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Forum software (31)

24 Name: Graue : 2005-11-07 19:56 ID:foo@bar.invalid

They're optional, as it says at the top of the frontpage. I think it's useful to enter a name for situations where it actually matters. Like here I'm saying, "Hey, I'm Graue, and the reason I configured the forum this way is..." But if I was just saying "I think Pbrain is a cool extension to Brainfuck. It was interesting to realize that you can..." then I would probably post that anonymously, since the observation's what matters, not me.

Of course, some people will only post observations about esoteric programming languages if they can get credit for it. Why? I can't imagine. But here I give people the choice to do that if they prefer.

If you would like to add that feature, go ahead. You can get the software at I agree that it'll be a cool idea if you can get it to work right.

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