00:03:10 itd be interesting to try and develop something like relativity but that affects histories instead of simultaneity 00:05:01 the Everett interpretation is a little bit like that i think 00:05:07 ? 00:05:18 Doesn't TOE (assuming it is eventually discovered) provode answers to things like wheither FTL travel is possible and wheither time travel is possible? 00:05:27 many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics 00:05:32 it should 00:06:08 i dont think multiple-worlds QM is the time-equivalent of Relativity's affects on simultaneity 00:06:22 {Based on theoretical holographic principle arguments from the 1990s, many physicists believe that 11-dimensional M-theory, which is described in many sectors by matrix string theory, in many other sectors by perturbative string theory is the complete theory of everything. Other physicists disagree.} 00:06:24 - wikipedia 00:06:27 lolllll 00:06:41 that was so obviously put there by a string theorist 00:06:44 you'd think they'd try harder 00:07:26 Hmm... Wonder if it is possible to combine that E8 theory with Z2 grading (supersymmetry)... 00:07:43 "many physicists" seems to be begging for the weasel word template... 00:07:50 oerjan: you betcha 00:07:56 also, that exceptionally simple theory of everything 00:07:58 is apparently bulshit 00:08:00 *bullshit 00:08:08 read about it somewhere, apparently it's mainly just a load of buzzwords 00:09:53 The main techincal problem seems to be that it can't represent fermions. On the other hand, supersymmetry operator converts between fermions and bosons.... 00:11:02 It also has the weirdness that pretty much all previous theories combined strong force first and then gravity. Apparently that E8 thing first combines gravity and then strong force. 00:12:25 (That's why GUT is theory of strong force, weak force and electromagnetism).... 00:12:35 but not gravity? 00:14:01 the old kaluza-klein theory unifies gravity and electromagnetism, but then it's not a quantum theory 00:14:01 In classical model naming, TOE combines GUT with gravity (and is the final theory). 00:14:30 OTOH, there are theories that involve forces beyound the four currently known... 00:15:00 hm wait this web page claims klein 00:15:12 's part _was_ quantum: http://www.matter-antimatter.com/kaluza-klein_theory.htm 00:15:26 Hulo 00:15:37 hi Slereah_ 00:15:44 but it didn't work 00:16:56 Yeah. Figuring way to merge GR and QM is not trivial. Many attemps have been made, each running into nonsensical stuff (infinities). 00:17:25 what's wrong with infinities? 00:17:30 infinite probabilities, WHATS IT MEAN 00:17:43 theres no such thing as an infinite probability :( 00:18:34 (apparently that web page is affiliated with some people attempting to fix this and probably give their own TOE?) 00:18:35 And even if one doesn't run into infinities, one gets stuff like 10^120 times too large value for some constant (vacuum negative energy density). 00:18:48 Well, infinities are no good in a universe which doesn't explode and all. 00:19:13 you know 00:19:28 maybe the infinite probabilities means it happens in _all_ alternate universes. o.o 00:19:45 Probabilities are [0;1], psygnisfive. 00:19:49 sure! 00:19:53 but if you have TWO universes 00:19:54 Outside, they're non-sensical. 00:20:05 then your probability should be 2! 00:20:10 Why? 00:20:18 simply divide probability/#universes and you get the probability in your universe 00:20:23 or in any one universe 00:20:31 what, /infinity? :P 00:20:33 Yes, but the two probabilities are disjoint. 00:20:41 Or, if they're not, they're not two 00:20:42 ah but what if they're NOT disjoint 00:20:57 tusho: what what infinity? 00:21:08 oh you mean divide by infinitey 00:21:09 yes :) 00:21:15 infinity/infinity 00:21:15 ;D 00:21:24 = 1 :D 00:21:25 :p 00:21:27 psygnisfive: i think my summary is, don't write a TOE :P 00:21:38 BUT WHAT IF ITS TRUE ZOMG 00:21:44 Let physicists do their jobs, dude. 00:21:48 infinity/infinity is not well-defined. 00:21:56 And they will not talk of linguistic :o 00:22:00 ilari: what if it is :O 00:22:09 Shush psygnisfive. 00:22:15 i used to be a physics major, you know. then my school screwed me over and i had to switch majors 00:22:22 afk 00:23:19 Well I'm a physics gradutate. 00:23:21 So I win. 00:23:36 hmm 00:23:37 idea 00:23:40 a new conlang 00:24:04 'Toe' - english translation is the correct theory of everything 00:24:09 now all we have to do is publish a paper in that language consisting of 'Toe' 00:24:14 and we'll be heroes 00:24:24 infinity/infinity can be made to be anything between 0 and infinity by suitable choice of infinities... 00:24:35 Doesn't that exist? 00:24:49 Like for instance, the KJV translation? :o 00:24:57 Some people are scary for it 00:25:26 Slereah_: lol wut 00:25:35 "'Toe' - english translation is the correct theory of everything" 00:25:37 :D 00:26:39 I recently had the idea of a general relativity based particle automaton* 00:26:50 But then, I realized it would be horrible to write 00:26:54 Even the specs. 00:32:32 Hmm... Is there esolangs (besides that unary coding of NULL) that can be proven to be turing-complete, but have all nontrivial programs so large that they can't be written in practice? 00:33:13 Ilari: Yes. 00:33:15 That primes language. 00:33:18 Programs are primes. 00:33:21 Well, any esolang which requires an infinite input, for a start 00:33:27 tusho : Godel encoding? 00:33:30 To write a program, you have to write a program, then encode it into a prime by bruteforcing primes. 00:33:33 Slereah_: Not sure. 00:33:35 It's on the esowiki. 00:33:45 Malbolge is close, too. 00:34:02 thinking of Fractran? 00:34:07 http://pastebin.com/f7a13fa58 00:34:13 Here's an hello world encoding :D 00:34:21 Also, maybe Unary? 00:35:44 the rule 110 automaton of Wolfram's gives some huge programs too, i think 00:36:40 (although someone did improve the unary encoding of a TM to a polynomial one) 00:38:04 what about ais523's wolfram thing 00:38:17 It is infinite too 00:38:21 I think 00:38:33 But, you know, nice infinite 00:38:36 Not random infinite 00:38:37 yeah 00:39:50 Not NAUGHTY infiny. 00:39:57 Lmao. 00:43:12 now we'll have to invent that. 00:43:39 aleph_NAUGHT{Y} 00:44:02 hehe? 00:45:07 the smallest indecent cardinal 00:45:42 One funky thing is what is aleph_1? Question if aleph_1 equals beth_1 (size of reals) is undecidable from basic (accepted) set-theoretic assumptions... 00:46:24 oerjan: we need to define cardinal sins, then 00:46:25 Aleph 1 is the smallest cardinal higher than aleph 0. 00:46:42 Cardinal sins already exists, tusho 00:46:43 so ... the sine function with cardinals 00:46:45 or something 00:46:50 It's the function sin(x)/x 00:47:10 Hey, you're right. 00:47:25 So. 00:47:30 aleph 1 is the cardinal of the first uncountable ordinal, which is again fairly concretely the _set_ of countable well-ordering classes 00:47:34 We need to use cardinal sins to define aleph_NAUGHT{Y} 00:47:37 :D 00:47:54 something involving altar boys, presumably. 00:48:21 yes 00:50:21 cmon guys 00:50:30 we need to design a real crazy language 00:50:41 Malbolge? 00:50:47 something completely bafflingly different yet brilliantly sensible 00:50:49 * oerjan notes that google gives a hit for aleph-naughty. "Infinite to the power of infinite wishes" 00:50:54 psygnisfive: no we need to define aleph_NAUGHT{Y} using the cardinal sin function with altar boys 00:51:35 does it involve raping you? 00:51:54 Possibly. 00:51:59 AWESOME. 00:52:05 http://esolangs.org/wiki/%22The_most_important_thing_in_the_programming_language_is_the_name._A_language_will_not_succeed_without_a_good_name._I_have_recently_invented_a_very_good_name_and_now_I_am_looking_for_a_suitable_language.%22 00:52:16 i think this conversation may be illegal in some US states. 00:52:16 We still need to fill it :o 00:52:35 i think this conversation may be illegal in some USA's.* 00:52:56 i still want to make my language that uses natural-language-like syntactic structures. 00:53:04 and allows quantified values. 00:53:05 :| 00:53:13 psygnisfive: have you looked at Perligata? 00:53:19 So crazy that it lacks anything even seeming like instruction pointer? :-) 00:53:20 no, should i? 00:53:44 challenge: DESIGN AN ALIEN PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. 00:53:46 DO IT. 00:54:33 psygnisfive: also, maybe ORK 00:55:26 perligata is latin-based though, more about inflections than syntax 00:55:46 thats boring. 00:55:54 -!- timotiis has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 00:55:58 http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/wiki/ORK 00:56:29 see, i dont want programming IN natural language, or anything that looks like natural language necessarily 00:56:31 that's the one enforced english syntax language that comes to mind 00:56:38 i just want to use concepts from natural language syntax. 00:57:28 How do I conjugate loop? 00:57:46 you're french, you can do it 00:57:48 looper 00:57:50 to loop, loops, looped, has looped 00:57:51 loopée 00:57:57 loopeaux 00:58:00 whatever 00:58:15 looperons 00:58:23 that too. 00:58:29 A(A(g_64, g_64), A(g_64, g_64)) == ? 00:58:32 * AnMaster runs 00:58:41 42. 00:58:42 1 00:58:52 ERROR OUT OF SPACETIME 00:58:59 out of space time haha 00:59:00 oerjan, is correct 00:59:17 psygnisfive, Slereah_: oerjan is actually correct 00:59:28 thats not the point 00:59:47 read up on Graham's number and Ackermann's function 00:59:54 NOT THE POINT. 00:59:58 psygnisfive, why? 01:00:11 oerjan, out of space time by how much? 01:00:19 A LOT 01:00:21 ERROR OUT OF SPACETIME 01:00:23 are there units for space time? 01:00:27 cubic foot seconds? 01:00:41 oerjan, how many iterations of that question until you are not out of spacetime? 01:00:54 Technically, using Planck units to define units of space time, the entire universe is way under 10^150 units of spacetime 01:00:55 still ERROR OUT OF SPACETIME, possibly 01:01:02 oerjan, haha 01:01:23 oerjan, by how much? 01:01:43 so, how long until we have 10^150 bits on a hard drive? 01:02:00 As soon as you can fit the universe into it 01:02:04 ok is it just me 01:02:08 or is this cheating: 01:02:11 (from wiki) 01:02:19 Values of A(m,n): 01:02:25 for m\n = 0\1 01:02:31 A(m,n) = A(0,1) 01:02:34 i believe the holographic hypothesis limits memory to the surface area of the hard drive 01:02:40 i swear, thats what it says 01:02:58 The actual Ackermann function is more complicated 01:03:03 It has three variables 01:03:14 But the two variable version is common 01:04:27 i think this conversation may be illegal in some US states. 01:04:30 thoughtcrime? 01:05:19 Chatcrime 01:05:23 INTERNET CRIME 01:05:23 is it illegal to joke about raping someone who's significantly underage in a context where its obviously a joke? 01:05:55 everyone knows the US law system has no sense of humor 01:05:58 more importantly, in the presence of, and being said to, the person fictionally being raped? 01:06:05 NO HUMOR AT ALL. 01:06:08 HUMOR CLOGS THE TUBES. 01:06:19 psygnisfive: i think it would be more clear-cut if I wasn't 12 :-P 01:06:25 does freenode do coppa? 01:06:28 if so then I shouldn't be here in the first place 01:06:38 more clear cut if you werent 12 how? 01:06:38 tusho: yes 01:06:40 although that law allows it if you fax in a permission form 01:06:46 signed by your parents... 01:06:49 lawl 01:06:53 coppa? 01:06:59 Go ask your parents, tusho 01:07:01 AnMaster: paranoid shit 01:07:03 i can fax your parents a permission slip and if you and your parents sign it i can rape you? 01:07:03 I need to rape you 01:07:06 wtf is coppa? 01:07:06 thank you coppa! 01:07:07 Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. 01:07:13 00:32 - By registering your nickname with Nickserv you agree that you 01:07:13 00:32 - are 13 years of age, or older. For more information about the 01:07:13 00:32 - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act please see their 01:07:13 00:32 - website at (http://www.coppa.org). 01:07:24 ok, well, I'm actually 37 01:07:27 I'm just lying that I'm 123 01:07:28 er 01:07:28 12 01:07:31 that's my official opinion 01:07:31 ok? 01:07:32 so 01:07:35 back to the topic of raping me 01:07:43 -!- cherez has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 01:07:44 If you're under 13, no Internet for you! Except that's a big exaggeration. You're just not allowed to provide certain information. 01:07:50 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: Let's all rape Tusho! :D. 01:07:58 * ihope rapes tusho 01:08:02 ihope: COPPA is universally ignored except by a few annoying people/ 01:08:03 psygnisfive, where are the logs 01:08:04 pedo. 01:08:05 Wait a minute... 01:08:06 I can't find them 01:08:06 * tusho feels raped by ihope 01:08:08 psygnisfive: hey hey, no leaving out the channel logs 01:08:10 when they are not in the toic 01:08:12 topic 01:08:19 psygnisfive, WHERE ARE THE CHANNEL LOGS!? 01:08:25 WHAT? 01:08:27 -!- tusho has set topic: HTTP COLON SLASH SLASH TUNES DOT ORG SLASH TILDE NEF SLASH LOGS SLASH ESOTERIC. 01:08:35 haha 01:08:38 good way 01:08:42 all urls should be written that way. 01:08:44 you have to type to get them 01:08:48 WORK FOR IT 01:08:56 i'm not just going to GIVE AWAY the log url 01:09:06 colon slash slash is what happens when you have sex without lube 01:09:13 ow 01:09:19 colon slash slash tunes is music you listen to while having sex without lube. 01:09:58 http colon slash slash tunes is music about the web you listen to while having sex without lube 01:10:04 -!- cherez has joined. 01:10:14 who will continue?! 01:10:43 STEP UP AND CLAIM YOUR PRIZE AS NUMBER ONE STUPID INTERPRETATION OF THE TOPIC INVENTOR PERSON 01:10:53 yes 01:10:54 LUBE IN THE TUBE 01:10:55 FIRST TO COMPLETE THE WHOLE TOPIC GETS TO RAPE TUSHO 01:10:57 just add the next two words 01:11:00 oh, hi cherez 01:11:03 we're raping me 01:11:11 we're raping tusho 01:11:32 it's cool tho, he was asking for it. 01:11:45 http colon slash slash tunes dot is the hole you get in your brain when you listen to music about the web you listen to while having sex without lube 01:11:46 i mean, look at how hes dressed, all slutty like that like 01:11:54 -!- ihope has set topic: PUBLIC LOGS: HTTP COLON SLASH SLASH TUNES DOT ORG SLASH TILDE NEF SLASH LOGS SLASH ESOTERIC. 01:12:01 that one is lame. 01:12:10 tusho, you are not one step closer to raping yourself. 01:12:14 Was I supposed to accidentally type "PUBIC LOGS"? 01:12:21 DO IT 01:12:22 psygnisfive: you add 'dot' then 01:12:34 You do it. :-P 01:12:39 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: PUBIC LOGS: HTTP COLON SLASH SLASH TUNES DOT ORG SLASH TILDE NEF SLASH LOGS SLASH ESOTERIC. 01:13:35 -!- Slereah_ has set topic: PUBLIC LOGS: HEICH TEE TEE PEE COLON SLASH SLASH TEE YOU EN EE ES DOT OH AR GEE SLASH TILDE EN EE EF SLASH EL OH GEE ES SLASH EE ES OH TEE EE AR AI CEE. 01:14:32 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: PEE YOU BEE EL AI CEE EL OH GEE ES: HEICH TEE TEE PEE COLON SLASH SLASH TEE YOU EN EE ES DOT OH AR GEE SLASH TILDE EN EE EF SLASH EL OH GEE ES SLASH EE ES OH TEE EE AR AI CEE. 01:14:41 oh hey i know! 01:15:00 PEE YOU BEE EYE CEE EL OH GEE ESS COLON HEICH EE EYE CEE HEIGH TEE EE EE TEE EE EE PEE EE EE CEE OH EL OH EN ESS EL AYE ESS HEICH ... 01:15:08 oh darn 01:15:10 psygnisfive beat me 01:15:12 pee ee ee why oh you bee ee ee ee el .. 01:15:15 no wait 01:15:16 he didn't 01:15:22 I was spelling out the spelling out after the colon too 01:15:35 ... 01:15:40 Pubic log? 01:15:42 What are heich and heigh? 01:15:53 h and ?? 01:16:02 i would like to make a public statement about the topic: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYEEEEEH!!!!!!! 01:16:06 h and typo 01:16:10 H and A? 01:16:25 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: AAAAAAAAAAAYEEEEHHH!!!!!!!!!. 01:16:28 PEE COLON <- lulwut 01:16:31 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: PEE YOU BEE EL AI CEE EL OH GEE ES: HEICH TEE TEE PEE COLON SLASH SLASH TEE YOU EN EE ES DOT OH AR GEE SLASH TILDE EN EE EF SLASH EL OH GEE ES SLASH EE ES OH TEE EE AR AI CEE. 01:16:36 PUBICLOGS:*EIC*TEETEEPEECOLONSLIS*... yeah. 01:16:37 -!- tusho has set topic: Welcome to Qrrbrbirlbel. 01:16:40 i'd like to bee in YOUR colon 01:16:42 ;O 01:16:53 Ixnay on the ogslay! 01:17:34 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: double you ee el cee oh em ee tee oh queue arrrrrrrrr! bee arr bee eye arr el bee ee el. 01:17:41 -!- tusho has set topic: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 01:17:54 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: EFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. 01:18:25 no 01:18:29 you need EFF * number of Fs 01:18:29 yes 01:18:45 JEW LIES 01:18:46 -!- tusho has set topic: EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF EFF. 01:19:04 -!- psygnisfive has set topic: ee eff eff ee eff eff ee eff eff. 01:19:10 -!- tusho has set topic: EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF EE EFF EFF. 01:19:15 let's stop iterating this 01:19:15 -!- oerjan has set topic: Warning: Topical cyclone. Please seek cover.. 01:19:16 <3 01:19:35 0110100110010110100101100110100110010110011010010110100110010110 01:19:38 hey hey hey 01:19:39 Or something like that, anyway. 01:19:48 its a new look and say innit 01:19:56 a 01:19:57 ay 01:19:59 ay why 01:20:08 -!- tusho has set topic: Http:// TUNES.ORG cyclone. Please /~nef/ cover. Logs/esoteric. 01:20:09 ay why double you aitch why 01:20:58 awesome 01:20:59 hello 01:21:06 aitch ee el el oh 01:21:08 aitch ee el el oh 01:21:09 oh 01:21:10 okay 01:21:11 let's take turns 01:21:12 hello 01:21:26 i did that already nigga 01:21:33 fine 01:21:52 ay eye tee cee aitch ee ee ee el ee el oh aitch 01:22:32 ee el el o. ee ee space ee el space ee el o. ee ee space ee ee space es pee ay cee ee space . . . 01:22:43 * oerjan predicts convergence of this substitution sequence 01:22:57 hmm 01:22:59 this is interesting 01:23:00 oerjan: no spaces 01:23:03 err 01:23:04 ihope: no spaces 01:23:08 omit the spaces :( 01:23:09 I think by convergence, you mean turning into ais523's Turing tape thingy. 01:23:10 just spell out the letters 01:23:15 Okay. 01:23:18 i'll redo if you want 01:23:28 no i mean convergence to an infinitely long fixpoint sequence 01:23:32 ee el el o. ee ee ee el ee el o. ee ee ee ee ee ee ee el ee ee ee el o. 01:23:53 ay bee cee dee ee eff(!) gee aitch(!) eye(!) jay kay el(!) em(!) en(!) oh pee queue you(!) arr(!) es(!) tee you(!) vee double you(!) eks(!) why(!) zee 01:23:56 ay why ee why ee tee ee ee cee ee ee ay eye tee cee aitch ee ee ee ee ee ee ee el ee ee ee el oh aitch ay eye tee cee aitch 01:23:59 (ihope's was wrong. I fixed it.) 01:24:00 all the (!)ed ones are not self-starting 01:24:01 In this case, I guess that would be ee ee ee ee ee ee ee... 01:24:10 If you're using Haskell or something. 01:24:10 psygnisfive: continue from mine 01:24:14 self starting ones are infinite loops 01:24:27 hm right ee is trivial 01:24:44 and all of course eventually get periodic 01:24:49 someone continue from mine :( 01:25:03 eff, aitch, eye, el, em, en, arr, es, and eks are all non-self starting 01:25:14 or I will 01:25:15 but they each start with self starting ones 01:25:31 you is eventually self starting 01:25:39 fine i will 01:25:40 you -> why -> double you -> dee 01:25:50 oh right 01:25:51 so eventually they're all self starting. 01:25:57 so fixpoints for all 01:26:21 well, not fixed points, but they eventually devolve into containing the same stuff over and over 01:26:24 lets see 01:26:33 the limit is a fixpoint 01:26:41 dee => dee ee ee => dee ee ee ee ee ee ee 01:26:51 ay why double-you aitch why ee ee double-you aitch why ee ee tee ee ee ee ee ee ee cee ee ee ee ee ee ee ay why ee why ee tee ee ee cee ee ee ay eye tee cee aitch ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 01:26:55 awesome 01:26:56 that's "hello" 01:27:16 ef => ee ef => ee ee ee ef => ... 01:27:26 so i guess theres also self-ending 01:27:26 i'ma write a JS thing that lets you type in something 01:27:30 and it morphs into the new versions 01:27:35 tomorrow. 01:27:47 tusho it takes two seconds, dont be such a pussy. 01:27:54 dude it's 1:30am and I'm going 01:27:58 lame 01:28:04 bye 01:28:08 Bye. 01:28:25 :) 01:28:33 LAME. 01:28:34 morph =... your two-second time limit has expired. Please insert coin to proceed. 01:28:35 the bye 01:28:50 Slalom. 01:29:04 er... 01:29:24 i'd say ihope's hebrew is really going downhill there 01:29:37 True. 01:30:03 The only other Hebrew things I remember are "ma is what?" and "you want I should". 01:30:22 -!- tusho has quit. 01:31:23 s/going/skiing/ 01:32:11 Very true. 01:39:01 ... 01:39:06 A hebrew esolang? :o 01:39:13 As approved by YHWH 02:21:49 -!- cc_toide has joined. 02:39:39 -!- cctoide has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 02:52:43 -!- cc_to_ide has joined. 03:07:32 -!- cc_to_ide has changed nick to cctoide. 03:08:05 -!- cc_toide has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 03:10:20 sup niggas 03:11:40 Niggery things. 03:12:57 http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Rob/superjerk-is-a-jerk.png 03:19:02 ahahah 03:19:07 Nazi Donkey Kongs. 03:19:17 Captain N is just a dreadful show. 03:20:39 hahaha 03:38:39 -!- Corun has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep"). 03:55:04 oh man guys 03:55:18 im doing visualizations of alphabet look and speak? 03:55:23 cooolness. 03:56:28 What? 03:57:18 its COOl dude 03:58:39 Does he have a popped collar? 03:58:44 hell yes 03:58:46 green polo 03:58:53 you know what that means 04:02:40 i should put this up on the inter blogs 04:02:49 Wotblog 04:08:07 i has a blog 04:08:11 -!- Sgeo has joined. 04:08:13 a useless blog but a blog none the less 04:08:45 anyone know of a good technique for turning exponential growth into polynomial growth? :\ 04:10:14 oh nevermind 04:12:07 Take the logarithm? 04:12:46 pad the input with zeros 04:13:40 Yeah. 04:15:56 thats so weird 04:16:08 no i guess its not really 04:16:13 but still, how weird 04:16:53 switching input from binary to unary would also work 04:17:19 hush :P 04:17:28 i need to show you guys this 04:17:30 its cool 04:17:30 :o 04:17:42 Show me ur harbl 04:20:45 harbl? no! :| 04:23:38 Hmm. I was reading about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller, a Supreme Court case restricting gun laws. 04:24:13 There's a section titled "Henderson's dissent"; at first, I thought it said "Handguns for dissent". 04:24:29 "I don't like how the government's running things." *BLAM* 04:25:02 lol 04:25:54 * oerjan thought that was the amendment's _intended_ use ;) 04:29:59 THE RIGHT TO ARM BEARS 04:44:35 http://www.bustedtees.com/secondamendment 05:15:02 -!- oerjan has quit ("leaving"). 05:19:52 -!- pikhq has quit ("leaving"). 05:19:58 -!- Corun has joined. 05:33:34 man 05:33:37 these things are so weird 05:37:39 -!- Corun has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep"). 05:39:42 -!- ihope has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 05:48:46 -!- Sgeo has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 05:49:30 guys guys guys 05:50:18 http://wellnowwhat.net/alphabeticalseesay.xhtml 05:58:33 wot 05:59:58 check it out 06:00:08 its the alphabetical look tell algorithm 06:00:21 a -> ay -> ay why -> ay why double you aitch why -> ... 06:00:32 It does not do that 06:00:41 drawn 6 levels deep 06:00:49 each letter from a-z is replaced by a colored bar 06:00:53 Oh 06:00:55 Lame. 06:00:58 graphed twice, once left aligned, once right aligned 06:01:02 dude 06:01:04 look at that 06:01:11 look at a 06:01:21 its completely trivial in its left expansion 06:01:30 left-aligned expansion, i mean 06:01:41 its always the same from row to row, plus some. 06:01:51 while the right expansion is almost always the same from row to row 06:01:59 with the same parts growing on the right each time 06:02:01 its AWESOME 06:02:14 some are self similar in that say, but not from the left edge 06:02:17 or right edge 06:02:21 look at i, for instance 06:02:22 Hm. 06:02:34 I apparently have pictures of myself where I'm naked, and a minor 06:02:38 Is it legal? 06:02:45 you have to click submit, btw. 06:02:47 I could endanger... myself 06:02:48 enter wont work. 06:02:51 Or something 06:02:55 lemme see your self pics :o 06:03:03 also, it is technically illegal in the US, yes. 06:17:40 * Slereah_ cleans his room 06:22:39 I'm also watching the "Colour of Magick" movie 06:22:50 It's not a book that lends itself well for movies, though 06:22:54 Too much narrator stuff 06:28:46 Also, Two Flower does not look very asian 06:35:03 And now he's speaking English D: 06:35:16 I guess having him speak in goobledigook the whole movie would be annoying 06:59:33 -!- cc_toide has joined. 07:18:55 -!- cctoide has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 07:29:15 dude 07:29:27 the alphabetical look-tell is a fractal :o 07:30:07 Isq it? 07:33:56 it is! :o 07:34:14 its hard to see with only the 6 iterations there 07:34:58 but with "a", from 2/9 to 4/9 is the same as from 7/9 to 9/9 07:35:33 and in the middle there are some similarities too, too, which expand outward 07:35:47 or consider y, which is part of the cause of the fractalness 07:36:30 Well, I suppose that it's because most letters contains themselves in their pronounciations. 07:36:38 see, thats what i thought 07:36:53 but thats incorrect 07:37:06 because no letter contains itself more then once, except e 07:37:14 and maybe something else 07:37:25 Yeah, but isn't once enough? 07:37:29 no 07:37:31 b 07:37:32 bee 07:37:35 bee ee ee 07:37:39 bee ee ee ee ee ee ee 07:37:43 bee :D 07:37:54 So is fractality for any string? 07:37:58 no 07:38:03 only for certain ones 07:38:07 Gayly lame 07:38:39 anything like bee or el will not be fractal 07:39:25 so a h i j k o q r u w x y are all fractal 07:39:48 y -> why so why is tripply fractal 07:40:07 w -> double you so its multiply fractal 07:40:25 and so on 07:41:12 the names for letters contain themselves or other letters that contain the letter, or are fractal. 07:41:21 the whole thing just explodes out into self similarity 07:41:40 Isn't ee totally fractal? :o 07:41:51 Similar everywhere dude! 07:43:01 well, yes :p 07:43:06 but trivially so 07:43:34 I love trivial. 07:43:41 Hey, want to see a quine? 07:43:42 "" 07:44:20 -!- revcompgeek has joined. 07:44:48 -!- revcompgeek has left (?). 07:50:06 not a quine :) 07:50:39 unless the language prints by default, and it prints strings as surrounded by quotes 07:50:50 in which case all strings are quines in that language 07:50:56 Well, it's the empty string 07:51:03 but the SOURCE isnt the empty string 07:51:10 the source is a string containing "" 07:51:12 :) 07:51:14 Because I have no epsilons on my keyboard. 07:51:39 if you had epsilons 07:51:41 say, e 07:51:49 then it still wouldnt be a quin 07:51:59 epsilon represents the empty string 07:52:00 because you'd need to print the string containing the symbol e 07:52:09 yes, epsilon represents it 07:52:13 but epsilon is also a symbol. 07:52:13 As you might know, IRC doesn't accept empty input. 07:52:25 Oh shut up. 07:52:27 ;) 07:52:31 You cockgoblin. 07:52:40 i went through a whole semester of formal semantics 07:52:59 the first month was nothing but object language vs metalanguage 07:53:11 Well, it's metalanguage, you cock 07:53:48 a grammar that has a symbol for the empty string can itself be specified with another grammar, but that other grammar treats the symbol for the empty string as just any other terminal symbol 07:53:53 "e" != e 07:53:54 :) 07:54:03 "''" != "" 07:54:15 just like {{}} != {} 07:54:26 infact, its the exact same thing. 07:54:44 Except metalanguage, you turdburglar. 07:54:46 to some extent. 07:54:56 "except metalanguage" what? 07:55:40 like i said, it IS possible that you could do that 07:55:51 The fact that I was not suggesting putting two quotes in the program but nothing. 07:55:57 You ass pirate. 07:56:04 "" would indeed be valid IF the language by default printed bare strings surrounded by quotes. 07:56:29 so then the source is empty 07:56:45 ok. 07:56:56 but that suffers from the same problem as "" 07:56:56 You... 07:56:57 You... 07:57:03 Ah, yes. 07:57:06 Double nigger. 07:57:15 it must print by default 07:57:22 but in this case, it just prints nothingness 07:57:49 and all programs print nothingness, since any instance of nothingness is printed 07:57:56 which means you print an infinite number of times 07:58:09 which means that technically its not a quine 07:58:15 or is it... 07:58:58 Isn't e.e = e? 07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended). 08:00:00 -!- clog has joined. 08:00:24 sure 08:00:37 So it might be an infinity of nothing. 08:00:40 But also one :o 08:00:45 true 08:00:55 So it's a quine, and a repeating quine :o 08:01:11 but if it prints each empty string once then it prints an infinite number of empty strings 08:01:27 which i guess is technically what the source is 08:01:54 Are you going to askv what's the sound of one hand clapping now? 08:02:22 no, because clapping is defined as involving two hands and thus the question is based on false premises and has no answer. 08:02:38 anyone who knows anything about zen understands that thats the point of those koans. 08:03:20 Then why are you asking stupid things about the empty string. 08:03:22 they're meant to reveal the pointlessness of asking such questions because wanting answers is yet another attachment 08:03:37 im asking these questions because we're not in a zen monastery! >O 08:04:06 Aren't we? 08:05:16 IT IS NEITHER THE WIND NOR THE FLAG THAT IS MOVING. 08:05:42 But the universe around it? D: 08:07:09 Or inside? 08:16:58 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 08:22:47 -!- RodgerTheGreat has joined. 09:04:26 it's the eyes that are moving 09:14:13 oklopol 09:14:20 did you see my fractally thingy? 09:14:34 -!- Judofyr has joined. 09:43:14 psygnisfive: no, for some reason nnscript decided to start cutting off my backlog at random. 09:43:22 u... 09:43:22 09:56… Slereah_: You... 09:43:22 09:56… Slereah_: Ah, yes. 09:43:31 is the extent of what i see 09:43:39 okokokokokokokokokokoko 09:44:07 ok 09:44:20 wellnowwhat.net/alphabeticalseesay.xhtml 09:44:30 type in a letter and click submit 09:44:50 this is such a windows client, pretty nice to use, and pretty, but you never know when some random option suddenly enables, and everything changes for the worse. 09:44:51 it produces multiple iterations of the "replace each letter with its name" 09:45:03 http://wellnowwhat.net/alphabeticalseesay.xhtml 09:45:30 the algorithm looks like this: 09:45:47 a => ay => ay why => ay why double you aitch why 09:45:50 and so on 09:46:26 b => bee => bee ee ee etc. 09:46:36 but instead of displaying each iteration like that 09:47:02 i chose to display each iteration by stripping white space and displaying each character as a colored vertical bar 09:47:06 does that make sense? 09:47:17 i've never seen those phonetically written forms of english letters 09:47:35 not phonetically... dunno what the word is 09:47:47 well kinda phonetically, anyway, the names for the chars 09:47:47 named letters for english are rare and sketchy 09:48:03 yeah, that is probably why i haven't found them. 09:48:07 but those are what im using 09:48:15 -!- RedDak has joined. 09:48:17 oh, i see 09:48:27 anyway 09:48:33 you just run the algorithm 09:48:34 what are the colors? 09:48:46 the colors correspond to one of the 26 letters 09:48:46 the problem is "e" 09:48:51 it expands infinitely 09:48:53 well, not problem 09:48:55 they all do. 09:49:03 there are no reductions. 09:49:14 but thats ok 09:49:16 thats what i wanted 09:49:19 its cool tho 09:49:20 well sure, sure, but others expand more interestingly 09:49:31 because its fractal 09:49:42 there are two versions of the iterations, as you can see 09:49:47 one with the left edges aligned 09:49:52 the other with the right edges aligned 09:49:58 type in "a" and click submit 09:50:10 i wouldn't call that a fractal 09:50:15 oh just wait darlin 09:50:15 :) 09:50:18 im getting there 09:50:35 notice how with the left edges aligned its clear that the nth+1 iteration is just the nth iteration, followed by a bunch of stuff 09:50:54 well sue 09:50:55 sure 09:51:00 now notice that when you align the right edges, the nth+1 iteration is a bunch of stuff followed by most of the right half of the nth iteration 09:51:15 so the right edge is ALMOST the same behavior as the left edge 09:51:31 sure 09:51:38 specifically, the right 2/9 of the nth+1 is the right 2/3 of the nth 09:51:54 why? 09:52:00 what do you mean why? 09:52:19 for "a" the ratio is about 3 to 1 between the nth+1 and nth iteration in length 09:52:22 umm, you concatenate that part there, or it just happens to be there? 09:52:29 no, theres no concatenation 09:52:31 dont you see 09:52:36 the algorithm is JUST look-and-tell 09:52:39 a 09:52:40 ay 09:52:42 ay why 09:52:46 ay why double you aitch why 09:53:07 ay why double you aitch why dee oh you bee el ee why oh you ay eye tee cee aitch double you aitch why 09:53:08 and so on 09:53:25 yeah, right 09:53:25 already you can see some self similarity 09:53:39 "double you aitch why" is in the beginning 09:53:42 AND its the last thing 09:54:05 yeah so you can nest the middle? 09:54:09 yep! 09:54:10 infact 09:54:13 and get a 1d fractal 09:54:16 every time you do a y 09:54:25 y -> why -> double you aitch why 09:54:29 that gives you another y in the middle 09:54:38 plus ANOTHER "double you aitch why" at the end 09:54:47 plus the "y" from expanting "a" 09:55:00 plus the "y" from expanding the "a" you get from expanding "aitch" 09:55:09 and so on 09:55:31 a -> ay, y -> why, w -> double you, h -> aitch 09:55:38 its multiply circular 09:56:22 if you expand "a" far enough you actually find that it contains a whole copy of itself 09:56:32 indeed, its not hard to see why even from the first step 09:56:32 yeah, nice, but i still wouldn't call it a fractal unless you let me explore the infinite sequence :P 09:56:50 hmm, a whole copy of itself? 09:56:54 yes 09:56:55 what itself 09:57:00 "a"? 09:57:02 the whole infinite sequence. 09:57:08 if we expand "a" to some arbitrary depth N 09:57:20 we're going to have atleast 1 "a" in that expansion 09:57:34 well, yeah, of course 09:57:38 if we expand another N times, that "a" expands to the first sequence 09:57:43 just didn't know what you meant 09:57:51 but theres actually more than one "a" after enough expansions 09:58:07 so you can zoom in on the thing and hey presto, theres another copy of the thing. 09:59:10 but what i find really interesting is that for "a" and other similar expansions 09:59:20 one edge produces full copies 09:59:31 n+1 == n then something else 09:59:31 if for all mappings x -> y in a look-and-say sequence, y contains x, you can make it a fractal by dividing each character into three pieces, one for the character x in the expanded y, and two for the parts on its left and right side 09:59:35 *-if 09:59:43 while the other edge produces n+1 == some stuff then most of n 09:59:52 and theres OVERLAP! 10:00:08 the whole of n creates a whole subpart of n+1 on one side 10:00:13 and a subpart of n+1 on the other side 10:00:14 actually, if was correct 10:01:05 not because it actually does that ofcourse, it just expands each letter 10:01:11 and the initial condition set up the recursion 10:01:26 you can see it plainly in "a" from step two 10:01:29 ay -> ay why 10:01:48 we get two "y"s from one, and we'll continue to product this over and over 10:02:39 tell me when the fractal can be viewed 10:03:07 its already partially viewable by the fact that parts of the nth iteration are the same as other parts 10:03:39 and the fact that the n+1th iteration is the whole nth iteration copied nearly twice and put together with a bit more means that each iteration increases the self similarity 10:04:05 tho because its one dimensional and complicated, its kind of hard to see the full fractal nature 10:04:27 and i have to go to bed :p 10:04:32 night you ::kisscheek:: 10:06:15 This is a test of whenever tusho reads logs. 10:06:24 s/whenever/if/ 10:09:40 nighti 10:10:38 psygnisfive: it has a fractal nature, i just think you're not viewing it fractally enough 10:11:33 i mean, the sequence 1, 11, 1111, 11111111, 1111111111111111 has a fractal nature, but i wouldn't call it a fractal written like that 11:24:42 Hm. 11:24:51 I wonder where the w hi 15:56:27 psygnisfive: damn your thing is lame, I'm gonna write mine now just because it sucks so much 15:56:35 ;) 16:01:33 23:56:56 You... 16:01:33 23:56:57 You... 16:01:34 23:57:03 Ah, yes. 16:01:34 23:57:06 Double nigger. 16:04:59 -!- pikhq has quit ("leaving"). 16:06:11 psygnisfive: IDEA 16:06:14 make a third version 16:06:17 with it aligned to the center 16:06:21 i bet it'll be pretty 16:07:37 AnMaster: I do 16:07:57 hah 16:08:06 tusho, all of it? or just grepping for your name? 16:08:12 all 16:08:19 that could take some time 16:09:06 no, just 4-7 minutes when I logon 16:13:39 oi 16:13:41 *o 16:14:59 hi oklopol 16:16:17 hi tush 16:16:20 o 16:33:04 hi oklopo 16:33:05 l 16:36:27 hi tusho 16:36:45 hi oklopol 16:36:57 oh, hi tusho 16:37:16 oh, hi oklopol 16:37:18 didn't notice you there 16:37:22 I was too busy saying hi to oklopol 16:37:37 been there 16:38:09 i occasionally start an infinite loop by hying myself in pm. 16:48:13 -!- Slereah has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 17:11:14 oklopol, heh wtf? 17:15:30 all kinds of fuck 17:34:37 -!- ihope_____ has joined. 17:34:58 -!- ihope_____ has changed nick to ihope. 17:35:11 So, a sonic computer. 17:36:56 Sonic computing would require overcoming the superposition principle, as otherwise signals couldn't interact at all. 17:37:51 I think the key element in a sonic computer would be a bistable. Perhaps something whose resonant frequency changes with the amplitude at which it's vibrating. 17:39:00 If you play 440Hz at such an element while its resonant frequency is 300Hz, not much will happen. If you increase the amplitude of your 440Hz wave enough, the resonant frequency will "catch", becoming close to 440Hz, and at the same time making the amplitude much higher. 17:39:57 If you decrease the amplitude of the incoming wave back to where it was before, the element may still be resonating, making its own amplitude of vibration higher than it was originally, in turn making its resonant frequency such that it does indeed resonate. 17:48:11 ihope: yes 17:54:33 interesting 17:55:18 ihope, so how would you program it? 17:57:03 Well, each of these elements would work as one bit of data storage. The "power line" would play a constant frequency at a constant amplitude, and these would power the elements. I guess when the elements are resonating with the power, their "output amplitude", whatever that is, will be higher than when they're not. 17:58:30 ihope, so how would you turn just one element off? 17:58:37 a mechanical switch? 17:58:45 I wonder if works... 17:58:50 If so, that's deliciously evil and I'm doing it. 17:58:51 Play the opposite of the power wave into just that one element. 17:58:55 The IE8 users will feel PAIN! 17:59:07 tusho, what does it do? 17:59:28 ihope, hm true 17:59:29 To turn just that element on, play the power wave into that element, in addition to the power it normally receives. 17:59:45 ihope, so a lot of speakers or? 17:59:55 AnMaster: X-UA-Compatible is a Bad Idea. Basically, Microsoft don't like having a standards-compliant rendering engine that actually works by default. So they have a great idea for IE8: put it into emulate-an-older-and-even-more-broken-rendering-engine mode by default! 18:00:03 X-UA-Compatible lets you choose WHICH version of the engine it will use. 18:00:13 It's designed for making it use the slightly-better engine, that is IE=8 18:00:22 But IE 5 is just good enough at HTML & CSS to totally break my page. 18:00:22 ihope, also how would you *fetch* a bit? 18:00:29 mwahahah! 18:00:35 tusho, does the site work in lynx? 18:00:41 AnMaster: yes. 18:00:45 good 18:00:50 Not a bunch of speakers, just one thingy that produces a constant wave, the power wave. And some mechanical switches for input, I guess. 18:00:53 semantic markup, styling with css to taste 18:00:53 :) 18:01:05 ihope, and how do the cpu work? 18:01:08 Though. AnMaster, stop using lynx. Lynx is a terrible browser that ignores most standards and indeed just plain fails e.g. at tables. 18:01:13 Use elinks or w3m. Think of the kittens. 18:01:23 tusho, but it can handle shorttags! 18:01:28 no other browser can! 18:01:35 Fetching a bit would consist of attaching another tube to it so the waves it's producing can go somewhere else. 18:01:35 AnMaster: I think w3m probably can. 18:01:35 that I know of 18:01:36 :-P 18:01:40 tusho, I tested, it can 18:01:42 can't* 18:02:00 AnMaster: elinks? 18:02:02 ihope, and how would addition work? or CPU 18:02:05 Computation would consist of putting two waves together and putting the result in another register. 18:02:06 tusho, tested too 18:02:19 AnMaster: well, i guess you'll have to give up shorttags 18:02:24 tusho, :(' 18:02:31 tusho, I also use konq 18:02:36 and sometimes ff if I have to 18:02:39 but ff sucks 18:02:44 memory hog 18:02:44 why does ff suck? 18:02:46 even in 3.x 18:02:55 true, i guess :-P 18:02:57 I guess you're low-specced. 18:03:06 tusho, well no, but I prefer to use my ram for other stuff 18:04:15 You'd have high waves and low waves of various phases, and you can combine them to make superpositions, and then you can take those superpositions and stuff them through registers to get something that's not a superposition but either a high or a low. 18:04:59 Or something in between if you do it exactly right; ideally, every state of the registers that's between high and low will be an unstable equilibrium. 18:05:15 Well, unstable, anyway; they don't actually have to be equilibria, do they? 18:05:59 AnMaster: fun fact - my site will contain no
s, s, class=""s or id=""s 18:06:07 ihope, how could the machine fetch the program from it's own memory? 18:06:14 because HTML5 provides a wealth of semantic elements which act exactly like
s or s which have semantic meaning 18:06:16 tusho,

then? 18:06:17 so I can just style them 18:06:22 AnMaster: that's a class="" 18:06:24 anyway 18:06:27