++C+=C++ + ++C;
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This is still a work in progress. It may be changed in the future.
++C+=C++ + ++C;
is an esolang by User:FiveUnderlines.
Please make sure you don't spell any different characters.
The name of esolang looks like a classic undefined behavior in C++.In fact, it is a brainfuck dialect.
Command | Mode | |
0 | 1 | |
Switch the modes. | |
Decrement the current cell by one. brainfuck equivalent: - .
Increment the current cell by one. brainfuck equivalent: + .
Move the cell pointer one step to the left. brainfuck equivalent: < .
Move the cell pointer one step to the right. brainfuck equivalent: > .
Print the character whose ASCII code equals the current cell value to the standard output. brainfuck equivalent: . .
Query the standard input for a character and store its ASCII code in the current cell. brainfuck equivalent: , .
If the current cell value equals zero, jump forward past the matching ) .brainfuck equivalent: [ .
| |
If the current cell value does not equal zero, jump back to the matching ( .brainfuck equivalent: ] .
| |
End the program immediately. |
Please make sure there is one at the end of your program ;
, otherwise,it may cause runtime errors.
Some program examples
C,C,C=++++++(C+=++++++++C=) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C=(C=C,=);
The following proposes a tentative implementation in Common Lisp:
(deftype list-of (&optional (element-type T)) "Defines a list composed of zero or more members of the ELEMENT-TYPE." (let ((predicate (gensym))) (declare (type symbol predicate)) (setf (symbol-function predicate) #'(lambda (candidate) (declare (type T candidate)) (and (listp candidate) (loop for element of-type T in (the list candidate) always (typep element element-type))))) `(satisfies ,predicate))) (deftype hash-table-of (&optional (key-type T) (value-type T)) "Defines a hash table whose zero or more entries are composed of keys of the KEY-TYPE which associate with values of the VALUE-TYPE." (let ((predicate (gensym))) (declare (type symbol predicate)) (setf (symbol-function predicate) #'(lambda (candidate) (declare (type T candidate)) (and (hash-table-p candidate) (loop for key of-type T being the hash-keys in (the hash-table candidate) using (hash-value value) always (and (typep key key-type) (typep value value-type)))))) `(satisfies ,predicate))) (deftype jump-table () "Connects the forward jump and back jump commands in a program by mediation of their positions in the code." '(hash-table-of fixnum fixnum)) (deftype octet () "An unsigned byte compact of eight adjacent bits, covering the integral range [0, 255]." '(unsigned-byte 8)) (deftype memory () "The program memory as a sparse vector of unsigned-byte-valued cells, implemented as a hash table whose keys provide the indices to the cell objects as the entry values." '(hash-table-of integer octet)) (deftype mode () "The mode as a bit-valued switch." 'bit) (deftype destination () "Defines a sink for output operations." '(or null (eql T) stream string)) (define-condition Runtime-Error (error) ((position :initarg :position :initform (error "No position specified.") :reader runtime-error-position :type fixnum :documentation "The missing semicolon position in the code.")) (:report (lambda (condition stream) (declare (type Runtime-Error condition)) (declare (type destination stream)) (format stream "No semicolon found at position ~d." (runtime-error-position condition)))) (:documentation "Serves to signal a missing semicolon (\";\").")) (defun generate-jump-table (code) "Connects the forward and back jump points in the ++C+=C++ + ++C; CODE by adminicle of a jump table, which is subsequently returned." (declare (type string code)) (let ((jump-table (make-hash-table :test #'eql)) (forward-jump-points NIL)) (declare (type jump-table jump-table) (type (list-of fixnum) forward-jump-points)) (loop for token of-type character across code and position of-type fixnum from 0 by 1 if (char= token #\() do (push position forward-jump-points) else if (char= token #\)) do (if forward-jump-points (let ((start-point (pop forward-jump-points)) (end-point position)) (declare (type fixnum start-point)) (declare (type fixnum end-point)) (setf (gethash start-point jump-table) end-point) (setf (gethash end-point jump-table) start-point)) (error "Unmatched jump end point at position ~d." position)) finally (when forward-jump-points (error "Unmatched jump start points at positions ~{~d~^, ~}." forward-jump-points))) (the jump-table jump-table))) (defun interpret-|++C+=C++ + ++C;| (code) "Interprets the piece of \"++C+=C++ + ++C;\" CODE and returns NIL." (declare (type string code)) (let ((ip 0) (instruction (when (plusp (length code)) (char code 0))) (jump-table (generate-jump-table code)) (mode 0) (memory (make-hash-table :test #'eql)) (cell-pointer 0) (semicolon-set-p NIL)) (declare (type fixnum ip) (type (or null character) instruction) (type jump-table jump-table) (type mode mode) (type memory memory) (type integer cell-pointer) (type boolean semicolon-set-p)) (labels ((advance () "Advances the instruction pointer (IP) to the next location." (setf instruction (when (array-in-bounds-p code (1+ ip)) (char code (incf ip)))) (values)) (jump () "Moves the instruction pointer (IP) to the jump destination." (setf ip (or (gethash ip jump-table) (error "No jump point at ~d." ip))) (values)) (switch-mode () "Flips the mode switch." (setf mode (- 1 mode)) (values)) (current-cell () "Returns the byte value stored in the current cell." (the octet (gethash cell-pointer memory 0))) ((setf current-cell) (new-value) "Stores the NEW-VALUE in the memory, on necessity wrapping it around into the range [0, 255] prior to its admission." (declare (type integer new-value)) (setf (gethash cell-pointer memory 0) (mod new-value 256)) (values))) (loop while instruction do (case instruction ((NIL) (loop-finish)) (#\C (switch-mode)) (#\+ (case mode (0 (decf (current-cell))) (1 (incf (current-cell))) (T (error "Invalid mode: ~d." mode)))) (#\= (case mode (0 (decf cell-pointer)) (1 (incf cell-pointer)) (T (error "Invalid mode: ~d." mode)))) (#\, (case mode (0 (write-char (code-char (current-cell)))) (1 (format T "~&>> ") (finish-output) (setf (current-cell) (char-code (read-char))) (clear-input)) (T (error "Invalid mode: ~d." mode)))) (#\( (when (zerop (current-cell)) (jump))) (#\) (unless (zerop (current-cell)) (jump))) (#\; (setf semicolon-set-p T) (loop-finish)) (T NIL)) (advance)) (unless semicolon-set-p (error 'Runtime-Error :position ip)))))