←2009-07-08 2009-07-09 2009-07-10→ ↑2009 ↑all
00:01:17 <ehird> "Many says “there are only weekdays, no weekends in TmaxSoft”11, but I recall that Apple also did so when it’s designing iPod. From today Tmax Window development team is given the vacation for a week… 07–08 04:xx PM?"
00:01:18 <ehird> how lucky they are!
00:08:37 <lifthrasiir> ehird: well, acid3 test score can vary. once firefox suffered from same problem.
00:08:52 <ehird> mm
00:08:54 <ehird> wonder how
00:08:57 <lifthrasiir> and i wonder what web standard has to be sacrificed even in standard mode...
00:09:43 <lifthrasiir> ehird: 100 won thing is just joking. they presumbly made new account just for demonstration.
00:09:56 <ehird> :-P
00:10:14 <ehird> lifthrasiir: btw acid 3 depends on certain handling of INVALID code
00:10:16 <ehird> acid 2 too
00:10:21 <ehird> so it's rubbish for measuring standards compliance
00:10:48 <pikhq> Except maybe HTML5 compliance.
00:10:55 <pikhq> (which specifies how you should parse invalid code)
00:10:56 <pikhq> ;)
00:11:05 <ehird> Nah, that's just informative
00:11:12 <ehird> HTML 5 can't regulate invalid HTML 5, that's ridiculous.
00:11:22 <ehird> Just like XML can't regulate how you handle invalid XML documents even though it claims to.
00:12:06 <lifthrasiir> ehird: while it also deals with invalid code, animation part of acid3 can be used for such.
00:12:43 <ehird> mm
00:12:57 <lifthrasiir> but anyway it is stupid to claim "good standard support" just with acid tests
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00:54:29 -!- FireFly has quit ("Later").
00:58:58 <AnMaster> <ehird> First let’s view [Acid3 test page] with Internet Explorer. (Launches Internet Explorer 8) Okay, it failed with 12 [out of 100] points and… Shall we wait more? …Yes it scored 20. Then let’s view same page [with Scoutor]. (Launches Tmax Scoutor, and scores 98 out of 100) Oh… Let’s try once more. (Screen reloaded, in this time scores 99 out of 100) Ha, we made it to 99 points. (Ap
00:58:58 <AnMaster> plause) <-- where is that quote from?
00:59:11 <ehird> lifthrasiir's article http://cosmic.mearie.org/2009/07/tmax-window/
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01:02:47 -!- sgeo has joined.
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01:06:52 <sgeo> I lost my only reason to use Windows as my primary OS
01:07:41 <ehird> sgeo: You mean masochism?
01:08:23 <sgeo> lol
01:08:30 <sgeo> VirtualBox is working on 3D support :D
01:09:02 <ehird> sgeo: s/is working on/has working/.
01:09:11 <ehird> Note that it will never be as fast as a full Windows bootup.
01:09:25 <sgeo> Isn't Direct3D experimentally supported or something?
01:09:52 <ehird> sgeo: the rest of the devices are still virtualized
01:11:35 <AnMaster> ehird, interesting.
01:12:10 <AnMaster> stinks of GPL violations.
01:12:27 <ehird> yes. nothing will come of it though.
01:13:45 <AnMaster> does 3D in virtualbox require hardware virtualization?
01:13:51 <ehird> AnMaster: it's impressive that it runs big windows programs better than wine and reactos though. especially with such a timescale.
01:13:58 <ehird> also, i think you just install a driver
01:14:05 <AnMaster> hm
01:14:06 <ehird> that talks to the host's driver
01:14:14 <ehird> of course you have to bridge it via the vm
01:14:23 <ehird> but that's a tiny overhead
01:15:02 <sgeo> ...faster than ReactOS? How?
01:15:13 <sgeo> Does ReactOS suck or something?
01:15:20 <ehird> I said better.
01:15:26 <ehird> It runs IE and Word with only minor glitches.
01:15:29 <ehird> ReactOS cannot do that.
01:15:36 <ehird> But yes, ReactOS sucks; so much time, so little results.
01:15:50 <sgeo> ...glitches? In a VM?
01:15:55 <AnMaster> does reactos reuse code from wine and vice verse?
01:16:02 <AnMaster> err...
01:16:08 <ehird> sgeo: I'm talking not of VirtualBox, silly.
01:16:10 <AnMaster> sgeo, go read logs
01:16:13 <ehird> I am talking of tmax.
01:16:17 <ehird> http://cosmic.mearie.org/2009/07/tmax-window/
01:16:27 <ehird> AnMaster: I think they share some code.
01:18:02 <AnMaster> much of the user space code could probably be shared
01:21:28 <AnMaster> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortinet#Controversies "It has been said by 125 people DEFTA causes too much drama and should be closed down, though sources have not confirmed this." <-- that seems completely out of context. Wiki spam I guess?
01:21:51 <AnMaster> right, last revsion
01:22:35 <ehird> guys
01:22:42 <ehird> let's invest $40,000 into this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAt2xD1L8dw
01:22:47 <ehird> the models are of amazing quality, wow
01:23:02 <ehird> omg
01:23:04 <ehird> it was made in under 4 hours
01:25:10 <sgeo> Now, have it able to to electronics and I'll be happy
01:25:39 <ehird> malcontent.
01:25:45 <ehird> it can't print a pony either.
01:27:58 <sgeo> "Just like any other printer" except for taking hours and not minutes >.>
01:28:33 <sgeo> And yes, not printing ponies is a problem
01:28:35 <sgeo> lol
01:28:54 <ehird> sgeo: Cry me a fucking river. It prints a great-looking, coloured 3D object that looks like something you'd buy in the store and you can make it shiny and nice, with barely any maintenance, in less than four hours.
01:28:59 <ehird> Any complaining over that is just ridiculous
01:29:36 <sgeo> I know, I just like complaining
01:29:38 <sgeo> >.>
01:29:45 <AnMaster> reprap will be able to print electronics in the future
01:29:47 <sgeo> (not usually, don't know what's with me now)
01:29:51 <AnMaster> not as good looking models though
01:30:10 <sgeo> Screw form! Long Live Function, Down With Form!
01:30:21 <AnMaster> sgeo, I agree
01:30:25 <AnMaster> I always agreed
01:30:27 <AnMaster> to that
01:30:48 <ehird> Form is function in a lot of cases.
01:30:58 <ehird> For instance, in, say, a glass.
01:31:06 <sgeo> "You can say good-bye to... dangerous baths"
01:31:08 <AnMaster> yes...
01:31:09 <ehird> Sure, you could easily use an ugly, reprapped, white thing.
01:31:23 <ehird> Or you could buy one made out of real glass that doesn't look like play-dough.
01:31:26 <sgeo> Then they say you can put the object in some sealant thing
01:31:32 <ehird> Anything that can be more like the latter with the qualities of the former...
01:31:36 <ehird> sgeo: Watch on.
01:31:40 <ehird> It's just painting it.
01:31:44 <ehird> Basically.
01:32:44 <AnMaster> ehird, it uses the powder as the support thingy for overhanging structures?
01:33:03 <ehird> and?
01:33:13 <AnMaster> ehird, it was a question if that was what happened...
01:33:18 <ehird> dunno.
01:34:14 <AnMaster> probably works by sintering then
01:34:39 <ehird> all i know is i looks amazing and I want one :)
01:34:40 * AnMaster ponders local sintering using a laser
01:34:48 <ehird> AnMaster: nope
01:34:51 <ehird> sintering makes ceramics
01:34:59 <ehird> # Selective laser sintering, a rapid prototyping technology.
01:35:00 <ehird> hm
01:35:01 <ehird> maybe
01:35:06 <AnMaster> ehird, you could use the same thing for plastic powder I'm quite sure
01:35:09 <ehird> Selective laser sintering is an additive manufacturing technique that uses a high power laser (for example, a carbon dioxide laser) to fuse small particles of plastic, metal, ceramic, or glass powders into a mass representing a desired 3-dimensional object. The laser selectively fuses powdered material by scanning cross-sections generated from a 3-D digital description of the part (for example from a CAD file or scan data) on the surface of a powder bed
01:35:12 <ehird> . After each cross-section is scanned, the powder bed is lowered by one layer thickness, a new layer of material is applied on top, and the process is repeated until the part is completed.
01:35:15 <ehird> yeah that seems it
01:35:22 <ehird> doesn't require support structures it says
01:35:49 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah, because the non-melted powder acts as a support structure already
01:35:51 <sgeo> I could make action figures for my hypothetical kids without buying them in stores!
01:36:03 -!- upyr[emacs] has quit (Remote closed the connection).
01:36:15 <ehird> sgeo: that's the furthest your thought process goes?!
01:36:21 <AnMaster> ehird, the trick is getting it smooth and such. That isn't easy.
01:36:26 <ehird> i'm thinking more on the lines of printing kids!
01:36:35 <ehird> AnMaster: the object they show seems exceptionally smooth
01:36:42 <AnMaster> ehird, yes...
01:36:54 <AnMaster> ehird, very thin layers + good examples I guess ;)
01:36:59 <sgeo> The object they show looks ray-traced >.>
01:37:16 <ehird> AnMaster: 400dpi it says
01:37:27 <AnMaster> I can't think in non-metric
01:37:34 <AnMaster> how many dots per cm is it
01:37:38 <ehird> are you serious?
01:37:41 <ehird> Nobody says dots per cm.
01:37:51 <ehird> AnMaster: an inch is abotu this big: | |
01:37:53 <ehird> *about
01:38:04 <ehird> it's a very intuitive size
01:38:14 <sgeo> Could you make spare parts with this thing?
01:38:16 <AnMaster> ehird, about 2.5 cm?
01:38:19 <AnMaster> I measured on screen
01:38:30 <ehird> AnMaster: 2.54cm exactly.
01:38:42 <AnMaster> ehird, you were lucky when you guessed my font size
01:38:43 <AnMaster> :P
01:38:58 <ehird> it's probably about the width your thumb and... next-to-thumb make when you try and show someone what "a small distance" is
01:39:08 <ehird> AnMaster: font size + dpi
01:39:12 <AnMaster> ehird, thumb is wider?
01:39:18 <ehird> i just went a bit over an inch for me
01:39:24 <ehird> AnMaster: you have big hands
01:39:28 <ehird> and i meant
01:39:29 <ehird> distance
01:39:32 <ehird> between thumb and ntt
01:39:37 <AnMaster> ehird, I have mentioned both dpi and font size before iirc
01:39:42 <ehird> yes, I know
01:39:47 <AnMaster> and you also know which font
01:39:55 <ehird> i just eyeballed it
01:40:01 <AnMaster> heh
01:40:36 <AnMaster> anyway, is it 400 layers per inch too?
01:42:15 <ehird> who knows.
01:42:20 <AnMaster> ehird, the interesting part here is the colour I think
01:42:25 <ehird> for less than $40k it's a steal
01:42:51 <AnMaster> theory: basic SLS, but before sintering drop down some ink in the powder.
01:43:01 <ehird> * ZPrinter 310 Plus (monochrome, affordable, easy to use)
01:43:01 <ehird> * ZPrinter 450 (full color, automated, office friendly)
01:43:02 <AnMaster> result: ink is merged with the plastic basically
01:43:03 <ehird> * Spectrum Z510 (high resolution, premium color, large size)
01:43:05 <ehird> * ZPrinter 650 (best-in-class, largest models, highest resolution, best color)
01:43:07 <ehird> let's get 650!
01:43:09 <ehird> AnMaster: they tell you it's inkjet
01:43:09 <sgeo> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/introducing-google-chrome-os.html
01:43:13 <ehird> sgeo: old
01:43:15 <sgeo> I HATE THE CLOUD!
01:43:22 <AnMaster> ehird, yes...
01:43:25 <sgeo> I AM ANTI-CLOUD
01:43:32 <AnMaster> ehird, I watched it
01:43:35 <ehird> AnMaster: :p
01:43:38 -!- sgeo has changed nick to SGEO.
01:43:45 <AnMaster> ehird, I was just wondering *how* the ink works
01:43:51 <ehird> meh the 650 just looks like a souped up 450, lame
01:43:55 <ehird> AnMaster: yeah
01:44:07 <ehird> AnMaster: http://www.zcorp.com/en/Products/3D-Printers/ZPrinter-450/spage.aspx has images of objects
01:44:07 <AnMaster> ehird, what do they cost?
01:44:25 <SGEO> Seriously, why should sensitive data be given to large corportations like Google?
01:44:29 <ehird> `calc 39,000 $ in sek
01:44:30 <HackEgo> 39 000 US$ = 312 292.306 Swedish kronor
01:44:32 <ehird> AnMaster: roughly.
01:44:44 <ehird> SGEO: don't you use gmail?
01:44:50 <ehird> yes, you do, so stop talking now.
01:45:02 <AnMaster> ehird, ... I think I will go for reprap instead ...
01:45:12 <ehird> AnMaster: y'know, it IS for corporations
01:45:16 <ehird> AnMaster: anyway for the capabilities that's a great price
01:45:19 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined.
01:45:22 <AnMaster> <SGEO> Seriously, why should sensitive data be given to large corportations like Google? <-- I agree
01:45:23 <AnMaster> and
01:45:24 <ehird> reprap isn't even in the same league really
01:45:28 <AnMaster> I haven't used gmail for ages
01:45:30 <ehird> it's like pentium pro vs xeon cluster
01:45:38 <AnMaster> I used to use it for some mailing list. gentoo-amd64 iirc
01:45:50 <AnMaster> something which was already public anyway
01:45:52 <ehird> the "cloud" can be good. it can be bad.
01:46:05 <AnMaster> never for anything personal
01:46:05 <AnMaster> ehird, agreed
01:46:05 <ehird> it really varies.
01:46:07 <ehird> having one opinion and sticking to it without considering it case by case is merely religion.
01:46:16 <pikhq> ehird: Pentium Pro *on FPGA* vs. Xeon cluster.
01:46:30 <AnMaster> pikhq, heh :)
01:46:36 <SGEO> I'm ok with the cloud for non-sensitive stuff
01:46:36 <AnMaster> could that be done?
01:46:43 <ehird> AnMaster: why not?
01:46:43 <AnMaster> I mean... Pentium Pro on FPGA
01:46:48 <ehird> perfectly possibl
01:46:49 <ehird> e
01:46:58 <pikhq> Assuming a sufficiently large FPGA, sure.
01:47:02 <ehird> pikhq: 8086 on FPGA 3d-scanned and the region of space emulated by a computer based on fans, grills, gates and plastic balls flying around
01:47:04 <ehird> I WIN
01:47:07 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah I guess Pentium Pros are slow enough to handle
01:47:14 <ehird> — talk about fan noise eh —
01:47:19 <ehird> AnMaster: the speed doesn't make it a pentium pr
01:47:20 <ehird> o
01:47:28 <ehird> but no, an fpga will not match even pentium speeds.
01:47:36 <AnMaster> oh well
01:47:45 <pikhq> ehird: It will match the bottom of Pentium's speed.
01:47:48 <ehird> http://www.zcorp.com/images/173_008.jpg ← This is what people use 3D printers for: to make hi-tech dildos.
01:47:51 <ehird> Dildii. Dildae.
01:47:53 <pikhq> They made 75 Mhz Pentiums.
01:48:03 <ehird> 75Mhz would be one hefty fpga
01:48:19 <pikhq> Yes, but you can obtain FPGAs that can do that.
01:48:27 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
01:48:36 <AnMaster> iirc there are 100 MHz FPGAs even
01:48:58 <AnMaster> but I think the limit is somewhere around there, unless things changed since I last looked
01:49:17 <ehird> why y'all propagating the mhz myth
01:49:18 <AnMaster> <ehird> http://www.zcorp.com/images/173_008.jpg ← This is what people use 3D printers for: to make hi-tech dildos. <-- what is it *really* supposed to be?
01:49:23 <ehird> AnMaster: no idea.
01:49:43 <pikhq> ehird: Elaborate.
01:49:53 <ehird> pikhq: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megahertz_myth
01:50:07 <ehird> it's a meaningless way to measure speed
01:50:17 <pikhq> I know of it, yes. What the *fuck* does it have to do with anything in this circumstance?
01:50:34 <pikhq> Megahertz is not being used as a speed of computation, it's being used as a measure of clock cycles.
01:51:03 <pikhq> Specifically, whether or not an FPGA can offer a clock speed that an ASIC Pentium had.
01:51:37 <AnMaster> ehird, you can see it isn't perfectly smooth in http://www.zcorp.com/en/imagesets/52/show.aspx
01:51:47 <AnMaster> pretty good yes but...
01:52:45 <ehird> AnMaster: that one hasn't got the paint thing on i think
01:52:59 <ehird> pikhq: we were talking about speed; you mentioned clock speed
01:53:02 <ehird> the two are not directly related.
01:53:07 <ehird> AnMaster: but it's good enough
01:53:21 <AnMaster> ehird, so is reprap for some things ;P
01:53:27 <ehird> yeah but no
01:53:55 <AnMaster> ehird, I hope you won't call http://www.zcorp.com/en/imagesets/58/show.aspx "smooth"
01:54:18 <AnMaster> that is a matte and rough finish
01:54:27 <ehird> it's not smooth, but it looks nice.
01:54:34 <ehird> you could easily, as I said, make it smooth
01:54:41 <AnMaster> ehird, sand paper?
01:54:54 <ehird> lol if you want
01:55:05 <AnMaster> ehird, what else
01:55:10 <ehird> see the video.
01:55:18 <AnMaster> ehird, I saw
01:55:25 <AnMaster> ehird, which part of it did you mean
01:55:42 <ehird> the bit where they coat the thing with some stuff and it looks all shiny
01:56:01 <AnMaster> ehird, that is some color fixation thing and glossy thing
01:56:13 <AnMaster> but it doesn't make the item less *rouge*, just glossy
01:56:21 <ehird> right well use some other stuff on the thing so it looks more like thingy
01:56:24 <ehird> ("ah, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded")
01:56:45 <AnMaster> ehird, yeah, like sandpaper ;P
01:56:47 <ehird> ("what i'd do, is just like, like, you know, like, you know what i mean like" etc)
01:57:51 <AnMaster> ehird, what would happen if you wanted to make a sealed plastic bubble? You can't
01:58:11 <ehird> nor a living, breathing pony that loves you
01:58:12 <AnMaster> why? Because you won't get the powder out of it
01:58:25 <ehird> make it, get powder out, seal it
01:58:34 <AnMaster> I'm prettu sure reprap could do it
01:58:40 <ehird> no
01:58:44 <ehird> reprap cannot produce complex shapes
01:58:45 <ehird> they fall apart
01:58:47 <ehird> you have to solder shit together
01:58:51 <AnMaster> ehird, err it can
01:58:55 <ehird> you are wrong
01:58:58 <ehird> sry
01:59:02 <AnMaster> ehird, I seen it on their web-site
01:59:03 <ehird> you have to do a lot of soldering to make stuff with reprap
01:59:08 <ehird> AnMaster: yes. those are soldered
01:59:16 <ehird> http://upload.wikimedia.org/math/8/7/1/87109256baca5c0b5728fac15ed20220.png ← [.,.] it's a smiley!
01:59:35 <AnMaster> ehird, where does it mention that
01:59:40 <AnMaster> and how do you solder them
01:59:52 <AnMaster> and yes, reprap based on sintering would be nice
01:59:59 <ehird> AnMaster: google it or whatever, and with a soldering iron.
02:00:00 <AnMaster> since that technology works pretty well
02:00:04 -!- inurinternet has joined.
02:00:06 <ehird> get the two pieces, put them together, solder, done.
02:00:26 <AnMaster> ehird, it can do temp support structures
02:00:34 <ehird> lol
02:00:38 <AnMaster> but I don't think such a ball would need it.
02:00:42 <ehird> AnMaster: please, stop showing your ignorance of reprap
02:00:50 <ehird> it cannot do non-trivial structures
02:01:19 <AnMaster> ehird, examples of soldered ones on their website. I know one. A flyswatter too large to *fit in the machine*
02:01:26 <AnMaster> which isn't "complex", just "large"
02:01:43 <ehird> you asked for it:
02:01:46 <ehird> sec
02:01:49 <AnMaster> yes I did
02:02:39 <ehird> http://reprap.org/pub/Main/ItemsMade/shoes-small.jpg ← three parts, soldered together
02:02:41 <ehird> there's more
02:02:42 <ehird> basically
02:02:49 <ehird> anything that hovers over something else
02:02:49 <ehird> like
02:02:51 <ehird> you can do
02:02:53 <ehird> |_|
02:02:55 <ehird> but not
02:02:57 <ehird> |=|
02:03:00 <ehird> where = is further apart
02:03:03 <ehird> you need to solder
02:03:05 <ehird> otherwise it fails
02:03:13 <AnMaster> hm, isn't it because of size?
02:03:30 <AnMaster> but ok
02:04:31 <ehird> no
02:04:36 <AnMaster> ehird, reprap uses FDM instead of SLS.
02:04:39 <ehird> reprap cannot do non-trivial shapes, as I said
02:04:49 <AnMaster> ehird, why?
02:04:58 <ehird> AnMaster: here's what will happen:
02:04:59 <AnMaster> and where does it say
02:05:15 <ehird> not on their front marketing pag.
02:05:15 <ehird> e
02:05:20 <ehird> ask pikhq if you want non-ehird verification
02:05:51 <AnMaster> ehird, he said it today?
02:05:59 <ehird> I said "ask".
02:06:03 <AnMaster> ah
02:06:07 <AnMaster> I misread
02:06:27 <SGEO> "Help protect yourself against viruses and spam" <-- from an MSN TV demo thing
02:06:32 <SGEO> http://www.msntv.com/pc/experience/
02:07:04 <ehird> AnMaster: http://pastie.org/539475.txt?key=g6pcpbtzaxvxfx3ixb8veq
02:07:44 <AnMaster> ehird, yes.. that is why there is the second nozzle to add support material to be able to do that.
02:07:52 <ehird> /shrug
02:07:57 <ehird> I only speak from reading the user made objects.
02:08:23 <ehird> 12. This agreement will be governed by the laws of British Columbia, Canada.
02:08:23 <ehird> 13. You may not use the service if you are a citizen or resident of Canada.
02:08:25 <ehird> —tarsnap terms of conditions
02:08:30 <ehird> ( https://beta.tarsnap.com/terms-why.html#NOCANADIANS )
02:08:39 <AnMaster> err
02:08:41 <AnMaster> wut
02:08:45 <ehird> AnMaster: see my link
02:08:47 <ehird> sales tax issues
02:08:53 <ehird> that don't exist when selling to people abroad
02:09:02 <ehird> it IS in paid beta, after all
02:09:14 <ehird> (tarsnap is an encrypted backup service using amazon's S3 storage service that powers amazon.com)
02:09:26 <ehird> (by Colin Percival, cryptography & BSD extraordinaire)
02:09:54 <ehird> ($0.30 per 1gb per month storage, same for bandwidth. good deal)
02:09:58 <SGEO> tarsnap?
02:10:02 <ehird> SGEO: see above
02:10:16 <ehird> (S3 charges $0.15 per 1gb per month storage, dunno about bandwidth)
02:10:28 <ehird> (but lacks the nice backup client, cryptography code, incremental stuff, etc etc etc)
02:19:41 <ehird> Buh bye.
02:21:12 <pikhq> ehird: You remember the crazy uber-build?
02:21:22 <pikhq> ... There's now six-core Opterons.
02:25:35 <AnMaster> night
02:43:01 -!- Gracenotes has joined.
02:47:34 <pikhq> Sgeo: OH HAI.
02:47:58 <SGEO> Hi pikhq
02:48:27 <pikhq> How
02:48:29 <pikhq> thou?
02:49:04 <SGEO> ok, except looking like
02:49:32 <pikhq> ^_^
04:09:04 <SGEO> http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn3238
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09:10:32 <immibis> !c *(char*)NULL = 0;
09:10:33 <EgoBot> ./interps/gcccomp/gcccomp: line 52: 15970 Segmentation fault /tmp/compiled.$$
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10:14:42 * immibis wonders how many programs and os's would break on a computer with 9-bit bytes, but otherwise identical to whatever the program/os normally runs on
10:21:21 * immibis is working on 3d ascii art graphics in a terminal
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11:19:33 <M0ny> hi Ludo6431
11:19:41 <Ludo6431> (ou pas)
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16:43:08 <AnMaster> ehird, actually that printer doesn't melt:
16:43:27 <AnMaster> "One variation of 3D printing consists of an inkjet printing system. Layers of a fine powder (plaster, corn starch, or resins) are selectively bonded by "printing" an adhesive from the inkjet printhead in the shape of each cross-section as determined by a CAD file. This technology is the only one that allows for the printing of full colour prototypes. It is also recognized as the fastest method."
16:43:32 <AnMaster> see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3D_printing
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19:09:27 <ehird> 18:21:22 <pikhq> ... There's now six-core Opterons.
19:09:34 <ehird> pikhq: there are eight-core Nehalem-EXs.
19:10:15 <ehird> pikhq: "Nehalem-EX will provide tremendous scalability, from large-memory two-socket systems through eight-socket systems capable of processing 128 threads"
19:10:28 <ehird> 8x8 = 64 cores.
19:11:16 <pikhq> ehird: Shipping now?
19:11:39 <ehird> With the price of the uberrig? You could pay them to ship now. They have, however, been demonstrated. http://www.intel.com/pressroom/archive/releases/20090526comp.htm
19:11:44 <pikhq> That six-core Opteron is on sale right now.
19:11:52 <pikhq> $700 a chip.
19:12:02 <ehird> So what? Feasibility is not a goal of the uber rig.
19:12:05 <pikhq> (8-core coming out in $SOON)
19:13:27 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
19:13:36 <ehird> We should remake the uberrig focusing on performance instead of price; it got a bit the silly with the "adding 40,000 harddrives" thing.
19:14:49 <pikhq> More DDR3 is required.
19:15:00 <icefox> actually six-core for $600 is pretty reasonable, the alternative would be picking multiple machines with dual/quad which would cost a bit more
19:15:17 <ehird> icefox: O RLY? You have clearly not seen our 8-processor system.
19:15:36 <icefox> :)
19:15:42 <pikhq> $5,600 for CPUs. :D
19:15:56 <pikhq> Also, how many gigs of RAM? 256G?
19:16:00 <ehird> pikhq: I'm thinkin' a 2xNehalem Xeon system with, oh, 128GB of RAM? You can get 4GB sticks of DDR3, they're just über-expensive.
19:16:06 <ehird> Also, it was 128.
19:16:07 <ehird> I think.
19:16:25 <pikhq> Can't you get 4xNehalem systems now?
19:16:31 <ehird> Nah, not yet
19:16:41 <ehird> Although I retract my previous criticism of hyperthreading
19:16:47 <ehird> all the benchmarks show it can almost double performance
19:16:50 <ehird> I haven't seen it be slower
19:17:05 <ehird> pikhq: Oh, and 4xASUS Mars in Quad-SLI. What's an ASUS Mars? Two GTX 285s (the best single gaming GPU on the market) stuck together.
19:17:05 <pikhq> Hmm. Guess Intel decided to stick enough cache in those chips, then.
19:17:28 <ehird> 8 GPUs, bitch. Talk about number crunching.
19:18:05 <ehird> It's even "Limited Edition".
19:18:14 <ehird> pikhq: Oh, and it has 4GB of graphics memory.
19:18:24 <ehird> What's that, Quadro and Tesla? You thought you could maybe beat it with RAM?
19:18:26 <ehird> How cute!
19:18:35 <ehird> (That's a single card)
19:18:50 <ehird> 16GB of graphics memory in total. That's more than the RAM I'm putting in my new rig...
19:19:25 <pikhq> Would you say 18x DDR3 slots is a good idea? :P
19:19:47 <ehird> Bah, that's it, I'm opening a new window on the 'egg.
19:19:59 <ehird> Time to drool over exorbitant amounts of money.
19:20:18 <ehird> pikhq: it's questionable whether we even need to bother with hard drives :-D
19:20:39 <ehird> pikhq: we could have one of those PCIe SSDs, and use a few SATA SSDs in RAID-0 to just get a driver and boot into them
19:21:17 <pikhq> It appears difficult to get a mobo with 4 PCIe x16 slots.
19:21:25 <ehird> pikhq: Meh, we can sort that out later.
19:21:33 <ehird> pikhq: 18x DDR3 sounds nice; would be nice to have more but oh well
19:21:47 <ehird> If we can find 8GB sticks of DDR3 that's 144GB
19:21:52 <ehird> Dunno if we can though
19:22:04 <ehird> pikhq: massively more ram won't really help performance appreciably in a lot of things
19:22:13 <ehird> past like 100GB it'll just be minor
19:22:51 <ehird> pikhq: Do you think you can get PCIe expansion cards?
19:23:00 <pikhq> No.
19:23:13 <ehird> PCI Express 2.0 x 16 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen2 x16 Link) (Auto switch to x8 Link if slot 4 is occupied)
19:23:14 <ehird> 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen2 x8 Link)
19:23:16 <ehird> 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen2 x16 Link) (Auto turn off if slot 6 is occupied)
19:23:18 <ehird> 1 x PCI-E x16 (Gen2 x16 Link for 1U Full-Height/Full-Length Card) (Auto turn off if slot 5 is occupied, MIO supported)
19:23:24 <ehird> So that's 3xPCIex8
19:23:31 <pikhq> Here's a system with 7 PCIe slots (x8, but they're x16 slots).
19:23:43 <ehird> pikhq: x8 isn't acceptable
19:24:36 <ehird> the nehalem server mobos kind of suck tbh
19:24:59 <pikhq> They do.
19:25:09 <ehird> but 2x4corenehalem w/ HT is probably gonna be better than 4x4coreopteron
19:25:40 <pikhq> 4x6 Opterons, you mean.
19:26:03 <ehird> pikhq: Mh. There's more to life than cores; if we wanna do massively parallel stuff we got the gfx cards
19:26:31 <icefox> but still in one box? Do you push it out to multiple boxes?
19:26:34 <pikhq> Also, there's only two motherboards with 4 x16 slots. They're both for Opterons. ;p
19:26:41 <ehird> icefox: One box; it may be 12U though.
19:26:56 <ehird> pikhq: The server nehalem mobos, btw, don't support >1333mhz ram. But I doubt the Opteron boards do either.
19:27:02 <ehird> Unfortunately, consumer boards are one-processor.
19:27:15 <ehird> Where can a mad rich person get a break? /sig
19:27:16 <ehird> h
19:27:25 <pikhq> AMD does consumer two-processor boards.
19:27:43 <pikhq> (because they're silly like that)
19:27:44 <ehird> pikhq: But that's only 8 threads vs 16
19:28:00 <pikhq> 12 threads.
19:28:14 <ehird> pikhq: Do Opterons work in consumer boards? I doubt.
19:28:27 <pikhq> The two-processor boards are Socket F.
19:28:40 <pikhq> So, yes, they do.
19:28:58 <ehird> pikhq: Nehalem Xeon sockets are the Core i7 sockets, but they still don't work together due to QPI.
19:29:17 <pikhq> AMD doesn't do that stupid shit.
19:29:47 <ehird> pikhq: For values of stupid shit equal to "not charging the consumers more for features they don't need"
19:30:03 <ehird> http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.aspx?SubCategory=22&name=AMD-Motherboards ;; I see no dual-sockets
19:30:11 <ehird> Remember we need AM3 & DDR3.
19:30:27 <pikhq> Hrm.
19:30:47 <pikhq> All this is pointless: there's a 6-core Xeon.
19:30:59 <pikhq> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117176
19:32:25 <pikhq> ... It's socket 604. Why?
19:32:35 <ehird> pikhq: It's not Nehalem.
19:32:40 <ehird> Therefore, it's worthless.
19:33:00 <pikhq> Totally.
19:34:45 -!- oerjan has joined.
19:41:36 <ehird> pikhq: Maybe we should just set the rig's price at $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 — the cost to get a whole 3d printer that can print an uber-rig designed and made
19:42:50 <pikhq> ehird: At that price point, I want a Von Neumman replicator or a universal Turing machine.
19:43:02 <ehird> Tough
19:43:34 <oerjan> at that price point i would throw in FTL travel and communication because you're going to need it just to collect the money :D
19:43:57 <ehird> pikhq: it's only 2500000000 bill gateses
19:44:28 <pikhq> oerjan: Fine, fine. I want the USS Enterprise.
19:44:47 <oerjan> > (/2500000000).read.filter(/=',')$"1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000"
19:44:48 <lambdabot> 4.0e20
19:45:04 <ehird> > nub ',' "1,000,000"
19:45:05 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `[a]'
19:45:08 <ehird> :t nub
19:45:08 <lambdabot> forall a. (Eq a) => [a] -> [a]
19:45:11 <pikhq> Oh, hi, Lambdabot.
19:45:14 <ehird> oh
19:45:14 <ehird> duh
19:45:23 <ehird> @hoogle (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> [a]
19:45:23 <lambdabot> Data.List delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
19:45:24 <lambdabot> Data.List intersperse :: a -> [a] -> [a]
19:45:24 <lambdabot> Data.List (\\) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
19:45:31 <ehird> > delete ',' "1,000,000"
19:45:32 <lambdabot> "1000,000"
19:45:36 <ehird> .............
19:45:39 <ehird> except not like that, lambdabot.
19:45:45 <ehird> > "," \\ "1,000,000"
19:45:46 <lambdabot> ""
19:45:50 <ehird> bah
19:45:56 <oerjan> that's for sets
19:46:05 <oerjan> > "1,000,000" \\ ","
19:46:06 <lambdabot> "1000,000"
19:46:20 <oerjan> neither works properly when it's not a set
19:46:36 <pikhq> > [x | x<-"1,000,000", x != ',']
19:46:38 <lambdabot> Not in scope: `!='
19:46:43 <pikhq> > [x | x<-"1,000,000", x /= ',']
19:46:43 <AnMaster> <ehird> pikhq: 18x DDR3 sounds nice; would be nice to have more but oh well <-- WTH are the dimensions of that mobo...
19:46:44 <lambdabot> "1000000"
19:46:54 <AnMaster> oerjan, hiwc
19:46:55 <ehird> AnMaster: Regular high-end server size.
19:46:58 <pikhq> AnMaster: Absurd.
19:47:19 <oerjan> also, $4.0e20 is quite a bit more than bill gates has
19:47:20 <pikhq> > filter (/=',') "1,000,000"
19:47:21 <lambdabot> "1000000"
19:47:23 <ehird> HAHA WOW. Unix time hit 2^30 on 2004-01-10…………… at 13:37.
19:47:23 <pikhq> There.
19:47:24 <AnMaster> ehird, remind me what those dimensions were?
19:47:29 <oerjan> AnMaster: hi
19:47:36 <ehird> AnMaster: a bit bigger than eATX.
19:47:50 <oerjan> pikhq: er, that's what i started with
19:47:59 <pikhq> Oh, so it is.
19:49:18 <pikhq> @hoogle Char -> String -> String
19:49:19 <lambdabot> Distribution.Simple.PreProcess.Unlit plain :: String -> String -> String
19:49:19 <lambdabot> Data.List insert :: Ord a => a -> [a] -> [a]
19:49:19 <lambdabot> Data.List delete :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
19:49:32 <ehird> that's Eq a=>a->[a]->[a]
19:50:01 <oerjan> nice, hoogle generalizes
19:50:08 <pikhq> So it is.
19:52:22 <AnMaster> <ehird> Where can a mad rich person get a break? /sig <ehird> h <-- when he/she is rich enough to have the perfect mobo custom made :P
19:52:39 <oerjan> > intersection "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:52:40 <lambdabot> Not in scope: `intersection'
19:52:45 <oerjan> > intersect "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:52:47 <lambdabot> "1000000"
19:52:49 <oerjan> hah
19:52:56 <oerjan> > flip intersect "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:52:57 <lambdabot> "01"
19:53:05 <oerjan> not overly commutative, there
19:53:22 <pikhq> > flip intersect $ "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:53:24 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `t -> [a]'
19:53:33 <pikhq> > flip . intersect $ "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:53:34 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `b -> c' against inferred type `[a]'
19:53:42 * pikhq is thinking wrong
19:53:48 <oerjan> the $ needs to go before the _last_ argument
19:53:56 <pikhq> Right, right.
19:54:01 <AnMaster> what is that hoogle thing?
19:54:09 <pikhq> > (flip . intersect) "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:54:11 <lambdabot> Couldn't match expected type `b -> c' against inferred type `[a]'
19:54:17 <pikhq> > (flip intersect) "1,000,000" ['0'..'9']
19:54:19 <lambdabot> "01"
19:54:35 <oerjan> AnMaster: haskell library lookup
19:54:44 <pikhq> Anyways.
19:54:58 <oerjan> it can find functions matching a type
19:55:02 <AnMaster> hm ok
19:55:06 <AnMaster> ah
19:55:08 <AnMaster> bbl food
19:55:24 <oerjan> @hoogle intersect
19:55:24 <lambdabot> Data.List intersect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
19:55:25 <lambdabot> Data.List intersectBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
19:55:25 <lambdabot> Data.IntMap intersection :: IntMap a -> IntMap b -> IntMap a
19:55:30 <oerjan> also by name
19:56:10 <oerjan> @more
19:56:22 * oerjan wonders if they removed @more
19:56:27 <oerjan> @help more
19:56:27 <lambdabot> @more. Return more output from the bot buffer.
19:56:40 <oerjan> @hoogle map
19:56:41 <lambdabot> Prelude map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
19:56:41 <lambdabot> Data.ByteString map :: (Word8 -> Word8) -> ByteString -> ByteString
19:56:41 <lambdabot> Data.IntMap map :: (a -> b) -> IntMap a -> IntMap b
19:56:43 <oerjan> @more
19:56:53 <ehird> oerjan: @hoogle doesn't do @more.
19:56:54 <oerjan> @help hoogle
19:56:54 <lambdabot> hoogle <expr>. Haskell API Search for either names, or types.
19:56:59 <oerjan> that
19:57:02 <oerjan> 's stupid
19:57:08 <ehird> so's your mom
19:57:31 <oerjan> dead people usually are
19:59:00 <oerjan> if there is a command that _needs_ @more, you'd think it would be @hoogle
19:59:35 <oerjan> it doesn't even give more hits in privmsg
19:59:45 <oerjan> otoh it does have a web interface
20:00:36 <oerjan> @hoogle (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
20:00:36 <lambdabot> Data.Traversable fmapDefault :: Traversable t => (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
20:00:36 <lambdabot> Prelude fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
20:00:36 <lambdabot> Control.Applicative (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
20:01:19 <oerjan> @hoogle (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
20:01:20 <lambdabot> Prelude map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
20:01:20 <lambdabot> Data.List map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
20:01:20 <lambdabot> Control.Parallel.Strategies parMap :: Strategy b -> (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
20:01:26 <ehird> ieb wnterface
20:01:30 <ehird> eb winterface
20:01:34 <ehird> ebbing winter face
20:01:48 <oerjan> @hoogle ebb
20:01:48 <lambdabot> package WebBits
20:02:04 <oerjan> @hoogle tide
20:02:04 <lambdabot> No results found
20:02:31 <AnMaster> <ehird> so's your mom <oerjan> dead people usually are <-- BRAINS!
20:02:40 <AnMaster> </bad taste>
20:02:48 * ehird eats oerjan's mother's brain, absorbs the stupidity
20:02:51 <ehird> hurf durf why i do that
20:03:05 <AnMaster> ehird, because you are already stupid?
20:03:05 <ehird> AnMaster: do you know who else marked their jokes that were in bad taste?
20:03:07 <ehird> the HITLER.
20:03:11 <ehird> He did THE HOLOCAUST.
20:03:19 <ehird> ...the HITLER? I didn't intend that.
20:03:20 <AnMaster> ehird, Godwin!
20:03:23 <ehird> I guess I really did become stupider, huh.
20:03:28 <oerjan> you LOSE because of the GODWIN
20:03:33 <AnMaster> oerjan, indeed
20:03:50 <ehird> The Godwin is about the the Nazis and the Hitler.
20:03:57 <AnMaster> the ehird lost because of the Godwin.
20:04:07 <oerjan> hm is it punironical when an atheist loses because of godwin?
20:04:19 <ehird> The ehird, which is the myself, did the loss because of the "the Godwin" thing.
20:04:23 <ehird> oerjan: erm, howso?
20:04:27 <ehird> what's hitler got to do with atheism
20:04:39 <oerjan> because then it's a GodWin, get it?
20:04:54 <ehird> ...
20:04:56 <ehird> Okay.
20:04:59 <ehird> Right. Now.
20:05:02 <ehird> First things first.
20:05:07 * ehird rips oerjan's skull apart.
20:05:07 <ehird> And
20:05:17 * ehird punches oerjan's eyeballs, then blends them while still connected.
20:05:25 * ehird rips off all non-headular limbs of oerjan.
20:05:33 <oerjan> refreshing
20:05:36 * ehird cuts off all of oerjan's remaining skin.
20:05:46 * ehird squishes oerjan's brain, lobotomizes repeatedly.
20:05:54 * ehird blends oerjan's brain.
20:06:06 <pikhq> "Will It Blend?"
20:06:07 * ehird evaporates the remaining skin, then liquidizes the gas, then freezes the gas, then poops on it.
20:06:18 * ehird melts the result, throws it in the sewer.
20:06:21 <ehird> A job well done.
20:07:17 -!- Pthing has quit ("Leaving").
20:07:19 <oerjan> now the atheist loses again, because the fact i can still talk is proof of the existence of a soul
20:07:34 -!- Pthing has joined.
20:08:22 <ehird> oerjan: I think it's proof that the body I destroyed was a dud, and you are in fact an AI.
20:08:40 <oerjan> well that could be
20:08:53 <oerjan> after all, i cannot prove that i am not an AI, even to myself
20:10:57 -!- SimonRC has joined.
20:11:00 <ehird> oerjan: yudkowsky would not be pleased
20:11:19 <AnMaster> oerjan, No definitions were found for punironical.
20:11:24 <AnMaster> oerjan, what the hell does that work mean
20:11:37 <ehird> All your family are dead because you caused that tornado.
20:12:45 <oerjan> ehird: why not? it would mean the singularity has already happened, and not completely unfriendly. although not complete friendly either, alas.
20:12:54 <oerjan> *ly
20:13:09 <AnMaster> about that turing test thingy... Someone should do it but hook up either two AIs or two humans. The person talking to them would become very confused.
20:13:18 <ehird> oerjan: if you don't know you're an AI you can't self-modify
20:13:27 <oerjan> well that's true
20:13:27 <ehird> AnMaster: two humans is the whole point of the turing test, dude.
20:13:38 <ehird> and two AIs just generates blabber; it's been done
20:13:39 <oerjan> or at least not very efficiently
20:13:41 <ehird> feedback loop type stuff
20:14:00 <AnMaster> ehird, yes.. but I meant for the tester to talk to
20:14:06 <AnMaster> two different AIs of course
20:14:13 <AnMaster> or not AIs
20:14:14 <ehird> Boring.
20:14:26 <oerjan> ehird: i was not implying _i_ was the superhuman AI, btw, but if AIs exist it's likely a superhuman AI has created them
20:14:30 <ehird> You need a larger sample size than two, and if it's big enough, it'll just give rubbish results
20:14:31 <AnMaster> ehird, you could decide which is the most human one
20:14:43 <AnMaster> ehird, it is supposed to be a practical joke
20:14:44 <AnMaster> duh
20:14:46 <AnMaster> -_-
20:14:58 <AnMaster> oerjan, still: <AnMaster> oerjan, No definitions were found for punironical.
20:15:04 <oerjan> hm well that doesn't hold true dor a short while
20:15:07 <ehird> AnMaster: It wouldn't be funny though.
20:15:13 <oerjan> AnMaster: that's because it was made up on the spot
20:15:16 <ehird> oerjan: can you tell AnMaster he's an idiot just one time plz?
20:15:17 <ehird> darn
20:15:23 <AnMaster> oerjan, ah ok
20:15:47 <oerjan> ehird: i don't believe in doing that, although i sometimes slip up
20:16:15 <ehird> oerjan: you're an idiot!
20:16:38 <oerjan> you don't say
20:16:51 <oerjan> also, i'm aware of that
20:17:01 <AnMaster> oerjan, you are not an idiot
20:17:11 <oerjan> idiot and genius at the same time, dependent on subject
20:17:54 <oerjan> AnMaster: well probably not in the clinical sense :D
20:18:07 <AnMaster> erm. I think that one issue ehird is having is not knowing the difference between "idiot" and "smart but lacking knowledge in this specific area"
20:18:19 <ehird> i was joking. you idiot.
20:18:30 <AnMaster> hah
20:18:30 <ehird> (note: the latter isn't a joke, but do not imply "therefore".)
20:18:38 <AnMaster> ehird, yes it was a joke
20:18:47 <AnMaster> but you are metajoking that it wasn't a joke
20:18:54 <ehird> "you idiot." directed at you wasn't a joke, I just implied no causation.
20:19:26 <oerjan> s/dor/for/
20:19:34 <ehird> theredore
20:19:40 <ehird> what was that replacing?
20:19:50 <oerjan> way up there
20:24:10 <ehird> pikhq: Prepared for a massive WTF?
20:24:22 <ehird> pikhq: Using the default Firefox theme instead of the more mac-like one, the menus are now curved.
20:24:25 <ehird> WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT
20:24:37 <pikhq> ehird: Wha?
20:25:20 <AnMaster> screenshot
20:25:23 <AnMaster> really
20:25:32 <ehird> AnMaster: The menus are meant to be curved.
20:25:41 <AnMaster> ehird, in 3.5?
20:25:46 <AnMaster> I'm so not going to switch
20:25:50 <AnMaster> anyway I want a screenshot
20:25:53 <ehird> It happened in every version.
20:25:58 <ehird> AnMaster: It's only on mac too, stop being stupid.
20:26:05 <AnMaster> ehird, oh ok
20:26:09 <AnMaster> still, a screenshot please
20:26:17 <ehird> See any_OSX_screenshot_ever.
20:26:30 <ehird> Well, Leopard.
20:27:14 <AnMaster> ehird, like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Leopard-stacks-fan-grid.png ?
20:27:35 <ehird> I'm going to assume you're joking and not being purposefully dense.
20:27:46 <ehird> So let me congratulate you on furthering the field of Jokes That Aren't Funny.
20:27:58 <AnMaster> ehird, probably. can't find a screenshot of the menus open though
20:28:39 * ehird tries Grapher.app after seeing it in that screenshot, likes it.
20:28:42 <ehird> s/,/;/
20:29:04 <ehird> I can type 'y=x/2' and it looks like TeX output as I type.
20:29:15 <AnMaster> old
20:29:29 <AnMaster> even OS 9 had it
20:29:58 <ehird> AnMaster: I know; and I know the history to it too.
20:30:03 <ehird> But it's very nice nowadays too.
20:30:13 <ehird> (I'm assuming you know its fun story.)
20:30:20 <AnMaster> ehird, no?
20:30:33 <ehird> AnMaster: http://www.nucalc.com/Story/
20:30:34 <pikhq> Hmm. Was that the one written by a guy who was technically not an Apple employee?
20:30:40 <ehird> pikhq: Two guys, and yep.
20:30:42 <ehird> After they were fired.
20:30:47 <ehird> AnMaster: (Read it all, it's hilarious.)
20:30:53 <pikhq> Yeah, that was a fun story.
20:32:16 <ehird> Wow, the 3D plots are great.
20:33:27 <AnMaster> "She didn't ask who I was and let him keep his office and badge. In turn, I told people that I was reporting to him. Since that left no managers in the loop, we had no meetings and could be extremely productive." <-- :D
20:43:04 <ehird> pikhq: ha, ha... the menu dims the stuff behind it a bit like it should, but doesn't blur it
20:43:10 <ehird> it's so obvious they're drawing it manually...
20:48:53 <AnMaster> 'in the Spinal Tap idiom, we said, "OK, this one goes to eleven."' <-- ehird, can you explain this?
20:49:05 <ehird> Yes, but so can Google, with less energy.
20:49:23 <ehird> AnMaster: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_Is_Spinal_Tap
20:49:36 <ehird> Specifically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbVKWCpNFhY
20:51:23 <pikhq> AnMaster: You see, it goes to 11. That's 1 more than 10.
20:51:30 <AnMaster> heh
20:51:34 <AnMaster> yeah I found it
20:51:41 <ehird> pikhq: But... why not make the top one 10, and make that a bit louder?
20:51:46 <pikhq> Also, it's Spin̈al Tap.
20:51:54 <pikhq> ehird: It goes to 11.
20:52:00 <AnMaster> pikhq, no dot over the i
20:52:04 <ehird> pikhq: This Is Spın̈al Tap, actually.
20:52:05 <pikhq> One louder.
20:52:05 <AnMaster> and to make a joke breaking comment: depends on the scale of the numbers
20:52:07 <ehird> The band is called Spinal Tap.
20:52:13 <pikhq> Oh, right.
20:52:20 <pikhq> Spın̈al Tap.
20:52:21 <AnMaster> ehird, I said that already
20:52:26 <ehird> No, the band is Spinal Tap.
20:52:33 <ehird> The documentary is This Is Spın̈al Tap.
20:52:42 <pikhq> Eh.
20:53:25 <AnMaster> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main.ThisIsSpinalTap too btw
20:56:01 <AnMaster> "We wanted to release a Windows version as part of Windows 98, but sadly, Microsoft has effective building security." <-- heheh
21:23:26 <AnMaster> wow
21:23:36 <AnMaster> a spammer who stopped spamming when asked nicely
21:23:41 <AnMaster> in #kde
21:23:44 <AnMaster> how unusual
21:24:37 <oerjan> it's actually a feral child, who grew up in a spammer hive. this is the first time anyone told him that spam isn't always wanted.
21:24:55 <ehird> AnMaster: xD
21:24:58 <ehird> oerjan: xD
21:25:17 <AnMaster> hheh
21:25:18 <AnMaster> heh*
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