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Forum software (31)

7 Name: ORBAT : 2005-11-05 22:59 ID:uLGisWiX

Seriously speaking, though, a "flat file system" never works out for anything more complex. When the number of posts and threads starts growing, this kind of UI will get very, very frustrating to use. seems like the way to go, in my opinion. It's registration-free, and it's based on phpBB which is pretty much a standard for forums nowadays.

Don't mind me, I'm drunk.

12 Name: ORBAT : 2005-11-06 09:32 ID:uLGisWiX

"Suilt for silly drama."

I don't really see how the UI of a forum affects the level of posts in it.

What I do see is how a bad UI (and yes, I consider this UI bad) can affect things. Honestly, nobody's used flat file systems in nigh on 20 years. Ye Olde BBSs had a better UI than this one.

Oh well. Maybe I'm just biased. But that doesn't change my opinion on the matter :)

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