> if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then \ rev="$(hg blame quotes | sed "$1{s/^ *//;s/:.*//;q};d")" \ if [[ -n "$rev" ]]; then \ hg log -r "$rev" -T "{desc}" \ else \ echo "$1: no such quote" \ fi \ else \ echo "usage: \`whoq N" \ fi
00:52:54 <b_jonas> I vandalized with a` names because I assumed it was sorted by name, in locale order in that default locale HackEso used to have
00:53:03 <b_jonas> it turns out it's not sorted by name
00:53:12 <shachaf> `quote
00:53:13 <HackEso> 1063) [on the name "Watson"] <fizzie> And not the IBM "AI"? <Bike> scare quotes eh <fizzie> I don't think it counts as a proper AI until it kills people.
00:53:18 <shachaf> `whoq 1063
00:53:21 <HackEso> ​<oerjan> revert
00:56:27 <b_jonas> `gak
00:56:28 <HackEso> ​/srv/hackeso-code/multibot_cmds/lib/limits: line 5: exec: gak: not found
00:56:28 <b_jonas> `? gak
00:56:29 <HackEso> gak? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
00:56:46 <fizzie> Sounds like whoq isn't scowrevs-enabled maybe.
00:56:57 <fizzie> (Because that revert is 4531.)
00:58:14 <shachaf> `dobg whoq
00:58:15 <HackEso> 11594:2018-08-08 <fizzïe> fetch bin/whoq https://hack.esolangs.org/get/bin/whoq \ 11593:2018-08-08 <fizzïe> fetch bin/whoq https://hack.esolangs.org/get/bin/whoq \ 11592:2018-08-08 <fizzïe> ` chmod a+x bin/whoq \ 11591:2018-08-08 <fizzïe> fetch bin/whoq https://hack.esolangs.org/get/bin/whoq
00:58:23 <int-e> b_jonas: something like this? http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid2.png
00:58:44 <fizzie> If I made it, it definitely won't, because I'm really "out" when it comes to all these shaventions.
00:58:46 <b_jonas> int-e: hehe, little bridges
00:58:55 <shachaf> Hey, they aren't all shaventions.
00:59:10 <shachaf> Some of them are oerventions otherventions
00:59:17 <fizzie> Well, #esoventions in general.
00:59:28 <shachaf> If they're invented by multiple people, they're called interventions.
00:59:54 <b_jonas> interesting drawing, though it may look better if colored
00:59:59 <int-e> b_jonas: it's not quite what I want; ideally the two ends of the bridge should meld into the foundations without border
01:00:12 <fizzie> I really should finish making the logs accessible again, I was kinda-sorta working on that at one point but got distracted overengineering it.
01:00:24 <b_jonas> int-e: perhaps, but if you do that, it would look like the thing under it is cut
01:00:24 <shachaf> how about making the internet accessible twh
01:00:25 <int-e> b_jonas: But I don't know how to do that in xfig. :)
01:00:42 <shachaf> `? shaventions
01:00:43 <b_jonas> this way it looks better, because the bridge looks like it's above the tile that's under it
01:00:43 <HackEso> Shaventions include: before/now/lastfiles, culprits, hog/{h,d}oag, le//rn, tmp/, mk/mkx, {s,p}led/sedlast, spore/spam/speek/sport/1/4/5, edit. Taneb did not invent them yet.
01:01:16 <b_jonas> I don't recall now if this is the easier or the harder one of the two tilings
01:01:30 <fizzie> Making some whitelisted parts of the internet accessible would've been part of the overengineered solution, since it was going to be based on talking to an API on the logs viewer thing.
01:02:35 <fizzie> (Anyway, it'll be later, got at least a few other things on the stack that need to be popped off before getting back that deep.)
01:03:21 <b_jonas> fizzie: you think that's overengineered? at one point I had a function in evalj that would send a command to buubot in private, block until it gets the reply, and returned the reply. it was a true function you can call from any J expression at any depth.
01:03:43 <b_jonas> jsut for fun, not for any practical thing
01:06:26 <shachaf> Do you know the 11-queens problem?
01:06:31 <b_jonas> oh, and buubot has or had a builtin that took a http url as argument, sent a HEAD request to it, and returned the status line
01:07:01 <b_jonas> so you can bind it ot any custom server of yours that gives answers in the status line
01:07:13 <b_jonas> shachaf: I don't know it
01:08:04 <shachaf> Oh, I was confused about what the problem was.
01:09:20 <int-e> b_jonas: ah, figured out a way: http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid3.png
01:10:30 <b_jonas> f
01:10:41 <b_jonas> int-e: oh nice, colors
01:10:56 <esowiki> [[TOWCBL]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58899&oldid=58875 * ShareMan * (+1132) Added more information for some commands.
01:11:20 <b_jonas> and nice bridges
01:11:59 <b_jonas> and since the bridges all cross over tiles of a different color, it's easy to see them
01:19:02 <oerjan> . o O ( i have 11 problems but a queen ain't one )
01:19:44 <shachaf> `randbin
01:19:45 <HackEso> wdit//edit "wisdom/$1"
01:19:56 <shachaf> `edit bin/wdit
01:19:57 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/edit/bin/wdit
01:20:21 <shachaf> whoa, that still exists
01:21:10 -!- sprocklem has joined.
01:22:25 <shachaf> `` touch tmp/$'a\nb'
01:22:25 <HackEso> No output.
01:22:27 <shachaf> `edit tmp/$'a\nb'
01:22:27 <HackEso> https://hack.esolangs.org/edit/tmp/%24%27a%5Cnb%27
01:22:29 <shachaf> that's not right
01:22:41 <shachaf> And https://hack.esolangs.org/edit/tmp/a%0ab is a 404
01:22:52 <shachaf> how come edit doesn't support files with newlines in the name tdnh
01:23:46 <fizzie> That might be a nginx configuration thing.
01:24:07 <shachaf> `? fizzievention
01:24:09 <HackEso> fizzievention? ¯\(°​_o)/¯
01:24:26 -!- nodist has quit (Quit: Leaving).
01:26:04 <fizzie> (Or maybe a Flask limitation, that's what the edit thing is based on.)
01:28:50 <int-e> b_jonas: I guess this is the other one: http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid4.png
01:29:18 <int-e> hmm. no, I messed that up.
01:30:04 -!- sprocklem has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
01:30:09 <int-e> there, fixed.
01:32:06 -!- sprocklem has joined.
01:38:23 -!- sprocklem has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds).
01:40:20 -!- sprocklem has joined.
02:01:41 <b_jonas> int-e: that's using the same disconnected polymino, not the other one
02:03:41 <int-e> b_jonas: you mean XXX X? that can be assembled into an 8x1 strip, XXXZXZZZ
02:05:09 <int-e> I was looking for different tilings of the plane using XX XX.
02:05:53 <b_jonas> int-e: ah
02:06:39 <int-e> (but now I wonder how many of those there are, since I misunderstood what you wrote earlier)
02:07:13 <b_jonas> int-e: for different tilings, try taking http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid3.png, find the yellow polyminos that have no bridge over them, take them out, and put cyan polyminos in the gaps
02:07:27 <b_jonas> int-e: oh hmm
02:07:36 <b_jonas> int-e: I think the other hard case was XXX X then
02:07:43 <b_jonas> definitely my fault
02:07:50 <b_jonas> I did ask for XXX X
02:08:24 <int-e> But anyway, the way I'm drawing this now, each tile now consists of three rectangles (as in the white version), with the two short angles covered by a small circle without border.
02:09:17 <int-e> ... arg, I think this is a sign to go to sleep: s/angles/edges/
02:10:05 <int-e> and I've played with the depth of everything so the bridges are always drawn over the base rectangles.
02:10:57 <int-e> see http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/bridges.fig if you have xfig.
02:12:26 <int-e> And yeah, tiling the plane XXX X is not immediately obvious.
02:34:47 -!- sprocklem has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
02:36:56 -!- sprocklem has joined.
02:42:43 -!- nchambers has changed nick to uplime.
02:46:42 <int-e> b_jonas: actually what about this way without bridges: http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid5.png
03:03:53 -!- tromp has joined.
03:08:26 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
03:27:37 <b_jonas> int-e: interesting. that seems different from the tiling I made. I chould try to reconstruct mine later. feel free to remind me of that.
03:29:11 <int-e> final picture for tonight: http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid6.png
03:30:40 <b_jonas> ah, now that right one looks more familiar to me
03:31:22 <b_jonas> because that one is symmetric to translating 8 right and to translating 8 down
03:31:56 <b_jonas> and I think that was a symmetry I used for the other disconnected polymino tiling too
03:32:07 -!- heroux has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
03:34:05 <int-e> b_jonas: I like how the two left ones follow such a similar pattern for different tetrominos :)
03:36:10 <int-e> wait, why have I made the third one so complicated...
03:39:38 <b_jonas> night
03:39:40 -!- b_jonas has quit (Quit: leaving).
03:40:40 -!- heroux has joined.
03:41:22 -!- Lord_of_Life has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
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03:46:56 -!- Sgeo_ has joined.
03:49:24 -!- Sgeo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds).
03:51:25 <imode> is wang tiling (or any kind of tiling) the only "geometric" model of computation around?
03:57:55 -!- tromp has joined.
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04:03:50 -!- MDead has joined.
04:04:53 -!- MDude has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds).
04:04:55 -!- MDead has changed nick to MDude.
04:05:53 <imode> answered my own question: signal machines.
04:08:45 -!- MDead has joined.
04:09:17 -!- Storkman has left.
04:09:37 <zzo38> I played a GURPS game today. It is good my character carries a scribing kit everywhere, so, can write "X" on a big snail's shell.
04:10:27 -!- MDude has quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds).
04:10:32 -!- MDead has changed nick to MDude.
05:04:21 -!- Essadon has quit (Quit: Qutting).
05:07:58 * imode wonders if graph rewriting has a combinatory equivalent..
05:14:06 -!- sprocklem has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds).
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05:57:58 <esowiki> [[User:Salpynx]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58900&oldid=58570 * Salpynx * (+365) reorder and update my languages
06:19:14 <esowiki> [[User:Salpynx]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58901&oldid=58900 * Salpynx * (+2428) /* Non-Latin Historical Writing system esolangs */
06:21:03 -!- oerjan has quit (Quit: Nite).
06:24:33 <zzo38> I don't know.
06:30:34 <esowiki> [[Sumerian]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=58902 * Salpynx * (+385) add esolang found on TIO / github
06:39:04 -!- tromp has joined.
06:39:29 <esowiki> [[Nikud]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=58903 * Salpynx * (+1289) add another esolang found on github
06:40:11 <esowiki> [[Nikud]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58904&oldid=58903 * Salpynx * (+1) /* External resources */
06:41:31 <esowiki> [[Nikud]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58905&oldid=58904 * Salpynx * (+80) /* External resources */
06:43:07 -!- tromp has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
06:43:08 <esowiki> [[User:Salpynx]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58906&oldid=58901 * Salpynx * (-117) /* Interested in */
06:44:00 <esowiki> [[User:Salpynx]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58907&oldid=58906 * Salpynx * (+0) /* Non-Latin historical writing system esolangs */
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07:11:33 <imode> my world has now been rocked by signal machines. I did not know geometric computing was so deep.
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08:22:19 <esowiki> [[]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=58908 * Salpynx * (+3986) Created page with "'''''' (Rna) is a Runic [[fungeoid]] currently being developed by [[User:Salpynx]] after noticing that there were no existing esolangs written in runic (oth..."
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10:52:13 <esowiki> [[]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58909&oldid=58908 * Salpynx * (+3147) /* Commands */
11:09:16 <esowiki> [[]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58910&oldid=58909 * Salpynx * (+187) /* Examples */ Old-Norse Hello World (2D, next column wrapping)
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11:31:36 <esowiki> [[]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58911&oldid=58910 * Salpynx * (+325) /* Examples */ Historical code runes
11:54:54 <esowiki> [[]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58912&oldid=58911 * Salpynx * (+1343) Note re. multi-threadedness and IP variables
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11:55:54 <esowiki> [[]] M https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58913&oldid=58912 * Salpynx * (-1) /* Multi-threaded */
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14:43:34 <b_jonas> `bobadventureslist http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20181229.html
14:43:36 <HackEso> bobadventureslist http://bobadventures.comicgenesis.com/d/20181229.html: b_jonas
14:50:44 <b_jonas> I just realized that there's a way how the home computer industry has done a half-turn in 30 years. In the 1980s, a lot of home computers were advertised as business computers, even if users actually played games on them. So these computers came with crippled graphics and sound capabilities, and game programmers had to work those around in creative ways.
14:52:43 <b_jonas> Whereas these days, a lot of computer hardware is advertised with a "gaming" label, despite that it's utterly not designed for gaming. You see motherboards with error-correcting RAM and hardware RAID but an inferior graphics card compared to today's standards, and keyboards with nice echoey springs for typing, all sold as "gaming" stuff.
14:53:56 <b_jonas> And of course there are general purpose computers disguised as "gaming computers", often with some sort of DRM lockdown to make it more difficult to port programs to them, despite that they have more than enough hardware for them.
15:10:45 <b_jonas> int-e: I think I figured out the tiling I used for the OOO__O disconnected polyminio. let me draw a figure.
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15:15:59 <int-e> b_jonas: I've updated http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid6.png to use a more symmetric way of obtaining the last tiling
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15:23:17 <b_jonas> int-e: I mean tiling with the the other polymino
15:24:08 <b_jonas> I have seen grid6.png, and that one is probably either the tiling I used for the OO_OO polymino, or close
15:24:09 <int-e> b_jonas: I know.
15:24:33 <int-e> b_jonas: what I'm saying is that the grid6 that you've seen may not be the one that's there.
15:24:53 <arseniiv> nice tilings, was the goal to make any one tiling or something more constrained?
15:26:14 <int-e> arseniiv: it's tilings using one of two kinds of disconnected tetronimos
15:26:57 <int-e> arseniiv: the first one uses XXX X (and b_jonas has a different tiling for that one), the other two use XX XX, where each X is a square and the space is a gap.
15:27:18 <b_jonas> arseniiv: part of it is to draw nice images for the tilings
15:28:23 <arseniiv> ah, so there no additional constraints?
15:29:01 <b_jonas> I didn't state any, besides that it has to use either of these particular disconnected polyminos, but I'm really trying to draw a particular tiling that I like right now
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15:48:04 <b_jonas> int-e: tiling with OOO__O: https://i.stack.imgur.com/cmYBY.png
15:48:57 <b_jonas> this one is periodic to translations by (0,8) squares and by (2,2) squares
15:49:40 <b_jonas> no bridges drawn, but squares of the same color that are close to each other are part of the same polymino
15:50:01 <b_jonas> so I used 32 different colors
15:50:33 <b_jonas> obviously it's not easy to choose 32 distinguishable colors
15:50:43 <b_jonas> so it doesn't look perfect
16:03:15 <int-e> b_jonas: I've included it in http://int-e.eu/~bf3/tmp/grid6.png
16:07:48 <int-e> hmm but again, I can make this more symmetric
16:16:40 <b_jonas> int-e: _more_ symmetric than it is?
16:17:00 <int-e> b_jonas: see now
16:17:16 <int-e> I mean using a more symmetric meta-tile.
16:18:01 <b_jonas> ok
16:18:22 <b_jonas> so you want to choose a symmetric fundamental region, or whatever chemists call that
16:18:54 <b_jonas> hmm, let me try to search that article on Ruxor's blog that may clear up this terminology a bit
16:24:08 <int-e> anyway that was a fun way to waste time
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16:46:10 <int-e> now if I could just stop tweaking that picture that would be great ;) (another update that makes it more obvious that the two outer tilings follow a similar pattern)
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16:57:47 <b_jonas> int-e: sorry for the nerd snipe in that case :-)
17:06:12 <int-e> Eh it's fine.
17:06:22 <int-e> It's what this channel is for.
17:08:57 <int-e> b_jonas: Besides I'm quite happy with the result.
17:09:46 <int-e> (even without bridges... adding bridges is left as an exercise to an interested party)
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17:17:54 <int-e> b_jonas: Regarding colors, I think it's a good idea to choose similar colors for pieces related by the underlying symmetries (translations by (0,8) and (2,2) in your case). Also, two colors are enough in principle to fully disambiguate the pieces. (one easy way is to alternate the colors for the pieces in each row and column).
17:22:27 <int-e> ... where I mentally assign horizontal pieces to rows and vertical pieces to columns. The alternation makes sure that if we see X XXX X, we will know which single X belongs to the XXX.
17:23:54 <int-e> (It's similar for the other tetromino we considered: exactly two of the dominos in XX XX XX will end up with the same color)
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19:32:47 <esowiki> [[Talk:]] N https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?oldid=58914 * Zzo38 * (+183) Created page with "You can use runic encoding instead of Unicode, and then you can use pentimal numbering system properly. --~~~~"
19:33:42 <b_jonas> heh. wiki announcer still has difficulties with some non-ASCII characters in titles
19:36:23 -!- nchambers has changed nick to uplime.
19:37:47 <esowiki> [[Talk:]] https://esolangs.org/w/index.php?diff=58915&oldid=58914 * Zzo38 * (+148)
19:46:03 <fizzie> That's probably my fault.
19:48:25 <fizzie> Yes, it only passes through byte values 3 (for the color codes) and 32..126.
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20:04:06 <int-e> oh well, the link works
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20:09:50 <fizzie> Filed as https://github.com/fis/esolangs/issues/1
20:10:04 <fizzie> (Since GitHub provides the issue tracker by default, might as well use it.)
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21:01:45 <b_jonas> fizzie: then you're just postponing your troubles by a few months, to when you find that it's very difficult to export the data from github's issue tracker, and either you can't use the issue tracker properly, or you lost access to it completely. good luck.
21:01:59 <b_jonas> until that time, enjoy your freebie.
21:38:57 <fizzie> I don't think that's so serious for this specific use case.
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21:48:44 <zzo38> If no part of a string matches /[^0-9/+*^|&%()-]|[^0-9()]{2}|\)[0-9(]|\([^0-9(-]/ can you execute arbitrary JavaScript codes from it?
21:52:18 <rain1> I want to put that into a thing that generates examples from a regex
21:52:38 <rain1> or its negation maybe
22:00:36 <zzo38> What thing is there that generates examples by a negation of a regex?
22:02:14 <rain1> i couldn't find one on google
22:02:59 <shachaf> There is https://fomafst.github.io/
22:03:08 <shachaf> I think? Maybe it doesn't generate, actually, I'm not sure.
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22:25:33 <b_jonas> zzo38: hmm, is that some website that tries to act like a calculator?
22:26:12 <b_jonas> zzo38: and is that perl syntax regex? I'm asking because the [...-] has a different meaning in some regexen
22:26:51 <b_jonas> I don't know javascript enough to be able to answer that though
22:27:35 <b_jonas> but I think there are people here who do know javascript
22:29:12 <shachaf> https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/91605800/mum-fears-burglar-ate-her-placenta
22:33:45 <int-e> shachaf: disturbing
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23:50:34 <shachaf> How should coroutines/userspace threads be implemented if you want them to be very efficient and are willing to have compiler support?
23:54:21 <b_jonas> shachaf: recompile everything with a new calling convention that has very few callee-saved regs, for one
23:55:00 <shachaf> One option would be to use two stacks, one for state that needs to be saved and one for general computation.
23:55:17 <b_jonas> admittedly that's harder than just "compioler support"
23:55:36 <b_jonas> shachaf: we already have a redzone for that
23:55:51 <shachaf> How do you mean?
23:56:58 <b_jonas> for stack stuff that doesn't need to be saved by calls. I don't think it helps all that much though for coroutines though
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23:58:48 <shachaf> The problem is that you might have a general-purpose computation that uses a bunch of stack space.
23:59:03 <shachaf> And every time you switch stacks the whole new stack is out of the cache.
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