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BF golf (51)

1 Name: "ihope" ["127"] : 2006-04-01 19:54 ID:8a+/un6M

I decided that since there was so little going on in the esoteric world, I'd start another BF golf competition.

The tape is infinite on both sides and each cell can hold a value up to (but not including :-) infinity. Decrementing zero yields zero.

The challenge is to make a program that outputs Graham's number once. (That is, increment a cell Graham's number of times, move over it, and execute the output instruction.) It may not output anything else, nor may it accept input. You may include input instructions that are never executed, but that'd be stupid. :-)

Just post the MD5 hash of your program here along with the length of it. Once the contest is over in, oh, a week, just post the source code along with a proof that the program does what we expected--I'm not going to run these programs to make sure they do what they should :-D

No prizes or anything, but the winner wins, and that's good, right?

For reference:'s_number

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