←2004-12-17 2004-12-18 2004-12-19→ ↑2004 ↑all
01:13:05 <ZeroOne> bwah... I just installed ActivePerl just to get the Argh! interpreter to work. :)
01:15:02 <ZeroOne> (http://www.sha-bang.de/content/13_eso/Argh-Spec.txt)
01:42:28 <heatsink> Perl?
01:42:48 <heatsink> I hope by the time it gets to Aaaaargh!, it's in python.
01:58:35 <cpressey> i would've though perl would be perfectly apropos for a language called "Argh!"
02:00:02 <heatsink> But the name comes from a Monty Python movie
02:31:47 <cpressey> ah. i'm not familiar with that one.
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←2004-12-17 2004-12-18 2004-12-19→ ↑2004 ↑all