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Forum software (31)

18 Name: calamari : 2005-11-07 06:56 ID:KWX8xOQq

I hope I have not come across as hostile. I really like the idea of this forum, it is just very different than most web forums and is lacking in traditional features such as editing, private messaging, profiles, polls, forum summaries, etc. One thing I do like about this forum is the skinning ability. It does look cool.

I'll see about copying the esoteric-related threads over and then we can see where things go. I'm perfectly content to use my forum for contests or wherever it is needed. My offer was meant as an offer, not as an insult :) I hope that I have remained constructive in my criticisms.

Graue: Is the main problem you have with the phpBB forum the fact that I'm running it? If so, I can help you set up a phpBB board here. I don't really care who runs the forum.. I'd just hope that the software used doesn't limit its potential.

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