←2007-06-25 2007-06-26 2007-06-27→ ↑2007 ↑all
00:25:31 -!- c|p has joined.
00:52:59 -!- sebbu has quit ("@+").
02:35:53 <oklopol> good three nights, i'm going to all my beds
02:35:53 <oklopol> ->
02:38:15 <bsmntbombdood> mulitple beds, cool
03:32:26 -!- c|p` has joined.
03:32:50 -!- c|p has quit.
04:56:08 -!- boily has joined.
05:36:57 -!- c|p` has quit (Client Quit).
05:45:56 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit.
05:46:03 -!- RodgerTheGreat has joined.
05:46:37 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit (Client Quit).
05:52:55 -!- immibis has joined.
05:55:04 -!- immibis_ has joined.
05:56:25 <immibis_> how annoying
05:56:27 <immibis_> ~exec sys.stdout("I am working today")
05:56:27 <bsmnt_bot> I am working today
05:57:28 <pikhq> I don't believe you.
05:57:37 -!- immibis_ has changed nick to immibis[A].
05:57:37 * immibis[A] is now away - Reason : i am away
05:59:45 <pikhq> LMAO
06:13:38 -!- immibis has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
06:17:06 * bsmntbombdood hands pikhq's ass back
06:19:04 -!- immibis[A] has changed nick to immibis_.
06:19:04 * immibis_ is no longer away : Gone for 21 minutes 27 seconds
06:19:09 -!- immibis_ has changed nick to immibis.
06:22:27 <pikhq> bsmnt_bot: Thanks.
06:24:00 <pikhq> bsmntbombdood, even.
06:25:06 <immibis> pikhq: what happened to your ass?
06:25:19 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw("
06:25:19 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
06:25:24 <pikhq> I laughed it off.
06:25:34 <pikhq> ~exec exec("")
06:26:34 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(".* PURPLE BLEEPER (.*)", lambda x,y: self.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :\001ACTION turns purple and bleeps\001\nPRIVMSG #esoteric "+y.group(1)+" yourself!"))
06:26:38 <immibis> PURPLE BLEEPER X
06:26:52 <immibis> A PURPLE BLEEPER X
06:26:53 <bsmnt_bot> NameError: global name 'self' is not defined
06:27:06 <immibis> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
06:27:57 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(":[^:]*:(.*) [bB][lL][eE][eE][pP][eE][rR] (.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :\001ACTION turns "+y.group(1)+" and bleeps\001\nPRIVMSG #esoteric "+y.group(2)+" yourself!"))
06:28:02 <immibis> green bleeper bot
06:28:03 * bsmnt_bot turns green and bleeps
06:28:03 <bsmnt_bot> bot
06:28:08 <immibis> weird
06:28:13 <immibis> on bleeper
06:28:15 <bsmntbombdood> no?
06:28:27 <immibis> on bleeper \001ACTION stinks\001
06:28:28 * bsmnt_bot turns on and bleeps
06:28:28 <bsmnt_bot> \001ACTION
06:29:05 <immibis> off his girlfriend bleeper
06:29:09 <immibis> off his girlfriend bleeper hello
06:29:09 * bsmnt_bot turns off his girlfriend and bleeps
06:29:09 <bsmnt_bot> hello
06:29:45 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(":[^:]*:(.*) [bB][lL][eE][eE][pP][eE][rR]", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :\001ACTION turns "+y.group(1)+" and bleeps\001"))
06:29:49 <immibis> weird bleeper
06:29:50 * bsmnt_bot turns weird and bleeps
06:29:56 <immibis> into a bot bleeper
06:29:57 * bsmnt_bot turns into a bot and bleeps
06:30:15 <bsmntbombdood> you could just use i
06:30:29 <immibis> i?
06:30:39 <immibis> what is i?
06:30:45 * bsmnt_bot turns into immibis and bleeps
06:30:46 <bsmntbombdood> a regex flag
06:31:06 <immibis> i presume it means case-insensitive?
06:31:30 <bsmntbombdood> yes
06:33:12 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG ##trivia :you didn't set the +n flag!")
06:33:20 <immibis> no, maybe they did
06:59:15 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw("(.*Cannot send to channel*)",lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)))
06:59:37 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("JOIN #hacking\nPRIVMSG #hacking No hacking!\nPART #hacking")
07:04:49 <pikhq> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG ##trivia :Yodel!")
07:05:14 <pikhq> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG #gnu :Yodel!")
07:05:30 <pikhq> Hrm. Is that *working*?
07:05:45 <pikhq> ~exec self.raw("PRIVMSG #natter :Okay, I *know* this won't get sent.")
07:05:49 <immibis> it isn't on any other channels
07:05:56 <pikhq> Dah.
07:06:05 <pikhq> I'm testing the regexp you added.
07:06:28 <immibis> hmm
07:07:25 <pikhq> Which doesn't work. ;)
07:07:36 <immibis> i can see that
07:08:11 <immibis> it doesn't return a "cannot send to channel" response
07:08:19 <immibis> it returns a "no such nick/channel" response
07:08:37 <immibis> i am coming 9th on the trivia game
07:08:43 <immibis> out of about 16 players
07:09:03 -!- maniac has joined.
07:09:16 <immibis> !nlalalalalala
07:09:24 -!- maniac has changed nick to lala.
07:09:33 -!- lala has changed nick to maniac.
07:10:26 <maniac> hi
07:10:38 <maniac> /notice maniac THING I SHOULD SAY ON THE CHANNEL
07:10:48 <maniac> /notice maniac !nMYNEWNICK
07:11:39 <immibis> ~exec self.raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG
07:11:40 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
07:11:56 <maniac> Whahuwhahuh?
07:14:49 <immibis> ~exec self.raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :I am a maniac(.*)", lambda x,y: self.raw("NOTICE "+y.group(1)+" :I am a maniac"+y.group(2)+" too"))
07:14:49 <bsmnt_bot> TypeError: raw() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
07:15:00 <pikhq> You fail.
07:15:04 <immibis> ~exec self.raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :I am a maniac(.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("NOTICE "+y.group(1)+" :I am a maniac"+y.group(2)+" too"))
07:15:05 <bsmnt_bot> TypeError: raw() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
07:15:08 <immibis> all the time
07:15:13 <immibis> what did i do then?
07:15:17 <immibis> what did i do then?oosp
07:15:19 <immibis> i see
07:15:23 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :I am a maniac(.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("NOTICE "+y.group(1)+" :I am a maniac"+y.group(2)+" too"))
07:15:40 <immibis> i don't actually know any python except for just enough to use this bot
07:15:52 <maniac> I am a maniac yes i am
07:16:25 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :I am a maniac(.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG #esoteric :NOTICE "+y.group(1)+" :I am a maniac"+y.group(2)+" too"))
07:16:27 <maniac> I am a maniac yes i am
07:16:28 <bsmnt_bot> NOTICE maniac :I am a maniac yes i am too
07:16:43 <immibis> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
07:16:48 <pikhq> I don't know much Python; I've figured out *just* enough that I can fiddle arround with it if need be.
07:16:53 <maniac> I am a maniac yes i am
07:17:20 <maniac> I AM A MANIAC YES I AM
07:18:22 <maniac> (screaming) I AM A MANIAC I AM A MANIAC I AM A MANIAC YES I AM
07:18:34 <pikhq> That's the second line of screaming.
07:18:39 <maniac> !nserialkiller
07:18:40 -!- maniac has changed nick to serialkiller.
07:18:40 <serialkiller> This nickname is owned by someone else
07:18:40 <serialkiller> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
07:18:47 <immibis> loll
07:18:47 <pikhq> LMAO
07:18:53 <immibis> what is lmao
07:19:00 <pikhq> Laughing My Ass Off.
07:19:25 <immibis> oh
07:19:26 <immibis> ok
07:19:34 <serialkiller> !nimmibis_
07:19:34 -!- serialkiller has changed nick to immibis_.
07:19:35 <immibis_> This nickname is owned by someone else
07:19:35 <immibis_> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
07:19:52 <pikhq> *Grin*
07:20:15 <immibis_> !nNickServ
07:20:24 <immibis_> !nimmibis'
07:20:25 <immibis_> !nimmibis
07:20:33 <immibis> too many nick changes i think
07:20:58 <pikhq> !nEgoBot
07:21:09 <immibis> it has to be a /notice
07:21:19 <immibis_> !nEgoBot
07:21:19 -!- immibis_ has changed nick to EgoBot.
07:21:20 <EgoBot> This nickname is owned by someone else
07:21:20 <EgoBot> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
07:21:30 <EgoBot> !nNickServ
07:21:44 <immibis> 8th place now
07:21:56 <immibis> who is this egobot you keep trying to imitate with other bots?
07:22:16 <immibis> then again, the trivia game seems pretty inactive
07:22:17 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:22:48 <pikhq> EgoBot is Gregor's bot, which, *if it were running* would be hosting various interpreters for EsoLangs.
07:22:51 <pikhq> Err.
07:22:53 <pikhq> esolangs.
07:22:54 <immibis> ok
07:23:39 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :.*(fuck).*", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", please don't say "+y.group(1)+"."))
07:23:39 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:23:42 <immibis> fuck
07:23:42 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:23:43 <bsmnt_bot> immibis!n=IceChat7@125-238-176-25.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.n, please don't say immibis!n=IceChat7@125-238-176-25.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.n.
07:23:51 <immibis> argh
07:24:02 <immibis> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
07:24:10 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :.*(fuck).*", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", please don't say "+y.group(2)+"."))
07:24:10 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:24:13 <immibis> fuck you
07:24:13 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:24:13 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck.
07:24:13 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:24:32 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :.*(shit).*", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", please don't say "+y.group(2)+"."))
07:24:32 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:24:37 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :.*(swear).*", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", please don't say "+y.group(2)+"."))
07:24:40 <immibis> shit
07:24:40 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:24:41 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say shit.
07:24:41 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:24:41 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:24:42 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:25:10 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :.*(bitch).*", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear word"+y.group(2)+"."))
07:25:11 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:25:11 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck.
07:25:11 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say shit.
07:25:11 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say swear.
07:25:11 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:25:11 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:25:12 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:25:12 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:25:12 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:25:15 <immibis> oh dear
07:25:26 <immibis> fuck you
07:25:26 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:25:27 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck.
07:25:27 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:25:27 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:25:27 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:25:37 <immibis> chain reaction alert
07:25:48 <pikhq> Fik.
07:26:07 <pikhq> I see that it's not multilingual.
07:26:21 -!- boily has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.5").
07:26:55 <pikhq> Via botojn estas fika patrifikuloj kaj fekifikuloj!
07:27:09 <pikhq> (Your bots as fucking motherfuckers and shitfuckers!)
07:27:09 <EgoBot> pikhq, don't swear.
07:27:09 <bsmnt_bot> pikhq, please don't say fuck.
07:27:09 <bsmnt_bot> pikhq, please don't say shit.
07:27:10 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:10 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:10 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:10 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:10 <immibis> if i paste the command on my clipboard onto this channel, it will cause a chain reaction and possibly render one or both bots unusable
07:27:11 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:22 <immibis> trivia
07:27:23 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:27:23 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:31 <immibis> trivia is swearing?
07:27:31 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:27:31 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say swear.
07:27:31 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:37 <immibis> this would do terribly on ##trivia
07:27:37 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:27:38 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:45 <immibis> where there is a triviabot
07:27:45 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:27:46 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:47 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":(\S+)!\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :.*(swear).*", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear word"+y.group(2)+"."))
07:27:47 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:27:48 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck.
07:27:48 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say shit.
07:27:48 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say swear.
07:27:48 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:27:48 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:48 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:48 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:48 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:27:48 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:48 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:50 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:52 <immibis> fucku
07:27:52 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:27:52 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:27:53 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:54 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:27:56 <pikhq> immibis: bsmnt_bot, from our observations, is impossible to lock up.
07:27:56 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:27:56 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:27:58 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:00 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:00 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:02 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:04 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:05 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:05 <immibis> see
07:28:06 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck.
07:28:06 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:08 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:10 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:10 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:12 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:14 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:14 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:16 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:17 <immibis> i will move egobot
07:28:18 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:18 <EgoBot> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:20 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:21 <pikhq> This will go on forever, however.
07:28:22 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:23 -!- EgoBot has changed nick to xxx.
07:28:23 <xxx> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:23 <xxx> This nickname is owned by someone else
07:28:23 <xxx> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
07:28:24 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:26 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:26 <xxx> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:28 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:30 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:30 <xxx> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:32 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:34 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:34 <xxx> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:36 <xxx> !nmaniac
07:28:36 -!- xxx has changed nick to maniac.
07:28:36 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:37 <maniac> This nickname is owned by someone else
07:28:37 <maniac> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
07:28:38 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:38 <maniac> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:40 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say swear.
07:28:42 <bsmnt_bot> EgoBot, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:43 <maniac> bsmnt_bot, don't swear.
07:28:43 <maniac> !c##trivia
07:28:43 -!- maniac has left (?).
07:28:44 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say swear.
07:28:45 <pikhq> !exec self.raw("QUIT")
07:28:46 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:48 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say swear.
07:28:50 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:53 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say swear.
07:28:54 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:28:56 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say swear.
07:28:58 <bsmnt_bot> xxx, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:29:00 <pikhq> And now we just wait on the buffer.
07:29:00 <bsmnt_bot> maniac, please don't say swear.
07:29:02 <bsmnt_bot> maniac, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:29:04 <bsmnt_bot> maniac, please don't say swear.
07:29:06 <bsmnt_bot> maniac, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:29:10 <immibis> go to ##trivia to see what happened with maniac and triviette
07:29:15 <immibis> (they are both bots)
07:29:28 <immibis> [18:28] <@Triviette> --== Trivia ==-- [category: Music]
07:29:28 <immibis> [18:28] <@Triviette> American Songbook: "But I miss you most of all, when the
07:29:28 <immibis> [18:28] <@Triviette> __ __ begin to fall"
07:29:28 <immibis> [18:28] <@Triviette> Hint [1 of 3]: A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ E _ _
07:29:28 <immibis> [18:28] <maniac> Triviette, don't swear.
07:29:28 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say swear.
07:29:29 <bsmnt_bot> immibis, please don't say fuck or shit or any other swear wordswear.
07:29:38 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("QUIT")
07:29:38 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit.
07:29:45 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:29:49 <pikhq> Oh. I feel stupid.
07:32:20 -!- maniac has joined.
07:32:21 <maniac> [#esoteric] Welcome to the esoteric programming channel! Logs of previous discussions are available at http://meme.b9.com/clog/esoteric/?M=D
07:32:25 <immibis> lol
07:32:50 <immibis> lmaopmpnihnasidoc(nbatgttt)
07:32:56 <pikhq> Interesa.
07:33:13 <immibis> laughing my ass off peeing my pants now i have no ass so i die of constipation (not being able to go to the toilet)
07:33:26 <immibis> lshipmp
07:33:49 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric !!@
07:33:49 <maniac> !!@
07:33:53 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric :!!@
07:33:53 <maniac> !!@
07:33:54 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric :!!@
07:33:54 <maniac> !!@
07:33:54 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric :!!@
07:33:54 <maniac> !!@
07:33:56 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric :!!@
07:33:58 <maniac> !!@
07:34:00 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric :!!@
07:34:02 <maniac> !!@
07:34:04 <maniac> !rPRIVMSG #esoteric !shutup
07:34:06 <maniac> !shutup
07:34:15 <maniac> !shutup
07:34:20 <maniac> !shutup
07:35:04 -!- maniac has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:35:28 -!- maniac has joined.
07:36:10 <immibis> pinging alert
07:38:48 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw("\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :(.*quine.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)))
07:38:52 <immibis> do not quine
07:38:52 <bsmnt_bot> do not quine
07:39:40 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw("\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :(.*quine.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG bsmnt_bot :Quining. "+y.group(1))))
07:39:41 <bsmnt_bot> ~exec self.register_raw("\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :(.*quine.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG bsmnt_bot :Quining. "+y.group(1))))
07:39:41 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
07:39:44 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw("\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :(.*quine.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG bsmnt_bot :Quining. "+y.group(1)))
07:39:47 <immibis> quine
07:39:50 <bsmnt_bot> ~exec self.register_raw("\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :(.*quine.*)", lambda x,y: bot.raw("PRIVMSG bsmnt_bot :Quining. "+y.group(1)))
07:39:55 <bsmnt_bot> quine
07:39:59 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. quine
07:40:03 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:07 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:11 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:15 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:16 <immibis> not such an accurate quine then
07:40:19 <bsmnt_bot> not such an accurate quine then
07:40:23 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:27 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:40:31 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:35 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:40:36 <Sukoshi> :D
07:40:37 <immibis> stop quineing
07:40:39 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:43 <bsmnt_bot> stop quineing
07:40:47 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:40:52 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:40:55 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. stop quineing
07:40:59 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:41:03 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:41:04 <immibis> do not quine any further
07:41:07 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. stop quineing
07:41:11 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:41:15 <bsmnt_bot> do not quine any further
07:41:19 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:41:24 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. stop quineing
07:41:28 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:41:32 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. do not quine any further
07:41:36 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:41:42 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. stop quineing
07:41:43 <Sukoshi> Woohoo.
07:41:46 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:41:46 <Sukoshi> Blahbitty
07:41:50 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. do not quine any further
07:41:54 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:41:58 <Sukoshi> Blahbitty quite?
07:42:00 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. stop quineing
07:42:04 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. not such an accurate quine then
07:42:05 <immibis> sukoshi: what
07:42:06 <Sukoshi> Blahbitty quine
07:42:09 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. do not quine any further
07:42:13 <bsmnt_bot> Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. Quining. quine
07:42:15 <immibis> ~exec while 1: sys.stdout("I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF")
07:42:15 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
07:42:20 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:42:23 <immibis> ~exec while 1: sys.stdout("I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF")
07:42:23 <bsmnt_bot> I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF
07:42:23 <bsmnt_bot> I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF
07:42:23 <bsmnt_bot> I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF
07:42:23 <bsmnt_bot> I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF
07:42:24 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
07:42:26 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:42:29 <immibis> ~exec while 1: sys.stdout("I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF")
07:42:29 <bsmnt_bot> I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF
07:42:29 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
07:42:32 <immibis> ~exec while 1: sys.stdout("I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF")
07:42:32 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:42:37 <immibis> ~exec while 1: sys.stdout("I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF")
07:42:37 <bsmnt_bot> I AM FLOODING MYSELF OFF
07:42:38 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
07:42:40 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:43:40 -!- maniac has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:44:08 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw("(.*)",lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", so what?"))
07:44:11 <immibis> ok
07:44:12 <bsmnt_bot> :immibis!n=IceChat7@125-238-176-25.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz PRIVMSG #esoteric :ok, so what?
07:44:19 <immibis> ouch
07:44:19 <bsmnt_bot> :immibis!n=IceChat7@125-238-176-25.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz PRIVMSG #esoteric :ouch, so what?
07:44:33 <immibis> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
07:44:34 <bsmnt_bot> :immibis!n=IceChat7@125-238-176-25.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz PRIVMSG #esoteric :~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop(), so what?
07:44:46 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(":\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :(.*)",lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)+", so what?"))
07:44:48 <immibis> i such
07:44:49 <bsmnt_bot> i such, so what?
07:44:50 <immibis> i suck
07:44:51 <bsmnt_bot> i suck, so what?
07:44:52 <pikhq> I, for one, think that there's something odd about the IRC protocol.
07:44:52 <bsmnt_bot> I, for one, think that there's something odd about the IRC protocol., so what?
07:44:53 <immibis> i'm a bot
07:44:54 <bsmnt_bot> i'm a bot, so what?
07:45:00 <immibis> so what?
07:45:01 <bsmnt_bot> so what?, so what?
07:45:04 <Sukoshi> Your mom.
07:45:05 <bsmnt_bot> Your mom., so what?
07:45:08 <Sukoshi> Your mom
07:45:09 <bsmnt_bot> Your mom, so what?
07:45:16 <immibis> pikhq, what is odd abpit tje irc protomilk
07:45:16 <bsmnt_bot> pikhq, what is odd abpit tje irc protomilk, so what?
07:45:17 <Sukoshi> I eat babies in my sleep
07:45:18 <bsmnt_bot> I eat babies in my sleep, so what?
07:45:18 <pikhq> Having fun, Sukoshi?
07:45:18 <bsmnt_bot> Having fun, Sukoshi?, so what?
07:45:19 <immibis> pikhq, what is odd abpit tje irc protoplasm
07:45:20 <bsmnt_bot> pikhq, what is odd abpit tje irc protoplasm, so what?
07:45:32 <immibis> i am part of the IRC protoplasm
07:45:33 <bsmnt_bot> i am part of the IRC protoplasm, so what?
07:45:36 <Sukoshi> Quite, pikhq.
07:45:36 <bsmnt_bot> Quite, pikhq., so what?
07:45:41 <pikhq> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
07:45:41 <bsmnt_bot> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop(), so what?
07:45:55 <immibis> test
07:46:11 <immibis> pikhq: what is odd about the protocol?
07:46:15 <pikhq> ~exec sys.stdout("test, so what?")
07:46:15 <bsmnt_bot> test, so what?
07:46:26 <pikhq> I dunno. Just seems odd. *shrug*
07:47:34 <immibis> pikhq: why?
07:48:07 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(".*~exec.*",sys.stdout("Make me"))
07:48:08 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:48:14 <immibis> ~exec purple
07:48:15 <bsmnt_bot> NameError: name 'purple' is not defined
07:48:15 <bsmnt_bot> AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__name__'
07:48:22 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(".*~exec.*",lambda x,y: sys.stdout("Make me"))
07:48:26 <immibis> ~exec na
07:48:30 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
07:48:37 <immibis> um, what
07:48:38 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
07:48:41 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(".*~exec.*",lambda x,y: sys.stdout("Make me"))
07:48:49 <immibis> ~exec bie
07:48:50 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:48:50 <bsmnt_bot> NameError: name 'bie' is not defined
07:48:57 <immibis> ~exec self=bot
07:48:57 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:49:05 <immibis> ok then
07:49:10 <immibis> ~exec bot=new Object()
07:49:11 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:49:11 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
07:49:12 <immibis> i made you
07:50:40 <immibis> ~exec bot=Object()
07:50:40 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:50:41 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:50:41 <bsmnt_bot> NameError: name 'Object' is not defined
07:50:49 <immibis> ~exec bot=time.localtime()
07:50:49 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:50:51 <immibis> ~exec bot=time.localtime()
07:50:52 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:50:55 <immibis> ~exec self=time.localtime()
07:50:56 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:50:56 <immibis> ~exec self=time.localtime()
07:50:57 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:51:06 <immibis> !nWaiterBo
07:51:06 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to WaiterBo.
07:51:07 <immibis> !nWaiterBot
07:51:07 -!- WaiterBo has changed nick to WaiterBot.
07:51:11 <immibis> !c#esoteric
07:51:11 -!- WaiterBot has left (?).
07:51:11 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:51:16 <immibis> !c#esoteric
07:51:16 -!- WaiterBot has left (?).
07:51:16 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:51:21 <immibis> fuck
07:51:28 <immibis> waiterbot, i said fuck
07:51:34 <immibis> oh right
07:51:35 <immibis> !speak
07:51:37 <immibis> fuck
07:51:37 <WaiterBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:51:46 <immibis> do not quine, either of you
07:51:46 <WaiterBot> do not quine, either of you
07:51:47 <WaiterBot> quining: do not quine, either of you
07:51:47 <WaiterBot> quining: do not quine, either of you
07:51:47 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:51:49 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:51:53 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:51:55 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:51:59 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:01 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:04 <immibis> !nWaiterNoQuines
07:52:05 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:07 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:11 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to WaiterNoQuines.
07:52:13 <WaiterNoQuines> !nwaiternoquines
07:52:17 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:19 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:21 <immibis> oh no
07:52:23 <immibis> what
07:52:23 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: !nwaiternoquines
07:52:25 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: !nwaiternoquines
07:52:29 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:30 <immibis> !nwa
07:52:31 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:35 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: quining: !nwaiternoquines
07:52:37 <WaiterNoQuines> quining: quining: !nwaiternoquines
07:52:41 -!- WaiterNoQuines has changed nick to wa.
07:52:43 <wa> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:45 <wa> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not quine, either of you
07:52:49 <wa> quining: quining: quining: !nwaiternoquines
07:52:51 <immibis> stopping
07:52:51 <wa> quining: quining: quining: !nwaiternoquines
07:52:52 -!- wa has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:53:01 <immibis> do not say quine
07:53:07 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:53:08 <immibis> in capitals or lowercase
07:53:11 <immibis> or mixed case
07:53:13 <immibis> whatever you do,
07:53:18 <immibis> do NOT say QUINE
07:53:18 <WaiterBot> do not say quine
07:53:18 <WaiterBot> quining: do not say quine
07:53:19 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: do not say quine
07:53:21 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:53:25 <WaiterBot> quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:53:26 <immibis> !nnotaquin
07:53:29 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to notaquin.
07:53:31 <notaquin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:53:32 <Sukoshi> Quines are fun?
07:53:33 <immibis> !nmannequin
07:53:35 <notaquin> quines are fun?
07:53:39 <notaquin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:53:43 -!- notaquin has changed nick to mannequin.
07:53:45 <mannequin> quining: quines are fun?
07:53:49 <mannequin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:53:53 <mannequin> quining: quining: quines are fun?
07:53:57 <mannequin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:54:01 <mannequin> quining: quining: quining: quines are fun?
07:54:05 <mannequin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:54:06 <Sukoshi> quining: Since when did #esoteric become a spam channel?
07:54:09 <mannequin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quines are fun?
07:54:13 <mannequin> quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: quining: do not say quine
07:54:15 <Sukoshi> quining: Shouldn't the ops lay done some sort of law?
07:54:18 -!- mannequin has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:54:41 <immibis> well, if you say quine, it quines your request
07:54:56 <immibis> as of when it comes back on, it can be stopped using the !shutup command
07:54:58 <Sukoshi> That's a spam feature.
07:55:04 <immibis> ok
07:55:11 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:55:14 -!- WaiterBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
07:55:57 <immibis> what if you need to say ~fuckingshittyquine~ in order to quine?
07:56:16 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:57:08 <immibis> !c#bots
07:57:08 -!- WaiterBot has left (?).
07:58:01 <immibis> the quine can now be cancelled
07:58:03 <immibis> [18:56] <immibis> ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:03 <immibis> [18:56] <immibis> !speak
07:58:03 <immibis> [18:56] <immibis> ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:03 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> immibis, don't swear.
07:58:03 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:04 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> quining: ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:06 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> quining: ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:08 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> WaiterBot, don't swear.
07:58:10 <immibis> [18:56] <immibis> !shutup
07:58:12 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> quining: quining: ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:13 <pikhq> LMAO
07:58:14 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> quining: quining: ~fuckingshittyquine~
07:58:16 <immibis> [18:56] <WaiterBot> WaiterBot, don't swear.
07:58:18 <immibis> [18:56] (End of discussion)
07:58:25 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
07:58:27 <immibis> boo
07:58:30 <pikhq> Sukoshi: *bsmnt_bot* is a spam feature.
07:58:44 <Sukoshi> Yeah, true.
07:59:06 <Sukoshi> Did the ops here die then?
07:59:22 <pikhq> ~exec exec("while 1:\n sleep(100)\n sys.stdout(\"See?\")")
07:59:22 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
07:59:23 <bsmnt_bot> NameError: name 'sleep' is not defined
07:59:29 <pikhq> Schiessen.
07:59:59 <immibis> ~exec exec("while 1:\n i=0\n while i<32767: i=i+1\n sys.stdout(\"See?\")")
07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended).
08:00:00 -!- clog has joined.
08:00:00 <bsmnt_bot> Make me
08:00:00 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:00 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:00 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:01 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:01 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:02 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:04 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:06 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:08 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:10 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:12 <bsmnt_bot> See?
08:00:13 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
08:00:16 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
08:00:23 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("QUIT irc.freenode.net :Excess Flood")
08:00:24 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Client Quit).
08:00:26 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
08:00:28 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("QUIT irc.freenode.net :Excess Flood")
08:00:28 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Client Quit).
08:00:31 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
08:00:59 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":\S+ NOTICE \S+ :(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)))
08:01:04 <pikhq> Sukoshi: No, fizzie and lament are around still.
08:01:17 <bsmnt_bot> Sukoshi: No, fizzie and lament are around still.
08:01:31 <pikhq> Three of them, I don't know, but lament and fizzie are around.
08:01:45 <bsmnt_bot> Three of them, I don't know, but lament and fizzie are around.
08:01:48 <pikhq> Taaus, Aardappel, and andreou are the other ops.
08:02:05 <pikhq> (andreou is listed as channel contact, with lament as an alternate)
08:02:05 <bsmnt_bot> Taaus, Aardappel, and andreou are the other ops.
08:02:19 <bsmnt_bot> (andreou is listed as channel contact, with lament as an alternate)
08:02:43 <pikhq> !exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
08:02:47 <pikhq> SHUT UP.
08:03:03 <bsmnt_bot> SHUT UP YOURSELF!
08:03:13 <pikhq> -_-'
08:03:22 <bsmnt_bot> yeah, its annoying, ay?
08:04:10 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":\S+ PRIVMSG [^# ] :(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)))
08:04:44 <immibis> ~exec self.register_raw(r":\S+ PRIVMSG [^# ]* :(.*)", lambda x,y: sys.stdout(y.group(1)))
08:04:53 <immibis> ops
08:04:55 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Excess Flood).
08:04:58 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
08:04:59 <immibis> i mean oops
08:05:09 <pikhq> ~exec os.system("killall -9 bsmnt_bot")
08:05:28 <immibis> ~exec os.system("ps")
08:05:47 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("BOMB")
08:05:52 <pikhq> It's killed already. >:D
08:06:02 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout("No i'm not")
08:06:02 <bsmnt_bot> No i'm not
08:06:14 <pikhq> Kuso.
08:06:15 <immibis> ~exec os.system("killall -9 python")
08:06:22 <immibis> ~exec os.system("killall -9 pyexec")
08:06:29 <immibis> ~exec os.system("ps -ax")
08:06:31 <pikhq> ~exec sys.stdout(os.system("ps"))
08:06:32 <bsmnt_bot> 32512
08:06:36 <pikhq> ...
08:06:50 <immibis> well theres the process id of ps!
08:06:57 <immibis> lot of processes on that computer
08:07:33 <pikhq> Yeah; we cause it.
08:07:36 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os)
08:07:37 <bsmnt_bot> <module 'os' from '/usr/lib/python2.4/os.pyc'>
08:07:38 <pikhq> :p
08:07:49 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.dir("/usr/bin"))
08:07:49 <bsmnt_bot> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'dir'
08:07:53 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.listdir("/usr/bin"))
08:07:54 <bsmnt_bot> ['dc', 'nice', 'wget', 'python2.4']
08:07:59 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.listdir("/usr/bin/python2.4"))
08:07:59 <bsmnt_bot> OSError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/usr/bin/python2.4'
08:08:06 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.listdir("/usr/"))
08:08:07 <bsmnt_bot> ['bin', 'lib', 'include']
08:08:14 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.listdir("/bin/"))
08:08:14 <bsmnt_bot> ['ls', 'sh', 'bash']
08:08:23 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.listdir("/usr/bin/py"))
08:08:23 <bsmnt_bot> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/bin/py'
08:08:25 <immibis> ~exec sys.stdout(os.listdir("/usr/bin/py*"))
08:08:26 <bsmnt_bot> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/usr/bin/py*'
08:08:43 <immibis> ~exec self.raw("PART #esoteric")
08:08:44 -!- bsmnt_bot has left (?).
08:08:55 <Sukoshi> Uggh. Can you not test this in your own channel, at least?
08:08:56 <immibis> that was how you got rid of it last time, pikhq
08:09:11 <pikhq> Right.
08:09:20 <pikhq> Sukoshi: Happy now?
08:09:24 <Sukoshi> pikhq: Yeah.
08:09:28 <immibis> um, it is only on one channel, and anyway I thought we were trying to get rid of it for some reason
08:09:35 <immibis> well no channels now
08:09:37 <Sukoshi> I understand if you test it a bit, but you're testing it like crazy.
08:09:48 <pikhq> That's *my* goal.
08:09:53 <pikhq> And I'm more creative about it.
08:10:45 <immibis> really? what about ~exec os.system("bash -c \"while true; do; /bin/echo; done;\"")
08:10:51 <immibis> run out of pids
08:11:01 <pikhq> Nope.
08:11:14 <immibis> why not
08:11:29 <immibis> x
08:11:38 <pikhq> ~exec os.system("bash -c \":(){ :|:& };:\"
08:11:40 <pikhq> ")
08:11:51 <WaiterBot> i suck
08:11:52 <pikhq> *Unused* PIDs can be assigned again.
08:11:55 <immibis> ok
08:12:30 <immibis> what is :(){ :|:& };: supposed to do?
08:13:10 <fizzie> It's the canonical very unreadable fork bomb.
08:14:30 <pikhq> The :(){} bit makes a new function.
08:14:36 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/mouse &;} done
08:14:43 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/mouse &} done
08:14:49 <immibis> very annoying?
08:14:55 <pikhq> :|:& call that function, pipes it into itself, and puts that into the background.
08:15:07 <pikhq> ;: calls your new function.
08:15:17 <immibis> i got that bit once you explained the :(){}
08:15:22 <pikhq> immibis: Annoying, but making that /dev/urandom is better.
08:15:36 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/urandom > /dev/pts/0 &} done
08:15:56 <immibis> which on ubuntu systems will open a window on every x desktop and cat urandom into it
08:16:09 <immibis> or is that debian?
08:16:11 <immibis> or redhat?
08:16:31 <pikhq> That *can't* be right. . .
08:16:43 <pikhq> That ought to just mess with the first psuedotty. . .
08:16:58 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/urandom | tee /dev/stdin /dev/pts/* /dev/tty* &} done
08:17:11 <immibis> well i'm not sure which distro
08:17:27 <pikhq> write </dev/urandom
08:17:30 <immibis> but on one system i tried it on it opened up a new "KWriteD" window
08:17:32 <pikhq> That's *much* more annoying.
08:17:57 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/urandom | tee /dev/stdin /dev/pts/* /dev/tty* /dev/stdout & nice kwrite &} done
08:18:20 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/urandom | tee /dev/stdin /dev/pts/* /dev/tty* /dev/stdout | nice kwrite &} done
08:18:30 <pikhq> Stupid.
08:18:32 <pikhq> And overdone.
08:18:48 <immibis> while true; do; {cat < /dev/urandom | tee /dev/stdin /dev/pts/* /dev/tty* /dev/stdout | nice kwrite /dev/stdin &} done
08:18:50 <fizzie> write: write: you have write permission turned off. -- I'm not sure if that was actually very annoying at all.
08:18:53 <pikhq> write </dev/urandom gets the same annoyance factor without the KDE dependency. ;)
08:18:59 <pikhq> fizzie: -_-'
08:19:05 <pikhq> Fine, fine.
08:19:09 <immibis> what is write
08:19:10 <pikhq> sudo write </dev/urandom
08:19:34 <immibis> while true; do; {sudo cat < /dev/urandom | sudo tee /dev/stdin /dev/pts/* /dev/tty* /dev/stdout | sudo ping -f localhost &} done
08:20:18 <immibis> i see
08:21:57 -!- WaiterBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:22:11 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:22:22 <immibis> !cesoteric
08:22:23 -!- WaiterBot has left (?).
08:22:40 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:22:53 <WaiterBot> fuck
08:22:59 <WaiterBot> percival
08:23:04 <WaiterBot> is an idiot
08:23:12 <WaiterBot> who the heck is percival
08:23:27 <WaiterBot> BALROG RULEZ SUCKAZ
08:25:24 <lament> this bot is highly useful.
08:25:48 <WaiterBot> !rJOIN #waiterbot
08:25:58 <WaiterBot> !rMODE #waiterbot +i
08:26:08 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE #waiterbot lament
08:26:22 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE #waiterbot immibis
08:26:32 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE immibis #waiterbot
08:26:48 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE #esoteric #waiterbot
08:26:52 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE lament #waiterbot
08:27:01 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE bsmnt_bot #waiterbot
08:27:08 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE bsmnt_bot #waiterbot
08:27:09 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE bsmnt_bot #waiterbot
08:27:10 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE bsmnt_bot #waiterbot
08:27:11 <WaiterBot> !rINVITE bsmnt_bot #waiterbot
08:27:14 <pikhq> I see that the op doesn't care about flooding.
08:27:21 <pikhq> /kick lament Be an op, damn it! :p
08:27:22 <WaiterBot> pikhq, don't swear.
08:27:34 <immibis> fuck you, waiterbot
08:27:35 <WaiterBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:27:44 <immibis> fucking shitty hell i won't damn you
08:27:45 <WaiterBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:28:12 <immibis> lament's an op?
08:28:44 -!- WaiterBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:29:18 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:30:03 <pikhq> He's listed as the channel's alternate contact.
08:30:06 <immibis> ok
08:30:27 <pikhq> And the primary contact, I've not met in the year I've been here.
08:30:32 -!- WaiterBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:30:32 <fizzie> The reified personification of #esoteric.
08:30:37 <immibis> ok
08:30:56 <pikhq> Fizzie's the other one I've actually met.
08:30:57 <immibis> egobot, Q
08:31:24 <pikhq> We should offer Gregor op in exchange for getting EgoBot up. . . Or something. :p
08:31:29 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:31:34 <immibis> !nEgoBot
08:31:34 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to EgoBot.
08:31:43 <pikhq> That ain't EgoBot.
08:31:50 <immibis> EgoBot, put 1000 cans of rotting tuna fish into the mixing bowl.
08:31:57 <immibis> lol
08:32:01 <immibis> !nmaniac
08:32:01 -!- EgoBot has changed nick to maniac.
08:32:05 <pikhq> !daemon say foo ,[.,]
08:32:05 <immibis> i know
08:32:06 <immibis> so what
08:32:14 <pikhq> Err.
08:32:18 <pikhq> !undaemon say
08:32:22 <immibis> i can pretend its waiterbot
08:32:23 <pikhq> !daemon say bf ,[.,]
08:32:24 <immibis> i mean egobot
08:32:28 <immibis> hang on a sec
08:32:34 <pikhq> !say See, it's saying jack.
08:32:34 -!- maniac has changed nick to EgoBot.
08:32:54 -!- EgoBot has changed nick to s.
08:33:02 -!- s has changed nick to EgoBot.
08:33:13 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:33:17 <immibis> oops
08:33:24 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:33:28 <immibis> !nEgoBot
08:33:28 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to EgoBot.
08:33:39 <immibis> test, fuck
08:33:39 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:34:08 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:34:12 <immibis> i keep finding bugs
08:34:26 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:34:30 <immibis> !nEgoBot
08:34:30 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to EgoBot.
08:34:39 <immibis> !speak fucking test swearing filter
08:34:43 <immibis> !speak fucking test swearing filter
08:34:43 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:34:48 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:34:54 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:35:02 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:35:07 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:35:07 <EgoBot> Triviette, don't swear.
08:35:14 <EgoBot> Triviette, don't swear.
08:35:26 <immibis> !rPART ##trivi
08:35:27 <EgoBot> Triviette, don't swear.
08:35:27 <immibis> !rPART ##trivia
08:35:27 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:35:43 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:36:14 -!- EgoBot has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)).
08:36:27 -!- WaiterBot has joined.
08:36:32 <immibis> !nEgoBot
08:36:32 -!- WaiterBot has changed nick to EgoBot.
08:36:39 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:36:40 <EgoBot> fuck i am egobot
08:36:41 <EgoBot> i am egoboy
08:36:45 <EgoBot> er, bo
08:36:47 <EgoBot> er, bot
08:37:27 <EgoBot> you may command me as if i was egobot (which i am (not (pretending to be (very well))))
08:37:46 <immibis> !hq9+ Q
08:37:49 <EgoBot> Q
08:37:56 <immibis> !hq9+ HQ9+
08:38:02 <EgoBot> immibis, don't swear.
08:38:02 <EgoBot> Hello, world.
08:38:05 <EgoBot> HQ9+
08:38:12 <EgoBot> I'm not about to flood the channel!
08:38:36 <immibis> !irp repeat this request
08:38:42 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:43 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:44 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:44 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:44 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:44 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:45 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:47 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:49 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:51 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:53 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:55 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:57 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:38:59 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:39:01 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:39:03 <EgoBot> !irp repeat this request
08:39:04 <immibis> !shutup
08:39:06 <immibis> !shutup
08:39:10 <immibis> !speak
08:39:14 <EgoBot> purple
08:39:32 <Sukoshi> Uggghhh....
08:39:35 <pikhq> !bf ++++++++++.
08:39:52 <EgoBot> Er.
08:39:56 <EgoBot>
08:40:14 <immibis> !speak
08:40:19 <pikhq> Hrm.
08:40:35 <pikhq> Who here has an always-on connection, and is willing to compile EgoBot?
08:40:47 <immibis> not me
08:41:10 <immibis> anyway i am using windows (shudders)
08:41:13 -!- oerjan has joined.
08:41:35 <pikhq> *sigh*
08:41:39 <immibis> oerjan, do you have an always-on connection, and are willing to compile EgoBot?
08:41:44 <pikhq> I will: in spite of my craptastic connection.
08:41:45 <EgoBot> pikhq, don't swear.
08:43:09 <immibis> why not
08:43:28 <EgoBot> but i can still try to run esolangs for you
08:43:44 <EgoBot> immybo, don't swear
08:43:52 <immibis> egobot, he isn't here today.
08:43:54 <EgoBot> so?
08:44:40 <pikhq> Hrm. Doesn't seem that EgoBot likes x86_64.
08:44:54 <pikhq> I blame Gregor, even though he didn't write that part. :p
08:45:13 * pikhq shall sleep. It's almost *3* in the morning.
08:45:35 <EgoBot> <CTCP>ACTION shall sleep. It is almost *8* at night
08:45:38 * EgoBot shall sleep. It is almost *8* at night
08:46:16 * EgoBot notices that that is because his clock is broken
08:46:29 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:29 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:30 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:30 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:30 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:31 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:33 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:35 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:37 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:39 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:41 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:43 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:45 <EgoBot> PING 1123456
08:46:48 <immibis> !shutup
08:46:55 <immibis> !speak
08:47:02 <EgoBot> I SHAT MY PANTS!
08:47:16 <immibis> come on, are you a bot or not?
08:48:03 <EgoBot> !nEGOBOOB
08:48:03 -!- EgoBot has changed nick to EGOBOOB.
08:48:20 <immibis> oops
08:48:24 <immibis> dead giveaway
08:48:31 <immibis> !nWaiterBot
08:48:31 -!- EGOBOOB has changed nick to WaiterBot.
08:48:32 <WaiterBot> This nickname is owned by someone else
08:48:32 <WaiterBot> If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>
08:48:54 <WaiterBot> !rPRIVMSG NickServ IDENTIFY WaiterPass0
08:48:54 <WaiterBot> Syntax: IDENTIFY <password>
08:48:54 <WaiterBot> Type: /msg NickServ HELP IDENTIFY for more information
08:48:58 <immibis> d'oh
08:49:06 <immibis> WAITERBOT!
08:49:18 <immibis> er..
09:10:32 -!- WaiterBot has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
09:10:45 -!- immibis has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
09:43:59 * oerjan has now browsed the day's channel logs, and is actually somewhat wary of bringing in more bots...
10:34:01 -!- sebbu has joined.
11:57:24 <oklopol> anyone know erlang?
11:57:41 <oklopol> recursion does not change the pid or?
12:01:11 <oerjan> oklopol: i would, but i only have one radiation suit.
12:01:37 <oklopol> are you putting erlang down or being too clever for me?
12:01:45 <oerjan> the latter :)
12:01:53 <oklopol> :)
12:01:57 <oerjan> http://www.irregularwebcomic.net/
12:03:09 <oklopol> i was hoping that would clear out what you said
12:03:16 <oklopol> :(
12:03:24 <oerjan> er, didn't it?
12:03:42 <oerjan> see the annotation.
12:03:56 <oklopol> oh
12:04:36 <oklopol> trues trues
12:05:04 <oerjan> anyway, time to eat
12:05:14 -!- oerjan has quit ("Lunch").
12:05:22 <oklopol> i guess i should trust i can read code enough to be sure recursion does not change it
12:17:53 -!- RodgerTheGreat has joined.
14:18:04 -!- sebbu2 has joined.
14:37:20 -!- sebbu has quit (Connection timed out).
14:38:05 <oklopol> heh, found this board game named lotus... didn't know how it's played so figured out a way to represent tree rewriting with the pieces and wrote add(a, b) :D
14:38:29 <oklopol> unfortunately it runs out of pieces after that...
14:38:56 <oklopol> infinite fibonacci was 3 heaps of pieces
14:39:01 <oklopol> no... 5
14:39:11 <oklopol> addition was 9 or something
14:39:30 <oklopol> i guess i could make it a game somehow... if i just had more pieces
14:42:56 -!- sebbu2 has changed nick to sebbu.
15:14:12 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote closed the connection).
15:14:46 -!- pikhq has joined.
15:21:52 -!- c|p has joined.
15:38:05 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote closed the connection).
15:38:22 -!- pikhq has joined.
15:46:49 -!- oerjan has joined.
16:00:54 -!- RodgerTheGreat has quit.
16:38:47 <SimonRC> oklopol: URL?
16:41:12 <oklopol> who what when?
16:41:44 <oklopol> you mean did i spec and up it?
16:41:55 <oklopol> or something completely unrelated
16:42:00 <oklopol> just for the heck of it
16:44:35 -!- c|p has quit ("( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )").
16:45:35 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote closed the connection).
16:47:08 -!- c|p has joined.
16:47:23 -!- pikhq has joined.
16:57:09 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote closed the connection).
16:57:29 -!- pikhq has joined.
17:22:49 <SimonRC> ah
17:23:15 <SimonRC> I meant, what are these game pieces that are capable for expression tree-rewriting rules?
17:25:40 <SimonRC> last night's chattering was spammy and worthless
17:30:44 <oklopol> 4 colors of pieces
17:31:06 <oklopol> and you can stack them up... doesn't take a genius
17:31:17 <oklopol> i can spec it once i have the 5 minutes
17:31:24 <oklopol> gotta leave pretty much now.
17:31:32 * SimonRC suggests that immibis be bannished to #esoteric-spam
17:31:47 <SimonRC> oklopol: bye
17:32:46 <oklopol> i'll try to learn to remember a deck of cards today... what else can one do in a summer house
17:33:56 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
18:04:13 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote closed the connection).
18:35:56 -!- ihope has joined.
18:38:37 -!- pikhq_ has joined.
18:54:55 -!- pikhq has joined.
18:55:56 -!- RodgerTheGreat has joined.
19:20:23 -!- pikhq_ has quit (Connection timed out).
19:20:31 -!- pikhq has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:20:49 -!- pikhq has joined.
19:21:50 <bsmntbombdood> jeez that kid is annoying
19:21:58 <RodgerTheGreat> ?
19:22:06 <lament> pikhq?
19:22:16 <bsmntbombdood> immibis
19:22:28 <RodgerTheGreat> I missed out on something fun, it would appear
19:22:47 <RodgerTheGreat> also, I must direct your attention to this video- I find it extremely interesting: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8461754114455236037
19:28:14 <bsmntbombdood> ~quit
19:28:14 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit.
19:28:17 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
19:29:01 <oerjan> making changes?
19:29:17 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(".*immibis.*", lambda x,y: raise StopHandlingCallbacks)
19:29:18 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
19:29:22 <bsmntbombdood> fucking python
19:30:10 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec exec "def f(x, y): raise StopHandlingCallbacks\nself.ignore = f"\
19:30:11 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: invalid token
19:30:13 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec exec "def f(x, y): raise StopHandlingCallbacks\nself.ignore = f"
19:30:30 <lament> ~exec self.register_raw(".*immibis.*", lambda x,y: StopHandlingCallbacks)
19:30:32 <lament> :D
19:30:36 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.register_raw(".*immibis.*", self.ignore)
19:30:52 <lament> why do we have this bot anyway?
19:30:58 <lament> what makes it on-topic?
19:30:58 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo") # immibis
19:30:58 <bsmnt_bot> foo
19:31:02 <bsmntbombdood> argh
19:31:15 <bsmntbombdood> oh, right, the order
19:31:25 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
19:31:25 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue.pop()
19:32:08 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue = [re.compile(".*immibis.*"), self.ignore] + self.raw_regex_queue
19:32:14 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo") # immibis
19:32:14 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:32:16 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
19:32:22 <lament> useful
19:32:44 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue = [(re.compile(".*immibis.*"), self.ignore)] + self.raw_regex_queue
19:32:44 <bsmnt_bot> AttributeError: IRCbot instance has no attribute 'ignore'
19:32:56 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec exec "def f(x, y): raise StopHandlingCallbacks\nself.ignore = f"
19:32:59 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.raw_regex_queue = [(re.compile(".*immibis.*"), self.ignore)] + self.raw_regex_queue
19:33:03 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo") # immibis
19:33:07 <bsmntbombdood> good
19:33:10 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo")
19:33:10 <bsmnt_bot> foo
19:33:12 <bsmntbombdood> good
19:33:25 <lament> what does this bot do that's esoteric?
19:33:36 <bsmntbombdood> dunno
19:33:45 <oerjan> it does have a bf script
19:34:32 <lament> its presence is generating lots of flood that i would call off-topic, despite the usage of funky python
19:42:01 <ihope> When's the last time something esoteric happened in here?
19:42:03 <ihope> :-P
19:47:22 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:47:45 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
19:48:19 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout(self.banlist)
19:48:19 <bsmnt_bot> [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0xb7c2d3b0>]
19:48:26 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout(self.banlist[0].pattern)
19:48:54 <bsmntbombdood> ~ps
19:48:55 <bsmnt_bot> 0: 'self.handle_callback(message, m, i)', 0.00 seconds
19:49:15 <bsmntbombdood> hrm
19:49:27 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.ban(".*foobar.*")
19:49:33 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout(self.banlist)
19:49:34 <bsmnt_bot> [<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0xb7c2d3b0>, <_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0xb7caad40>]
19:51:12 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.read_bans()
19:51:12 <bsmnt_bot> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fd' referenced before assignment
19:52:15 -!- falsebot has joined.
19:52:25 <lament> botfight!
19:52:35 * lament forgot all the syntax for falsebot
19:52:44 <lament> !help
19:53:01 <oerjan> including the help command :D
19:53:19 <lament> F! help
19:53:30 <lament> F! "hello"
19:53:30 <falsebot> hello
19:53:32 <bsmntbombdood> !exec sys.stdout(self.ban_file)
19:53:34 <lament> aha
19:53:40 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout(self.ban_file)3~
19:53:41 <bsmnt_bot> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
19:53:44 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout(self.ban_file)
19:53:47 <bsmnt_bot> /bot/scripts/bans
19:54:12 <lament> F! 30 9[1-$][\$@$@$@$@\/*=[1-$$[%\1-$@]?0=[\$.' ,\]?]?]#
19:54:12 <falsebot> 29 23 19 17 13 11 7 5 3 2
19:54:20 <lament> prime numbers up to 30
19:54:21 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.unban(".*foobar.*")
19:54:22 <bsmnt_bot> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fd' referenced before assignment
19:54:27 <bsmntbombdood> wtf
19:55:14 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:55:21 <lament> ["hello world!"]h:
19:55:24 <lament> F! ["hello world!"]h:
19:55:36 <lament> h;!
19:55:39 <lament> F! h;!
19:55:39 <falsebot> hello world!
19:55:49 <lament> is it persistent or not? i forgot
19:55:50 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
19:55:54 -!- falsebot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:56:04 -!- falsebot has joined.
19:56:08 <lament> F! h;!
19:56:08 <falsebot> Error: 'h'
19:56:12 <lament> crap
19:56:31 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo") # foobar
19:56:32 <bsmnt_bot> foo
19:56:37 <lament> i think i implemented a whole bunch of functionality that's now lost
19:56:42 -!- falsebot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:56:51 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
19:56:52 <bsmnt_bot> ['']
19:57:25 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.ban(".*foobar.*")
19:57:28 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
19:57:28 <bsmnt_bot> ['', '.*foobar.*']
19:57:35 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo") # foobar
19:57:36 <bsmnt_bot> foo
19:57:41 <bsmntbombdood> wtf
19:57:58 <lament> oh, i remember the problem with False now
19:58:10 <lament> and also, didn't i use to have a lambda calculus bot?
19:58:40 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
19:58:42 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
19:58:44 <bsmntbombdood> oh of course
19:58:47 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
19:58:48 <bsmnt_bot> ['']
19:58:53 <bsmntbombdood> argh
20:00:40 -!- falsebot has joined.
20:01:04 <lament> F! [$1=$[\%1\]?~[$1-f;!*]?]f:5f;!
20:01:23 <lament> F! [$1=$[\%1\]?~[$1-f;!*]?]f:5f;!.
20:01:23 <falsebot> 120
20:01:30 <lament> at least now i'm flooding too :)
20:01:40 * lament feels better
20:02:00 <bsmntbombdood> ~quit
20:02:00 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Client Quit).
20:02:02 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:02:07 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:02:07 <bsmnt_bot> ['']
20:02:19 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.ban(".*foobar.*")
20:02:22 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:02:23 <bsmnt_bot> ['', '.*foobar.*']
20:02:27 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist]) # foobar
20:02:28 <bsmnt_bot> ['', '.*foobar.*']
20:02:33 <bsmntbombdood> wtf
20:03:25 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:03:27 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:03:31 <lament> F! ["~exec sys.stdout('F! h;!')"]h:h;!
20:03:31 <falsebot> ~exec sys.stdout('F! h;!')
20:03:36 <lament> :P
20:03:37 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:04:11 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout("foo")
20:04:16 <bsmntbombdood> ~quit
20:04:22 <bsmntbombdood> sigh
20:04:32 <oerjan> apparently falsebot is banned
20:04:40 <lament> :(
20:05:14 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:05:16 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:05:22 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:05:35 <lament> !F h;!
20:05:54 <lament> F! h;!
20:05:54 <falsebot> ~exec sys.stdout('F! h;!')
20:05:57 <lament> come on
20:06:14 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:06:16 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:06:50 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:07:18 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:07:25 <bsmntbombdood> oh
20:07:34 <bsmntbombdood> apparently '' matches everything
20:07:51 <SimonRC> heh
20:07:52 <oerjan> :D
20:08:08 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Remote closed the connection).
20:08:10 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:08:13 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:08:14 <bsmnt_bot> ['.*foobar.*']
20:08:19 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist]) # foobar
20:08:24 <bsmntbombdood> good
20:08:35 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.unban(".*foobar.*")
20:08:39 <bsmntbombdood> crap
20:08:43 <oerjan> :D
20:08:49 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.unban(".*foo%s.*" % "bar")
20:08:55 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist]) # foobar
20:08:56 <bsmnt_bot> []
20:09:00 <bsmntbombdood> yay it works
20:09:24 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.ban("foobar")
20:09:26 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:09:27 <bsmnt_bot> ['foobar']
20:09:30 <bsmntbombdood> ~quit
20:09:30 -!- bsmnt_bot has quit (Client Quit).
20:09:32 -!- bsmnt_bot has joined.
20:09:37 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec sys.stdout([i.pattern for i in self.banlist])
20:09:37 <bsmnt_bot> ['foobar']
20:09:54 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.unban("foobar")
20:09:58 <bsmntbombdood> ok
20:10:36 <bsmntbombdood> self.ban(pattern) to ignore all messages that match pattern, self.unban(pattern) to stop ignoring, bans persistant across restarts
20:10:40 -!- atrapado has joined.
20:11:00 <lament> anybody looked at http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/wiki/Betterave
20:11:18 <lament> it claims to be functional, i can't imagine how it's functional
20:11:32 <bsmntbombdood> ~exec self.ban("^:immibis.*")
20:11:43 <bsmntbombdood> now he's banned
20:15:37 <lament> hm
20:15:47 <lament> it's not functional and it's barely turing complete with an ugly memory model
20:18:33 <oerjan> it is very nicely _dys_functional, however.
20:19:20 <lament> yeah, i'm just annoyed by the usage of the word "function"
20:19:37 <lament> " +, -, *, /, % Base mathematical functions. Return the {sum, difference, product, quotient, modulo} of the next two functions."
20:19:52 <lament> hello? "Next two functions"?
20:20:20 <lament> this guy thinks functional programming is a bunch of functions arranged in a line.
20:20:54 <bsmntbombdood> it's just prefix notation...
20:21:47 <lament> yes, a functional language could have that syntax.
20:23:57 <SimonRC> I said exactly the same thing about SADOL (which also claims to be functional) over a year ago, but no-one believed me.
20:24:21 <lament> i think i'll be pro-active and delete the functional paradigm category
20:24:29 <SimonRC> erm
20:24:46 <SimonRC> where will we put Unlambda then?
20:24:48 <lament> ...from this language's article :)
20:25:07 <SimonRC> call it "applicative" instead
20:25:30 <lament> it's a plain old imperative language in the spirit of brainfuck.
20:25:44 <SimonRC> a functional language needs first-class functions, i.e. literals (lambda) and the ability to store them wherever you can put other first-class values (within reason)
20:25:57 <ihope> Yeah, functions must be considered values in some way.
20:26:32 <SimonRC> bsmntbombdood: I was expecting a little discussion before banning immibis.
20:27:16 <ihope> (I'm guessing that functions having to be able to be applied to values is also part of the definition of "functional".)
20:27:23 <SimonRC> hmm
20:27:29 <lament> yeah
20:27:29 <SimonRC> they wouldn't be functions otherwise
20:27:40 <bsmntbombdood> if i wanted to be the only person who could ban/unban i would have made it that way
20:27:57 <bsmntbombdood> anyone can unban anyone except themselves
20:28:11 <ihope> Banned people can unban each other/
20:28:28 <bsmntbombdood> ...no
20:29:04 <bsmntbombdood> people who aren't banned can ban or unban anyone
20:29:16 <bsmntbombdood> that's better
20:29:22 <ihope> And you say bans are patterns?
20:29:36 <bsmntbombdood> yeah
20:29:42 <ihope> Are they over the whole message?
20:29:46 <bsmntbombdood> yeah
20:29:52 <SimonRC> so any nutter could come along, carefully compose a text file, then pasate it into the channel and ban everyone here?
20:30:15 <oerjan> SimonRC: darn, you had to tell them! :D
20:30:20 <SimonRC> There needs to be a name for the SADOL-style syntax though; the one where each token knows how many of the following tokens are its arguments
20:30:25 <bsmntbombdood> or they could just type ~exec self.ban(".*")
20:30:38 <oerjan> i was just going to sit around and watch the scheme come crashing down...
20:30:42 <bsmntbombdood> ...maybe not so smart
20:30:53 <ihope> Then bsmntbombdood could come along, unban .* and ban only them.
20:31:08 <SimonRC> How the heck does bsmnt_bot do banning anyway? It hasn't the power to kick people.
20:31:10 <ihope> I'd say it's good for now, since we don't have lots of trolls coming in every day or anything.
20:31:25 <ihope> SimonRC: it ignores the banned people, I believe.
20:31:34 <bsmntbombdood> SimonRC: ban = ignores commands from
20:31:41 <SimonRC> ah, wrong meaning of "ban"
20:32:03 <ihope> self.ban("\S+ PRIVMSG \S+ :~exec .*")
20:34:39 <bsmntbombdood> bsmnt_bot's code gets worse and worse every time i add somethine
20:35:36 -!- atrapado has quit ("Abandonando").
20:38:32 <ihope> Heh.
20:44:04 -!- atrapado has joined.
20:53:57 <SimonRC> bsmntbombdood: such is life
20:58:26 <ihope> self.ban("(\S+ )?PING .*")
20:58:37 <ihope> (Assuming parentheses can also be used for grouping.)
20:59:10 <bsmntbombdood> yeah
20:59:27 <SimonRC> challenge: make an esolang in which (0 can be used for quoting code and also for grouping in expressions, because those two concepts are the same thing
20:59:34 <SimonRC> oops, I meant ()
20:59:53 <SimonRC> Oh, wait, you can do it with thunks.
20:59:56 <SimonRC> d'oh
21:02:46 <ihope> For quoting code?
21:02:53 <ihope> What do you mean?
21:03:28 <SimonRC> like a quotation in Joy, I mean
21:11:58 <oerjan> call-by-name lisp?
21:12:24 <bsmntbombdood> want
21:15:56 <SimonRC> quotations would also be used for lists as well, I guess
21:16:17 <SimonRC> so referential transparency would be... absent
21:21:11 <lament> what's grouping?
21:22:11 <lament> aha
21:22:12 <lament> http://esoteric.voxelperfect.net/w/index.php?title=Betterave&curid=2208&diff=9460&oldid=9458
21:22:34 <lament> this is the language author's edit
21:23:10 <lament> obviously it does not satisfy me :)
21:40:02 <ihope> Can you explain quotations to me?
21:40:25 <bsmntbombdood> 'ihope
21:40:39 <ihope> Very good explanation, bsmntbombdood!
21:40:47 <ihope> I understand perfectly now!
21:41:12 <oerjan> I believe he "explained" quotations.
21:41:49 <oerjan> The obvious next step would be to explain "quotations".
21:42:11 <lament> i would still like to be explained grouping.
21:44:20 <oerjan> SimonRC: ((lament) would like (to ((be explained) grouping)))
21:46:15 <bsmntbombdood> ihope: QUOTE is a special form that returns its argument unevaluated. Or you could say it converts external represenations to internal representations
21:48:30 <ihope> I see.
21:50:44 <ihope> So (foo bar baz quux ...), when evaluated, normally evaluates foo, bar, etc. and hands the evaluated foo the evaluated bar, etc.?
21:51:18 <bsmntbombdood> yes
21:51:50 <ihope> But if foo evaluates to, say, quote, bar isn't evaluated and the whole thing evaluates to the unevaluated bar?
21:52:27 <bsmntbombdood> no, special forms aren't higher order
21:53:45 <ihope> What aren't what?
21:54:10 <lament> ihope: quote is not a value in lisp
21:54:11 <bsmntbombdood> quote is syntax
21:54:28 <ihope> My model fails, then?
21:54:33 <lament> ihope: it does.
21:55:11 <ihope> Where's one place it breaks down?
21:55:36 <lament> ihope: quote is not a value.
21:55:42 <lament> things can't evaluate to it.
21:55:49 <oerjan> in common lisp it breaks down at "evaluates foo"
21:56:10 <lament> no, it breaks at "evaluates to quote" :)
21:56:30 <oerjan> in scheme, it may or may not break down there
21:56:38 <oerjan> depending on what foo is.
21:56:40 <ihope> So something like (lambda () quote) is invalid?
21:57:08 <oerjan> that's valid
21:57:08 <lament> yes.
21:57:12 <lament> well
21:57:16 <bsmntbombdood> only valid if quote is defined
21:57:19 <lament> that's valid, but that's not QUOTE
21:57:28 <lament> more commonly referred to as '
21:57:40 <lament> (in scheme. I don't give a shit about CL :) )
21:57:49 <bsmntbombdood> (let ((quote 42)) (lambda () quote)) is a function of no arguments that returns 42
21:57:58 <ihope> Not the same thing as quote...
21:58:11 * ihope hugs Haskell for a moment
21:58:19 <lament> ihope: lisp has these things called special form
21:58:21 <oerjan> when evaluating an expression it is first checked whether the first element is literally a special form or macro symbol.
21:58:29 <lament> ihope: (a b c) is an expression, unless 'a' is special
21:58:35 <lament> ihope: 'quote' is special
21:58:45 <lament> so (quote foo bar) is not an expression
21:58:49 <lament> it's a special form
21:59:01 <lament> with its own rules for evaluation
21:59:04 <oerjan> sure it is, it's just not a function call
21:59:06 <bsmntbombdood> well, it is an expression, just not a function call
21:59:10 <lament> right
21:59:15 <ihope> So if the head of the list *is* quote, the entire list is a special form?
21:59:21 <lament> ihope: yes.
21:59:28 <lament> ihope: that's how all special forms work in lisp
21:59:35 <lament> ihope: for example lambda is also a special form
21:59:42 <bsmntbombdood> QUOTE, LAMBDA etc are syntax, which means they can't be evaluated like a function
21:59:45 <lament> ihope: (foo lambda) just calls a function foo with a parameter lambda
21:59:54 <lament> ihope: (lambda foo) is a special form
22:00:11 <lament> (and in this case a syntax error, i would imagine)
22:00:44 <ihope> Does (foo lambda) look for a value for lambda and pass that into foo, or does it actually pass the syntax element lambda into foo?
22:01:18 <lament> the former.
22:01:23 <bsmntbombdood> syntax is not higher order
22:01:26 <lament> it evaluates lambda
22:01:37 <lament> where lambda is taken from the variable namespace
22:01:41 <lament> not the special form namespace
22:02:42 <lament> but if you put a function into that variable lambda, you can't evaluate it with (lambda)
22:02:50 <bsmntbombdood> i was thinking about higher order special forms the other day
22:03:15 <lament> oh god
22:03:35 <lament> guile actually looks up variables before special forms
22:03:42 <ihope> It seems making a special form higher order would make it a function.
22:03:43 <lament> so you can redefine lambda with a function
22:03:50 <lament> and then you'll never be able to use the lambda special form!!
22:04:20 <lament> guile> (define define 1)
22:04:20 <lament> guile> (define define 2)
22:04:32 <lament> second line causes an error, since it's parsed as (1 1 2)
22:04:37 <oerjan> that may actually be correct scheme - you are supposed to be able to redefine any identifier, right?
22:04:42 <lament> i suppose
22:04:51 <lament> the effects are catastrophic of course
22:05:34 <ihope> So after doing basic parsing, can you just look for syntax elements at heads of lists and turn them into the appropriate structures while everything else is treated as a plain old list to be evaluated?
22:06:02 <lament> yes.
22:06:05 <lament> well no
22:06:09 <lament> special forms are also evaluated
22:06:13 <lament> they're just specially evaluated
22:06:30 <lament> (foo bar) is evaluated as a function call, unless foo is a special form
22:06:39 <lament> in which case it's evaluated according to the rules of the special form
22:06:46 <lament> which are themselves written in lisp
22:06:55 <lament> you can create your own special forms
22:07:23 <bsmntbombdood> macros!
22:07:25 <lament> which means the syntax of lisp is arbitrarily extendable
22:07:31 <ihope> So is ((lambda (x y) x) 3 (lambda)) valid, then?
22:07:41 <ihope> (Assuming the first is a function of two arguments that returns the first.)
22:08:08 <lament> hm
22:08:17 <bsmntbombdood> ihope: only if lambda is a function of no arguments in the current enviroment
22:08:30 <lament> ihope: no, it's not valid because scheme is not lazy.
22:08:35 <ihope> Oh, right, that.
22:08:42 <lament> ihope: it would be valid otherwise.
22:09:13 <ihope> I think I get it well enough, then.
22:09:13 <lament> bsmntbombdood: no
22:09:24 <lament> bsmntbombdood: if lambda IS a function of no arguments, then the outer expression fails.
22:09:31 <bsmntbombdood> oh right, nevermind
22:09:50 <lament> if you define lambda as taking arbitrary arguments and ignoring them, then that works, of course.
22:10:18 <lament> but then there's no special forms in it :)
22:13:05 <ihope> Any pondering of the full consequences of this will be done later.
22:14:00 <bsmntbombdood> scheme is yummy
22:16:09 <bsmntbombdood> jeez, $500 for the iphone
22:23:54 -!- mtve has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
23:09:43 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night").
23:25:36 <SimonRC> lol internet: "no its not attitude i just hate people telling me what i can and can not do it just gets on my nerves and english is my native language i just dont pay attention to how i spell words and since u understood me i think itll be alright"
23:26:42 <lament> where's that from?
23:27:50 <SimonRC> the ZBB
23:28:10 <SimonRC> http://www.spinnoff.com/zbb/viewtopic.php?p=525928#525928
23:29:56 <lament> heh
23:31:09 -!- atrapado has quit ("alsastalaviaststa").
23:37:38 -!- sebbu has quit ("@+").
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