00:13:07 -!- nooga has joined. 00:13:15 :Ð 00:13:35 nooga: you should see a dentist 00:13:46 it's compressed :-D 00:14:07 in that case, see a plastic surgeon 00:14:15 ;] 00:16:18 probably psychiatrist would be the best choice 00:16:45 choices, choices 00:17:41 i should see a psychiatrist but the little voices in my head keep telling me not to 00:25:33 :Ð 00:26:16 -!- kar8nga has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). 00:30:07 it's hard to create interesting esolang 00:30:40 yes 00:30:43 any twisted idea can be reduced to some existing architecture 00:33:08 yeah :( 00:33:11 I want to make one 00:33:16 I might have a go soon 00:33:29 they already have 'go' 00:33:35 so have a something else 00:37:07 -!- Pthing has joined. 00:41:59 -!- augur has joined. 00:44:09 nooga: yeah it's hard 00:44:47 tried a couple... but then underload beats the early ones I've done 00:45:07 the more recent ones are functionnal and weird but still not that awesome 00:45:24 oerjan, hi 00:45:49 oerjan, was just looking at google street view today. Can't find it in norway? 00:46:17 since it does exist in Sweden I'm slightly surprised 00:47:58 Norway has streets? 00:48:45 there are rumors... 00:49:15 i've never tried to look at google street view, so... 00:52:51 "Google har fotografert en del i Norge, men foreløpig ikke lansert noen Street View-tjeneste her til lands." 00:52:53 uh 00:53:06 from http://www.vg.no/bil-og-motor/artikkel.php?artid=591074, two days ago 00:53:22 i've met 19-years old trucker from norway 00:53:24 yesterday 00:53:31 he was weird 00:55:14 oerjan, translate it? 00:55:18 I fail at it 00:55:42 from "foreløpig" to "til lands" 00:57:04 , but for the time being have not launched any Street View service in this country. 00:57:15 ah 00:57:38 ;[ 00:57:55 nooga, ? 00:58:13 night 00:58:25 i fail at reading "Troll 1" - a handbook of swe lang 00:58:44 clearly you've been trolled 00:59:26 that's exactly my point ;D 01:00:05 * oerjan swats nooga for trolling us -----### 01:00:31 nooga är ett hemskt troll! 01:01:31 ;] 01:01:35 hm wait... 01:02:09 hemsk doesn't seem to have any "awful" connotation according to sv.wiktionary.org? 01:02:24 oh wait it does 01:02:49 it was just "hemskt" which had its own article 01:03:07 oerjan, of course it does 01:03:14 and yes that line was correct above 01:03:24 whew 01:03:41 AnMaster: fooled by http://sv.wiktionary.org/wiki/hemskt 01:03:44 but it can also be used as a generic modifier, like "foo is awfully good" 01:04:01 which really doesn't make much sense when you think about it 01:04:17 oerjan, yes that is the other meaning of it 01:04:29 except english (and norwegian) also have the same kind of construction 01:04:36 yes 01:04:41 but it still doesn't make much sense 01:05:04 we also have it for "jättelitet" which would translate to something like "giantly small" 01:05:07 Polish also has that 01:05:20 iirc English doesn't have that last one at least 01:06:11 "skitgott" 01:06:21 -!- augur_ has joined. 01:06:23 olsner, why isn't there "pyttestort"? 01:06:32 * oerjan always wondered what kind of fruit is a fruktansvärd 01:06:35 logically that should follow 01:06:56 oerjan, it is terrible ;P 01:06:56 -!- madbr has quit ("Radiateur"). 01:07:07 -!- madbr has joined. 01:07:25 -!- coppro has joined. 01:07:43 oerjan, for one it isn't even a fruit it turns out 01:07:48 yes, i bet it is 01:07:49 not even a noun 01:08:04 oerjan, I saw that one coming ;P 01:08:18 if you want to read it as a composite noun, it'd be a kind of sword rather than a fruit though 01:08:21 `translate fruktansvärd 01:08:31 awful 01:08:32 oerjan, indeed 01:08:36 (endianness - most significant usually comes last) 01:08:54 Gregor, something between awful and terrible I would say 01:08:55 actually it is pretty obvious from the words it is composed of, fruktansvärd must mean a sword made of fruit 01:08:57 in the meaning 01:09:13 awful is closer to avskyvärd 01:09:29 lit. fearworthy 01:09:34 olsner, yeah 01:10:00 -!- madbrain has joined. 01:10:12 oerjan, there is svärdfisk, so why not svärdfrukt 01:10:12 olsner: yeah but swedish is greek to me, and greek frequently does it the other way around 01:10:20 -!- madbr has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). 01:10:30 greek is bubble and squeak to me 01:11:01 oerjan, anyway it couldn't be a type of fruit, a type of sword yes 01:11:54 oerjan, olsner, or it could he the host of fear 01:11:54 -!- augur_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). 01:11:58 that works too 01:12:01 when you think about it 01:12:06 fruktans-värd 01:12:18 same split 01:12:22 but different meanings 01:12:23 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). 01:13:15 -!- augur has joined. 01:13:38 now, clearly -an- is related to anor, so it would be an ancient heirloom sword made of fruit, right? 01:14:03 err 01:14:13 an -> anor not really 01:14:16 afaik 01:14:34 aww 01:14:36 en fruktansvärd fruktan för värdens fruktsvärd 01:15:08 I guess THAT should count a a phobia 01:15:29 oerjan, no? 01:16:01 well phobias are also greek to me 01:16:07 heh 01:16:17 oerjan, could you parse that line I said? 01:16:28 I'm afraid it would be extremely hard to translate to English 01:16:31 but of course, it was obvious 01:16:39 without completely losing the pun 01:16:50 well yes 01:17:24 I'm much better at joking in Swedish than in English 01:17:40 in fact I have heard people laugh at my jokes in Swedish 01:17:46 *gasp* 01:17:55 exactly 01:18:03 oerjan, and it isn't even rare 01:18:27 now you are stretching your credibility 01:18:37 oerjan, maybe, but it's true 01:18:46 also it rarely works over text chat 01:19:10 really builds on quick and snappy replies in voice-based discussions 01:19:11 maybe you get them to laugh by telling them you're actually funny in english 01:19:28 oklopol, hm haven't tried that one 01:19:35 interesting idea 01:19:37 you just tried it in reverse 01:19:48 oklopol, not really, I just told the truth 01:19:52 and clearly we found it hilarious 01:19:58 you did? 01:20:02 that was unintentional 01:20:46 -!- Asztal has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 01:23:17 * oerjan regrettably must conclude there isn't really such a thing as a sword fruit 01:23:32 aww 01:23:47 what about fruit swords then? 01:23:49 google hath spoken 01:23:54 just checking 01:24:08 oerjan, you could carve a small sword out of an apple 01:24:38 or a fruit sword could be a sword for cutting fruit. 01:24:52 or better, let the apple grow in a mould to form it into a sword 01:24:53 but i guess that would be more of a stretch than making the sword out of it 01:24:56 not sure that would work 01:25:17 fruit? sword? Are you playing I Wanna Be The Guy? 01:25:34 oklopol, fruit knives I heard of. but fruit swords would be a bit large, no? 01:25:39 Sgeo__, no idea what that is 01:25:46 well they're used for big fruit ofc 01:25:53 liek coconuts 01:25:58 oklopol, oh like mutant pumpkins? 01:26:07 ...and mutant pumpkins, yes 01:26:20 oklopol, what about mutant watermelons? 01:26:44 Sgeo__: were you the one who linked iwbtg here? 01:26:45 oh wait 01:26:50 i guess it was ehird 01:27:10 It occurs to me that I've been interested in it recently, so I might have 01:27:20 oh this was ages ago 01:27:20 Sgeo__, what is it though 01:27:29 it's a game that's supposedly really hard 01:27:47 well okay it is really hard 01:28:41 Sgeo__: are there swords in iwbtg? 01:28:44 From a review: "about halfway across, you notice an apple low enough you can jump over it. tired of the tedious apple-teasing, you graciously accept the respite of an apple you wont have to dodge mid-fall. you jump over the apple, and the apple falls up and kills you. the apple falls up and kills you." 01:28:48 oklopol, just one 01:28:53 BRB 01:28:57 * oerjan finds nothing really appropriate 01:30:03 now if that sword was the only thing in the game that was actually harmless... 01:30:23 oerjan, what about the ground? 01:30:56 anyway it doesn't seem to be open source 01:31:03 nor available for linux 01:31:04 there are really very few places in iwbtg where you actually need absolute precision, at least up to where i got, although it can still take about 10 minutes to get through one screen 01:31:27 oklopol, limited number of lives? 01:31:38 no 01:31:54 but there are "difficulty" settings that limit the amount of save points 01:32:25 a few on every screen, one every few screens, one every tenth or so screens, and "impossible", no save points 01:33:32 IWBTG's sword: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyyovn2IMX0 01:33:33 ... 01:34:01 oh, right, that one 01:35:05 that part was easy 01:39:22 ... 01:43:04 sleepy time -> 01:43:21 also i should probably give iwbtg another go 01:43:47 oklopol, are you going to design any RoboZZle puzzles? 01:43:50 last time i got about halfway through, then made a fucked-up save and couldn't continue 01:44:23 I believe there's stuff that lets you manipulate save files [e.g., if you screw up a save, or want to cheat] 01:44:41 the next thing i'm going to do in robozzle is try out some programming in design mode; that may be a side product. 01:44:51 yeah, i hear there is 01:45:50 doesn't really matter now, i don't have the game 01:45:56 really the sleep -> 01:52:43 sleep 01:54:16 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)). 02:09:55 -!- zzo38 has joined. 02:10:43 -!- zzo38 has quit (Remote closed the connection). 02:17:41 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 02:18:11 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 02:26:48 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined. 02:29:11 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 02:31:08 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 02:31:59 * Sgeo__ goes to try "straying from the path" 02:32:11 I see the basic principle, but don't know if I have the stack skills to implement 02:32:30 * MissPiggy has still not does aseirskas one 02:34:31 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 02:35:52 Deewiant, you're.. away, darn 02:39:41 Deewiant, igoro is asking what's wrong with Robozzle on Moonlight 02:43:01 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 02:48:01 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 02:51:20 Solved straying from the path! 02:51:36 I see neither fizzie nor oklopol solved it :D 02:53:11 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 02:53:38 the first "Tree" puzzle is quite cool 02:54:25 -!- augur has joined. 02:54:29 that's like the only difficult one I have solved :P 02:55:06 MissPiggy, straying from the path is fun 02:55:25 Does use the stack 02:56:38 wow, solved "very early warning" straight away 02:56:46 that one's purely state-changes 02:57:10 how do I open puzzle 249 in silverlight? 02:57:12 i've yet to get the "linked list" one solved but i think i know how it works roughly 02:57:23 puzzles.aspx defaults to silverlight, I think 02:57:33 thanks 02:57:41 you delete internet explorer, use a real browser, and use a real standard 02:58:11 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 02:58:12 none of that achieves the goal 02:58:38 Hm, I think Very Early Warning is one that was shown in the YouTube video.. 02:59:23 Which effectively gave the puzzle away 02:59:56 well that would be a pretty early warning, then 03:00:01 lol 03:02:55 i think i know how to do "both directions" 03:03:15 "both directions 0" will show you the idea, if you get it 03:08:21 argh crap i appear to have forgotten >_> 03:10:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 03:10:43 #36 "Explore the world" seems doable 03:11:04 -!- Pthing has quit (Remote closed the connection). 03:11:08 * Sgeo__ gives up on Very Early Warning after needing ONE extra slot in each function 03:12:31 * Sgeo__ figures it out 03:13:11 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 03:15:26 btw, i started working on a python port yesterday 03:17:04 No, I didn't figure it out 03:17:04 grr 03:18:13 -!- FireFly has quit ("Leaving"). 03:19:19 last two slots on mine were something like this: 03:19:32 (2,1) (2,3) (4,1) (4,3) 03:19:55 first in each pair had a single colour condition 03:20:26 How did you get away with not having to call 3 functions in 2 of the functions? 03:21:58 Hm, I think I see 03:22:21 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 03:22:31 -!- mtve has quit (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net). 03:22:31 -!- dbc has quit (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net). 03:22:31 -!- HackEgo has quit (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net). 03:22:31 -!- SimonRC has quit (kubrick.freenode.net irc.freenode.net). 03:24:03 No, I don't 03:24:31 -!- SimonRC has joined. 03:25:41 yikes that is me just done straying from the path now, that took me aages 03:27:31 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 03:28:47 * Sgeo__ has some relocation to attend to 03:28:52 Although I do have a puzzle idea 03:32:36 aw 03:33:04 I found a stupid way to do Very Early Warning which probably works but Id have to try too many combinations 03:34:34 #189 Cherry Picking is fun 03:34:55 just do a 4-state machine 03:35:00 for V.E.W. 03:35:11 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 03:35:20 yes but there's a lot of 4 state machines 03:35:25 I can't check each one 03:35:31 GreaseMonkey, but there's not enough room in each function! 03:35:50 Just one more space in two of them is all I need 03:36:55 something like: F1: ^ G> 1 R2 1 03:37:01 and based on that style 03:37:29 But I need both a G> and an R>.. don't I? 03:37:36 Hm, wait 03:37:42 I don't! 03:37:42 ty 03:38:41 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 03:39:55 np 03:40:21 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 03:41:35 Wait, no 03:41:58 No, I'm confused 03:42:21 #558 "8 ways" is kinda fun 03:43:12 -!- mtve has joined. 03:43:12 -!- dbc has joined. 03:43:12 -!- HackEgo has joined. 03:43:14 * Sgeo__ has some relocation to work on 03:45:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 03:45:51 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 03:48:23 just did #132: "Split" 03:48:32 hint: F1 is: 2 1 03:48:52 and you just go forward and add conditional corners, moving them around until you get it right 03:48:59 this game makes me feel like I am terrible 03:49:37 * MissPiggy has to keep playing to get good 03:54:53 It's wasted so much of my time 03:55:10 Seriously, I was supposed to relocate puzzles in Mutation II 03:55:11 you lot do find some of them difficult right? :) 03:55:26 fizzie doesn't, I'm sure 03:55:28 But I do 03:56:11 * Sgeo__ has a level idea, but it might be hate 03:56:12 hated 03:57:01 What does everyone hate about Silverlight? 03:57:16 I just don't like it because flash exists 04:00:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 04:03:37 * Sgeo__ works on Flip-flop Maze (lite) 04:05:31 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 04:13:13 Does anyone want to make a Flash client for RoboZZle? 04:13:46 -!- Asztal has joined. 04:32:14 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 04:33:41 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 04:35:41 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 04:47:33 -!- MissPiggy has quit. 05:11:50 -!- augur has joined. 05:14:50 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined. 05:19:27 -!- coppro has quit (Remote closed the connection). 05:41:04 -!- coppro has joined. 06:01:46 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 06:04:51 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined. 06:11:18 -!- BeholdMyGlory_ has joined. 06:13:34 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 06:30:43 -!- coppro has quit (Remote closed the connection). 06:31:21 -!- coppro has joined. 06:47:01 -!- jpc has quit ("I will do anything (almost) for a new router."). 07:06:15 -!- madbrain has quit ("Radiateur"). 07:20:25 -!- cheater2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 07:29:12 What happened to ehird? 07:29:15 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 07:29:41 eaten by gnomes 07:32:09 what the heck, he hasn't been here since last sunday? 07:43:05 -!- bsmntbombdood_ has joined. 07:58:32 -!- bsmntbombdood has quit (Connection timed out). 07:59:59 -!- clog has quit (ended). 08:00:00 -!- clog has joined. 08:00:13 -!- cheater2 has joined. 08:11:20 -!- MizardX has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 08:12:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 08:15:41 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 08:18:05 -!- Asztal has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 08:21:01 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 08:23:31 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 08:37:29 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined. 08:37:31 whee i have a solution for #224: waveform 08:40:34 * Sgeo__ vaguely sees how to do Less or more? 08:40:41 But right now I need to sleep 08:46:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 08:46:51 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 08:51:24 -!- tombom has joined. 08:53:15 i did that one at some point 08:56:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 08:57:21 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 09:09:19 GreaseMonkey, the way I've been noticing puzzles has been when you comment on them >.> 09:09:21 09:09:32 weird. 09:10:24 -!- coppro has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). 09:10:52 -!- coppro has joined. 09:12:31 -!- scarf has changed nick to scarf|away. 09:15:41 -!- scarf|away has changed nick to scarf. 09:19:30 -!- GreaseMonkey has quit ("HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.org <- Nobody cares enough to cybersquat it"). 09:20:08 -!- scarf has quit (Remote closed the connection). 09:20:33 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has joined. 09:36:21 -!- MigoMipo has joined. 09:47:16 -!- BeholdMyGlory_ has changed nick to BeholdMyGlory. 09:58:42 -!- FireFly has joined. 10:11:20 -!- oerjan has quit ("Good night"). 10:43:58 -!- kar8nga has joined. 10:54:19 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection). 10:56:22 -!- Pthing has joined. 10:58:42 Night none 11:27:20 -!- KingOfKarlsruhe has quit (Remote closed the connection). 12:51:09 -!- BeholdMyGlory has joined. 13:00:37 -!- nooga has joined. 13:01:23 -!- MissPiggy has joined. 13:07:55 -!- Gracenotes has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 13:32:22 -!- cheater3 has joined. 13:36:25 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). 13:44:32 -!- kar8nga has quit (Remote closed the connection). 13:50:05 -!- cheater2 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 14:07:52 -!- nooga has joined. 14:09:37 -!- tombom_ has joined. 14:20:38 -!- Pthing has quit ("Leaving"). 14:20:57 -!- Pthing has joined. 14:22:16 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 14:26:08 -!- nooga has joined. 14:30:38 -!- tombom has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)). 14:33:31 -!- MizardX has joined. 14:54:54 http://robozzle.com/index.aspx?puzzle=189 I can't do this 14:58:17 http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.30245 Gee, DealExtreme has a teddy bear that's birthing another teddy bear by C-section. 15:17:01 -!- kar8nga has joined. 15:22:44 -!- tombom__ has joined. 15:29:34 MissPiggy: can't see how you're supposed to do it, or can't implement your idea with the restrictions? 15:30:40 i think the idea is you always go up, storing an instruction for returning back for each step you take, when you see a red one, you avoid the pit, and store in the stack instructions to avoid the pit when you come back 15:30:46 the rest is repetition 15:31:26 i can't help you with an actual implementation, that might take more than a look 15:31:36 cuz i'm sooooo buzy 15:42:40 -!- tombom_ has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)). 15:46:39 oklopol both 15:49:49 i see. well did you understand what i said? 15:50:21 each time you go up, put in the stack another command for going down once you return from the recursion 15:51:17 and when you see a red one, avoid the pit somehow, and put in the stack instructions for avoiding the pit once you return from recursion 15:51:35 all the details seem to suggest that's how you're supposed to do it 16:11:23 okay tested my idea, stops one slot short 16:17:31 -!- zzo38 has joined. 16:17:48 I have a new idea, the "Crab's Jukebox" esolang. 16:30:22 -!- nooga has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 16:44:57 lol asiekierka's puzzle has difficulty 2.5 :D 16:45:09 shouldn't be even two 16:45:32 What is asiekierka's puzzle? 16:48:07 oh actually he has many prolly, i don't really know what i had open 16:50:41 the newest 16:50:53 oh wait you probably don't know even the context 16:50:58 that would be robozzle 16:51:12 Actually I guessed (but I wasn't sure) 16:51:44 I guessed correctly but I would still need the number (I use the JavaScript mode; it can be used with any puzzle number even if it is not listed) 16:52:01 164X i think 16:52:35 where X is something, i didn't look at the number, so really it might be 62309. 16:53:51 Do you like the idea of "Crab's Jukebox" esolang, that is just some idea I had, I don't know how well it could be done, even. 16:54:04 But I think it would be difficult to categorize. 16:54:08 1640 actually 16:54:20 OK, thanks 1640 16:54:30 on esowiki? 16:54:33 i haven't looked yet 16:54:43 I haven't posted it yet, sorry 16:54:49 It is just an idea in my mind, so far 16:58:25 And hopefully you can understand what I meant by that 17:01:54 Puzzle 1640 solved 17:04:48 If you solved it, tell me your solution privately to me? (And I can do the same you, if you asked)( 17:07:05 The JavaScript version is licensed under Ms-PL, and you could look at it, and possible make up a editor for it if you wanted to, and do other stuff too, possibly) 17:10:28 There is only one program I wrote that I licensed under one of the Microsoft licenses (Ms-RL, to be specific), it is simply called "ddd" and it uses two licenses you may select one, Ms-RL and GNU GPL version 2 or later version. (The program was based on an example code from Microsoft web-site) (I selected this combination for another reason too, so that it could be included with Windows and with ReactOS as well) 17:11:09 I think zzo is a million times smarter than me :D 17:11:29 im going to try harder at 1640 17:16:17 I cannot see the videos or instructions, I just had to guess how it worked, and see whether or not I was correct. I figured out the rules of the game pretty easily actually 17:22:27 -!- zzo38 has quit. 17:26:02 -!- Asztal has joined. 17:34:29 you found 1640 hard? 17:35:02 maybe i just happened to see the solution instantly 17:35:55 I can see a dozen solutions but none that fit in the available space. 17:39:54 Friends don't let friends use MS licenses. 17:40:48 Gregor: One of their licenses is actually a straightforward copyleft license... 17:41:00 Friends don't let friends use MS licenses. 17:41:12 Even the GPL-compatible one? 17:41:19 Friends don't let friends use MS licenses. 17:41:42 Why use a GPL-compatible MS license if you can use GPL/BSD/MIT 17:41:45 Erm. Sorry. Neither of the free ones is GPL-compatible. 17:41:56 (patent clause) 17:42:45 Friends don't let friends use MS licenses. 17:46:48 Awww, I have a happy, purry kitty. 17:46:57 (That's the best kind of kitty) 17:53:17 I have a cat that tries to eat cardboard. 17:55:08 Is that the best kind of cat too? 17:59:12 well my dog eats shit 17:59:17 take that, society 17:59:20 sleep -> 18:04:54 -!- jix has joined. 18:08:44 -!- tombom has joined. 18:09:44 -!- tombom_ has joined. 18:25:15 -!- tombom__ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 18:28:20 -!- tombom has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)). 18:46:53 I think I did Tree, Tree II, and Tree III all in less time than I've stared at Learning Stack 18:48:20 that one looks difficult 18:49:09 Limit your stack! is among the first ones I did, and it's rated 0.8 higher than Learning Stack 18:49:46 Hrm, but wasn't "learning stack" just yet one of the "move-recurse-move" ones, basically? 18:49:59 http://robozzle.com/js/play.aspx?puzzle=330 18:51:12 Hmm, reopening it gave me a new idea... 18:51:28 Yes. I did it in about eleven seconds now, though I've done it earlier too so maybe that doesn't count. 18:52:00 Right, interleaving calls to F1 and F2 wasn't a good idea. 18:52:21 I have just a single f2-call in f1, and then some manual movement for the twiddle in the tail. 18:52:34 Yeah, exactly. 18:52:50 That twiddle was giving me trouble as I had F1 call F2, which called F1 again. 18:53:46 I'd've had a lot easier time if F1 would've been the recursive function :-P 18:53:57 * uorygl looks at puzzle 1640. 18:58:25 Solved. 18:58:36 Meh, screw you guys. 18:59:20 screw you guys I'm going home 18:59:36 That'd work if I wasn't at home. 19:17:28 And solved 189, too. 19:17:38 This game is, in fact, not bad. 19:17:51 Like cpressey said, it's crack. 19:18:10 I apparently should never try crack, given that my ability to solve puzzles is so random. 19:32:04 I think "crack" can be defined as "something that you don't like but want to do again anyway". 19:33:27 It can also be defined as "methyl (1R,2R,3S,5S)-3- (benzoyloxy)-8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1] octane-2-carboxylate". 19:37:38 * Sgeo__ hopes ehird is ok 19:51:26 ehird hasn't been seen in a while? 19:53:54 Well, I haven't seen him in a while 19:57:14 * uorygl nods. 20:13:24 It took fizzie _8_ commands to solve Gridlock 20:13:59 ( this one http://robozzle.com/puzzle.aspx?id=882 ) 20:18:17 That'd work if I wasn't at home. <-- then what about "screw you guys I'm leaving home"? 20:19:07 Gee, now I'm also obsessed with robozzle >.> 20:19:17 I tried it 20:19:18 and 20:19:22 meh 20:19:29 Yeah, same here 20:19:32 And then I tried it again 20:19:32 and 20:19:34 stuck :\ 20:19:43 note to self: don't try it again 20:19:50 I don't have the time to try it agai 20:19:51 again* 20:20:22 * Sgeo__ already stole plenty of people's time 20:20:37 Well, ok, so it was Robozzle, and I just pointed to it, but still 20:20:39 Muahaha! 20:24:53 -!- bsmntbombdood_ has changed nick to bsmntbombdood. 20:45:04 Sgeo__: Gridlock is one of the ones that I stared at for at least half an hour 20:45:25 Looking at other's solution lengths can help 20:45:49 I think there are two puzzles named Gridlock, though 20:45:51 Well yes, because if the length is 3 there are only so many combinations :-P 20:46:04 I was talking about that one, at least 20:49:36 -!- cheater2 has joined. 20:55:12 -!- madbrain has joined. 20:57:01 -!- GreaseMonkey has joined. 20:57:25 so, uh, my robozzle python port is starting to shape up 20:57:29 you can click stuff! 20:57:33 soon you'll be able to run stuff! 20:57:39 i just need icons + behaviour! 20:58:38 GreaseMonkey, make a Robozzle Flash client? 20:58:44 -!- cheater3 has quit (Connection timed out). 20:58:56 Sgeo__: eww flash is poop :/ 20:59:02 it also reaks of proprietary 20:59:08 GreaseMonkey, better than Silverlight, though 20:59:13 true 21:02:38 oh the joys of flexible programming languages 21:02:40 (icon_pause if self.rrunning and self.rstarted else icon_play)(surf, 2, self.h-2-54) 21:06:15 Sgeo__: Since it obviously disturbed you, I submitted a four-command solution for Gridlock; it took something like seven seconds to devise one. I'm not quite sure what the 8-command one could've been. 21:07:23 Sorry, three. One was superfluous. 21:07:30 fizzie: which is this? 21:08:02 Number 884. 21:08:06 No, 882. 21:08:10 Misremembered. 21:08:45 Sgeo was being complainy about my existing eight-command solution. 21:09:07 Anyway, stop babbling about the game; I've succesfully stopped playing it twice or thrice already. 21:09:35 >_< 21:09:48 * FireFly is half-stuck on Recursed 21:11:50 lemme try... 21:12:23 The dreaded move-recurse-move (anti)pattern. 21:12:26 got it straight away =D 21:12:34 ^ R< 1 21:13:41 rofl about half of the solvers got it in 3: http://robozzle.com/puzzle.aspx?id=882 21:14:00 actually, it's split into 1/3s 21:14:09 1/3 got 3, 1/3 got 4, and the other 1/3 got more 21:18:33 -!- oerjan has joined. 21:18:41 Sgeo__, why did you suggest flash 21:18:43 ...? 21:18:57 AnMaster, more people would be willing to try RoboZZle 21:19:52 Sgeo__, than with python? 21:20:17 Sgeo__, well I think flash and silverlight are equally bad 21:20:29 brb 21:20:34 I think many people in /r/WebGames would disagree 21:22:01 You should've just linked to the javascript version directly 21:22:04 what somebody in here made it? 21:22:18 No 21:24:34 YAY IT'S PROGRAMMABLE \o/ 21:24:49 Sgeo__, the js version wasn't too bad 21:24:50 now to make it point out which command is actually running 21:24:57 and now, night → 21:25:02 the JS version just needs an editor 21:25:03 night AnMaster 21:25:22 AnMaster, I did mention the JS version in the comments 21:25:30 But no one seems to have noticed bleh 21:25:50 Yeah, people are idiots 21:26:21 They click the link, comment "OMG SILVERLIGHT FU" and don't bother reading and upvoting the top comment which points to a javascript version 21:26:38 Hence link to the javascript version instead of the silverlight :-P 21:27:37 if i wanted a web version, java[script] would be my choice 21:27:47 java would be used if ever it needed music 21:34:37 now i've got to get painting working 21:40:39 -!- MissPiggy has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)). 21:41:35 hmm, it appears that it was already implemented. 21:45:40 argh bugger it doesn't reset the map - i shall fix that now. 21:49:30 whee langton's ant \o/ 21:51:00 and it resets properly. 21:51:08 now to add in stars and moveables. 21:55:53 should i integrate pymod with this and make it fetch random MODs from modarchive 21:55:55 ? 21:57:07 but yeah, pys3m is far too CPU-heavy to be integrated with this thing 22:02:55 Can this download levels from robozzle.com? That would be cool 22:05:16 not yet 22:05:25 you can't load or save ATM 22:05:34 also, you can't relocate the robot yet 22:06:32 -!- MigoMipo has changed nick to MigoMipo_Zwei. 22:06:37 -!- MigoMipo_Zwei has changed nick to MigoMipo_Drei. 22:06:58 -!- MigoMipo_Drei has changed nick to MigoMipo. 22:09:31 -!- BeholdMyGlory has quit (Remote closed the connection). 22:16:06 ARGH the digit printer prints the digits backward 22:16:07 s 22:16:56 -!- calamari has joined. 22:17:42 Gregor: btw, did you meet Justin Cappos when in Washington? 22:18:58 oh nm.. wrong university 22:22:54 yay this does basically everything except loading + saving 22:27:52 -!- kar8nga has quit (Remote closed the connection). 22:28:29 -!- tombom_ has quit ("Leaving"). 22:37:04 -!- MigoMipo has quit (Remote closed the connection). 22:38:28 I wasn't in Washington at all, wrong university or not :P 22:42:57 question: should i continue to work on my python robozzle port, or add some more formats to my module transposer thingy? 22:43:13 Both! 22:44:28 -!- oerjan has quit ("Later"). 22:59:56 What module transposer thingy? 23:15:12 -!- MizardX- has joined. 23:15:21 -!- MizardX has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)). 23:15:50 -!- MizardX- has changed nick to MizardX. 23:16:37 -!- FireFly has quit ("Leaving"). 23:28:11 it's something i'll use to transpose mod/s3m/xm/it 23:28:20 working on the xm one, and s3m is remaining 23:43:07 -!- augur has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)). 23:52:18 so... it turns out that if you launch vim in certain ways from the GUI, it starts up and just sits there, invisible 23:52:35 this si not too bad except when one opens a 500MB file in it 23:52:56 what with firefox sitting arouns it tends to create a bit of a memory crisis 23:55:09 * SimonRC goes to bed 23:56:36 -!- calamari has quit ("Leaving").